Community EnKF Users Page

Community Code Contributions

Code Transition Support

GSI/EnKF is a community data assimilation system, open to contributions from scientists and software engineers from both the operational and research communities. To facilitate this process, the DTC is providing code transition assistance to the general research community. For the preparation and integration of thecode:

Prospective contributors of code to the GSI system should contact the GSI Helpdesk .

Prospective contributors of code to the EnKF system should contact the EnKF Helpdesk .

It is the contributor's responsibility to ensure that a proposed code change is correct, meets the GSI/EnKF coding standards, and its expected impact is documented. The DTC will help the contributors run the regression tests and merge the code with the top of the repository trunk.

DTC Visitor Program

Prospective contributors can also apply to the DTC visitor program for their GSI/EnKF research and code transition. The visitor program is open to applications year-round. Please check the visitor program webpage for the latest announcement of opportunity and application procedures.

Code Review Committee

The code transition from prospective contributors is overseen by the Data Assimilation Review Committee (DARC). It was originally formed as the GSI Review Committee in 2010, with a goal of incorporating all major GSI development teams in the United States within a unified community framework. In 2014, NCEP and DTC decided to merge their GSI code repository with the code repository of the NOAA ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) data assimilation system. Such a merging enabled coordinated development of both systems and joint community support. Following the repository merging, the GSI Review Committee was transitioned to DARC, incorporating new members representing the EnKF development and applications.

Currently, DARC contains members from

  • NASA's Goddard Global Modeling and Assimilation Office (GMAO)
  • NOAA's Earth System Research Laboratory (ESRL)
  • National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Mesoscale\Microscale Meteorology Laboratory (MMM)
  • National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service (NESDIS)
  • Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation (JCSDA)
  • Air Force
  • University of Maryland, and
  • DTC
  • This committee reviews proposals for code commits to the GSI/EnKF repository and monitors that coding standards and tests are being fulfilled. Once the committee reaches approval, the contributed code will be committed to the GSI/EnKF code repository and available for operational implementation and public release.