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SRW v2.1.0
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◆ subgrid_z_proc()

subroutine gfdl_cloud_microphys_mod::subgrid_z_proc ( integer, intent(in)  ktop,
integer, intent(in)  kbot,
real, dimension (ktop:kbot), intent(in)  p1,
real, dimension (ktop:kbot), intent(in)  den,
real, dimension (ktop:kbot), intent(in)  denfac,
real, intent(in)  dts,
real, intent(in)  rh_adj,
real, dimension (ktop:kbot), intent(inout)  tz,
real, dimension (ktop:kbot), intent(inout)  qv,
real, dimension (ktop:kbot), intent(inout)  ql,
real, dimension (ktop:kbot), intent(inout)  qr,
real, dimension (ktop:kbot), intent(inout)  qi,
real, dimension (ktop:kbot), intent(inout)  qs,
real, dimension (ktop:kbot), intent(inout)  qg,
real, dimension (ktop:kbot), intent(inout)  qa,
real, intent(in)  h_var,
real, intent(in)  rh_rain 

GFDL Cloud subgrid_z_proc General Algorithm

  • Define conversion scalar/factor.
  • Define heat capacity and latend heat coefficient.
  • Instant deposit all water vapor to cloud ice when temperature is super low.
  • Update heat capacity and latend heat coefficient.
  • Instant evaporation/sublimation of all clouds if rh < rh_adj \rightarrow cloud free.
  • cloud water \Leftrightarrow vapor adjustment:
  • Update heat capacity and latend heat coefficient.
  • Enforce complete freezing below -48^oC.
  • Update heat capacity and latend heat coefficient.
  • Apply Bigg mechanism.
  • Update capacity heat and latend heat coefficient.
  • Sublimation/deposition of ice.
  • Update capacity heat and latend heat coefficient.
  • Sublimation/deposition of snow.
  • Update capacity heat and latend heat coefficient.
  • Simplified 2-way grapuel sublimation-deposition mechanism.
  • Update capacity heat and latend heat coefficient.
  • Minimum evap of rain in dry environmental air.
  • Update capacity heat and latend heat coefficient.
  • Combine water species.
  • Use the "liquid-frozen water temperature" (tin) to compute saturated specific humidity.
  • Compute cloud fraction, assuming subgrid linear distribution in horizontal; this is effectively a smoother for the binary cloud scheme.

References wqs1().

Referenced by icloud().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function: