CCPP Scidoc for SRW v2.1.0  SRW v2.1.0
Common Community Physics Package Developed at DTC
NSSL MP Module

This module contains the front end to NSSL microphysics scheme. More...

Collaboration diagram for NSSL MP Module:


 NSSL 2-moment microphysics modules
 This module provides a 2-moment bulk microphysics scheme described by Mansell, Zeigler, and Bruning (2010, JAS)
subroutine, public mp_nssl::mp_nssl_init (ncol, nlev, errflg, errmsg, threads, restart, mpirank, mpiroot, con_g, con_rd, con_cp, con_rv, con_t0c, con_cliq, con_csol, con_eps, imp_physics, imp_physics_nssl, nssl_cccn, nssl_alphah, nssl_alphahl, nssl_ccn_on, nssl_hail_on, nssl_invertccn)
 This subroutine is a wrapper around the nssl_2mom_init(). More...
subroutine, public mp_nssl::mp_nssl_run (ncol, nlev, con_g, con_rd, mpirank, spechum, cccn, cccna, qc, qr, qi, qs, qh, qhl, ccw, crw, cci, csw, chw, chl, vh, vhl, tgrs, prslk, prsl, phii, omega, dtp, prcp, rain, graupel, ice, snow, sr, refl_10cm, do_radar_ref, first_time_step, restart, re_cloud, re_ice, re_snow, re_rain, nleffr, nieffr, nseffr, nreffr, imp_physics, convert_dry_rho, imp_physics_nssl, nssl_ccn_on, nssl_hail_on, nssl_invertccn, ntccn, ntccna, errflg, errmsg)

Detailed Description