CCPP SciDoc for UFS-SRW v2.2.0  SRW v2.2.0
Common Community Physics Package Developed at DTC
GFS RRTMG Scheme Setup

This subroutine initializes RRTMG. More...


module  gfs_rrtmg_setup


subroutine, public gfs_rrtmg_setup::gfs_rrtmg_setup_init (si, levr, ictm, isol, solar_file, ico2, iaer, ntcw, num_p3d, npdf3d, ntoz, iovr, iovr_rand, iovr_maxrand, iovr_max, iovr_dcorr, iovr_exp, iovr_exprand, icliq_sw, lcrick, lcnorm, imp_physics, lnoprec, idate, iflip, do_RRTMGP, me, lalw1bd, iaermdl, iaerflg, aeros_file, con_pi, con_t0c, con_c, con_boltz, con_plnk, con_solr_2008, con_solr_2002, con_g, con_rd, co2usr_file, co2cyc_file, rad_hr_units, inc_minor_gas, icliq_lw, isubcsw, isubclw, iswmode, ipsd0, ltp, lextop, errmsg, errflg)
subroutine, public gfs_rrtmg_setup::gfs_rrtmg_setup_finalize (errmsg, errflg)
subroutine gfs_rrtmg_setup::radupdate (idate, jdate, deltsw, deltim, lsswr, me, iaermdl, iaerflg, isol, aeros_file, slag, sdec, cdec, solcon, con_pi, co2dat_file, co2gbl_file, ictm, ico2, ntoz, errflg, errmsg)
 This subroutine checks and updates time sensitive data used by radiation computations. This subroutine needs to be placed inside the time advancement loop but outside of the horizontal grid loop. It is invoked at radiation calling frequncy but before any actual radiative transfer computations. More...


character(40), parameter gfs_rrtmg_setup::vtagrad ='NCEP-Radiation_driver v5.2 Jan 2013 '
integer gfs_rrtmg_setup::month0 = 0
 new data input control variables (set/reset in subroutine radupdate): More...
integer gfs_rrtmg_setup::iyear0 = 0
integer gfs_rrtmg_setup::monthd = 0
logical gfs_rrtmg_setup::loz1st = .true.
 control flag for the first time of reading climatological ozone data (set/reset in subroutines radinit/radupdate, it is used only if the control parameter ntoz=0) More...

Detailed Description