CCPP SciDoc for UFS-SRW v2.2.0  SRW v2.2.0
Common Community Physics Package Developed at DTC

◆ sediment1d()

subroutine module_mp_nssl_2mom::sediment1d ( real  dtp,
integer  nx,
integer  ny,
integer  nz,
real, dimension(-nor+1:nx+nor,-nor+1:ny+nor,-norz+1:nz+norz,na an,
integer  na,
integer  nor,
integer  norz,
real, dimension(nx,ny,na xfall,
real, dimension(-nor+1:nx+nor,-nor+1:ny+nor,-norz+1:nz+norz)  dn,
real, dimension(-nor+1:nx+nor,-nor+1:ny+nor,-norz+1:nz+norz)  dz3d,
real, dimension(-nor+1:nx+nor,-nor+1:ny+nor,-norz+1:nz+norz)  dz3dinv,
real, dimension(-nor+1:nx+nor,-nor+1:ny+nor,-norz+1:nz+norz)  t0,
real, dimension(-nor+1:nx+nor,-nor+1:ny+nor,-norz+1:nz+norz)  t7,
integer  infdo,
integer  jslab,
integer  its,
integer  jts,
double precision  timesed1,
double precision  timesed2,
double precision  timesed3,
double precision  zmaxsed,
double precision  timesetvt 

References calcnfromz1d(), calczgr1d(), fallout1d(), and ziegfall1d().

Referenced by nssl_2mom_driver().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function: