CCPP SciDoc for UFS-SRW v2.2.0  SRW v2.2.0
Common Community Physics Package Developed at DTC
GFS Surface Layer Module

This module calculates surface roughness length.This subroutine includes the surface roughness length formulation based on the surface sublayer scheme in Zeng and Dickinson (1998) [203]. More...


subroutine, public sfc_diff::sfc_diff_run (im, rvrdm1, eps, epsm1, grav, ps, t1, q1, z1, garea, wind, prsl1, prslki, prsik1, prslk1, sigmaf, vegtype, shdmax, ivegsrc, z0pert, ztpert, flag_iter, redrag, u10m, v10m, sfc_z0_type, wet, dry, icy, thsfc_loc, tskin_wat, tskin_lnd, tskin_ice, tsurf_wat, tsurf_lnd, tsurf_ice, z0rl_wat, z0rl_lnd, z0rl_ice, z0rl_wav, ustar_wat, ustar_lnd, ustar_ice, cm_wat, cm_lnd, cm_ice, ch_wat, ch_lnd, ch_ice, rb_wat, rb_lnd, rb_ice, stress_wat, stress_lnd, stress_ice, fm_wat, fm_lnd, fm_ice, fh_wat, fh_lnd, fh_ice, fm10_wat, fm10_lnd, fm10_ice, fh2_wat, fh2_lnd, fh2_ice, ztmax_wat, ztmax_lnd, ztmax_ice, zvfun, errmsg, errflg)
subroutine, public sfc_diff::stability (z1, zvfun, gdx, tv1, thv1, wind, z0max, ztmax, tvs, grav, thsfc_loc, rb, fm, fh, fm10, fh2, cm, ch, stress, ustar)
subroutine sfc_diff::znot_m_v6 (uref, znotm)

Detailed Description

Argument Table

GFS Surface Layer Scheme General Algorithm