CCPP SciDoc for UFS-SRW v2.2.0  SRW v2.2.0
Common Community Physics Package Developed at DTC
sgscloud_radpre_run Module

This interstitial code adds the subgrid clouds to the resolved-scale clouds if there is no resolved-scale clouds in that particular grid box. It can also specify a cloud fraction for resolved-scale clouds as is done currently when using MYNN-EDMF. For clouds coming from the convection schemes (in this case only used by GF scheme), two cloud fraction options are available: Xu-Randall (XR1996) or Chaboureau and Bechtold (CB2005), chosen by the switch "conv_cf_opt" = 0: CB2005, 1: XR1996.

Argument Table

cloud array description: ! clouds(:,:,1) - layer total cloud fraction ! clouds(:,:,2) - layer cloud liq water path ! clouds(:,:,3) - mean effective radius for liquid cloud ! clouds(:,:,4) - layer cloud ice water path ! clouds(:,:,5) - mean effective radius for ice cloud ! clouds(:,:,6) - layer rain drop water path ! clouds(:,:,7) - mean effective radius for rain drop ! clouds(:,:,8) - layer snow flake water path ! clouds(:,:,9) - mean effective radius for snow flake

SGS Cloud Scheme Pre General Algorithm