CCPP SciDoc for UFS-SRW v2.2.0  SRW v2.2.0
Common Community Physics Package Developed at DTC

◆ combo()

subroutine clm_lake::combo ( real(kind_lake), intent(inout)  dz,
real(kind_lake), intent(inout)  wliq,
real(kind_lake), intent(inout)  wice,
real(kind_lake), intent(inout)  t,
real(kind_lake), intent(in)  dz2,
real(kind_lake), intent(in)  wliq2,
real(kind_lake), intent(in)  wice2,
real(kind_lake), intent(in)  t2 
[in]dz2Combines two elements and returns the following combined variables: dz, t, wliq, wice.
[in]dz2nodal thickness of 2 elements being combined [m]
[in]wliq2liquid water of element 2 [kg/m2]
[in]wice2ice of element 2 [kg/m2]
[in]t2nodal temperature of element 2 [K]
[in,out]dznodal thickness of 1 elements being combined [m]
[in,out]wliqliquid water of element 1
[in,out]wiceice of element 1 [kg/m2]
[in,out]tnodel temperature of elment 1 [K]