This module contains Grell-Freitas shallow convection scheme.GF shallow convection as described in Grell and Freitas (2014) [grell_and_freitas_2014]. input variables are: More...
Functions/Subroutines | |
subroutine | cu_gf_sh::cu_gf_sh_run (us, vs, zo, t, q, z1, tn, qo, po, psur, dhdt, kpbl, rho, hfx, qfx, xland, ichoice, tcrit, dtime, zuo, xmb_out, kbcon, ktop, k22, ierr, ierrc, outt, outq, outqc, outu, outv, cnvwt, pre, cupclw, itf, ktf, its, ite, kts, kte, ipr, tropics) |
us | x wind updated by physics |
vs | y wind updated by physics |
zo | height at model levels |
t,tn | temperature without and with forcing at model levels |
q,qo | mixing ratio without and with forcing at model levels |
po | pressure at model levels (mb) |
psur | surface pressure (mb) |
z1 | surface height |
dhdt | forcing for boundary layer equilibrium |
hfx,qfx | in w/m2 (positive, if upward from sfc) |
kpbl | level of boundaty layer height |
rho | moist air density |
xland | land mask (1. for land) |
ichoice | which closure to choose 1: old g 2: zws 3: dhdt 0: average |
tcrit | parameter for water/ice conversion (258) |
dtime | physics time step |
zuo | normalized mass flux profile |
xmb_out | base mass flux |
kbcon | convective cloud base |
ktop | cloud top |
k22 | level of updraft originating air |
ierr | error flag |
ierrc | error description |
outt | temperature tendency (k/s) |
outq | mixing ratio tendency (kg/kg/s) |
outqc | cloud water/ice tendency (kg/kg/s) |
outu | x wind tendency |
outv | y wind tendency |
pre | precip rate (mm/s) |
cupclw | incloud mixing ratio of cloudwater/ice (for radiation) this needs heavy tuning factors, since cloud fraction is not included (kg/kg) |
cnvwt | required for gfs physics |
itf,ktf,its,ite,kts,kte | are dimensions |
ipr | horizontal index of printed column |
tropics | =0 |