CCPP SciDoc for UFS-SRW v3.0.0  SRW v3.0.0
Common Community Physics Package Developed at DTC
GFDL In-Core Fast Saturation Adjustment Module

The subroutine 'fv_sat_adj' implements the fast processes in the GFDL Cloud MP. It is part of the GFDL Cloud MP. More...


subroutine, public fv_sat_adj::fv_sat_adj_run (mdt, zvir, is, ie, isd, ied, kmp, km, kmdelz, js, je, jsd, jed, ng, hydrostatic, fast_mp_consv, te0_2d, te0, ngas, qvi, qv, ql, qi, qr, qs, qg, hs, peln, delz, delp, pt, pkz, q_con, akap, cappa, area, dtdt, out_dt, last_step, do_qa, qa, nthreads, errmsg, errflg)
real(kind=kind_dyn) function fv_sat_adj::wqs1 (ta, den)
 the function 'wqs1' computes the saturated specific humidity for table ii. More...
real(kind=kind_dyn) function fv_sat_adj::iqs1 (ta, den)
 the function 'wqs1' computes the saturated specific humidity for table iii More...
real(kind=kind_dyn) function fv_sat_adj::wqs2 (ta, den, dqdt)
 The function 'wqs2'computes the gradient of saturated specific humidity for table ii. More...
subroutine fv_sat_adj::wqs2_vect (is, ie, ta, den, wqsat, dqdt)
 The function wqs2_vect computes the gradient of saturated specific humidity for table ii. It is the same as "wqs2", but written as vector function. More...
real(kind=kind_dyn) function fv_sat_adj::iqs2 (ta, den, dqdt)
 The function 'iqs2' computes the gradient of saturated specific humidity for table iii. More...
subroutine fv_sat_adj::qs_table (n)
 saturation water vapor pressure table i More...
subroutine fv_sat_adj::qs_tablew (n)
 saturation water vapor pressure table ii. More...
subroutine fv_sat_adj::qs_table2 (n)
 saturation water vapor pressure table iii. More...
subroutine fv_sat_adj::fv_sat_adj_work (mdt, zvir, is, ie, js, je, ng, hydrostatic, consv_te, te0, ifdef MULTI_GASES
 This subroutine includes the entity of the fast saturation adjustment processes. More...

Detailed Description

Shian-Jiann Lin, Linjiong Zhou

The subroutine 'fv_sat_adj' performs the fast processes in the GFDL microphysics.

This is designed for single-moment 6-class cloud microphysics schemes. It handles the heat release due to in situ phase changes.

Argument Table