CCPP SciDoc for UFS-SRW v3.0.0  SRW v3.0.0
Common Community Physics Package Developed at DTC

This module contains the RUC Land Surface Model developed by NOAA/GSL (Smirnova et al. 2016 [182]). More...


module  module_sf_ruclsm
 This module contains the entity of the RUC LSM model, which is a
soil/veg/snowpack and ice/snowpack/land-surface model to update soil moisture, soil temperature, skin temperature, snowpack water content, snowdepth, and all terms of the surface energy balance and surface water balance.


subroutine lsm_ruc::rucinit (lsm_cold_start, im, lsoil_ruc, lsoil, nlev, me, master, lsm_ruc, lsm, slmsk, stype, vtype, landfrac, fice, min_seaice, tskin_lnd, tskin_wat, tg3, zs, dzs, smc, slc, stc, sh2o, smfrkeep, tslb, smois, wetness, errmsg, errflg)
 This subroutine contains RUC LSM initialization. More...
subroutine module_sf_ruclsm::ruclsm_soilvegparm (debug_print, MMINLURUC, MMINSL)
 This subroutine specifies vegetation related characteristics. More...
subroutine, public set_soilveg_ruc_mod::set_soilveg_ruc (me, isot, ivet, nlunit, errmsg, errflg)
 This subroutine specifies vegetation and soil parameters for a given soil and land-use classification. More...
subroutine, public module_soil_pre::init_soil_depth_3 (zs, dzs, num_soil_levels)
 This subroutine defines level depth in soil and thickness of soil layers RUC LSM. More...
subroutine, public module_soil_pre::init_soil_3_real (tsk, tmn, smois, tslb, st_input, sm_input, landmask, sst, zs, dzs, st_levels_input, sm_levels_input, num_soil_layers, num_st_levels_input, num_sm_levels_input, num_st_levels_alloc, num_sm_levels_alloc, flag_sst, flag_soil_layers, flag_soil_levels, ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme, its, ite, jts, jte, kts, kte)
 This subroutine initializes soil moisture and temperature at RUC vertical levels from the Noah layers. RUC has 3 levels in the top Noah layer, therefore, initialization of soil moisture at these top levels is questionable. More...
subroutine, public module_sf_ruclsm::lsmruc (xlat, xlon, DT, init, lsm_cold_start, KTAU, iter, NSL, graupelncv, snowncv, rainncv, raincv, ZS, RAINBL, SNOW, SNOWH, SNOWC, FRZFRAC, frpcpn, rhosnf, precipfr, exticeden, hgt, stdev, Z3D, P8W, T3D, QV3D, QC3D, RHO3D, EMISBCK, GLW, GSWdn, GSW, EMISS, CHKLOWQ, CHS, FLQC, FLHC, rhonewsn_ex, mosaic_lu, mosaic_soil, isncond_opt, isncovr_opt, MAVAIL, CANWAT, VEGFRA, ALB, ZNT, Z0, SNOALB, ALBBCK, LAI, landusef, nlcat, soilctop, nscat, QSFC, QSG, QVG, QCG, DEW, SOILT1, TSNAV, TBOT, IVGTYP, ISLTYP, XLAND, ISWATER, ISICE, XICE, XICE_THRESHOLD, CP, RV, RD, G0, PI, LV, STBOLT, SOILMOIS, SH2O, SMAVAIL, SMMAX, TSO, SOILT, EDIR, EC, ETT, SUBLIM, SNOH, HFX, QFX, LH, INFILTR, RUNOFF1, RUNOFF2, ACRUNOFF, SFCEXC, SFCEVP, GRDFLX, SNOWFALLAC, ACSNOW, SNOM, SMFR3D, KEEPFR3DFLAG, myj, shdmin, shdmax, rdlai2d, ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme, its, ite, jts, jte, kts, kte, errmsg, errflg)
 The RUN LSM model is described in Smirnova et al.(1997) [180] and Smirnova et al.(2000) [181]. More...
subroutine module_sf_ruclsm::sfctmp (debug_print, delt, ktau, conflx, i, j, xlat, xlon, testptlat, testptlon, nzs, nddzs, nroot, meltfactor, isncond_opt, isncovr_opt, ILAND, ISOIL, IVGTYP, ISLTYP, PRCPMS, NEWSNMS, SNWE, SNHEI, SNOWFRAC, exticeden, RHOSN, RHONEWSN_ex, RHONEWSN, RHOSNFALL, snowrat, grauprat, icerat, curat, PATM, TABS, QVATM, QCATM, rho, GLW, GSWdn, GSW, EMISS, EMISBCK, msnf, facsnf, QKMS, TKMS, PC, MAVAIL, CST, VEGFRA, ALB, ZNT, ALB_SNOW, ALB_SNOW_FREE, lai, hgt, stdev, MYJ, SEAICE, ISICE, QWRTZ, rhocs, dqm, qmin, ref, wilt, psis, bclh, ksat, sat, cn, zsmain, zshalf, DTDZS, DTDZS2, tbq, cp, rovcp, g0, lv, stbolt, cw, c1sn, c2sn, KQWRTZ, KICE, KWT, snweprint, snheiprint, rsm, soilm1d, ts1d, smfrkeep, keepfr, soilt, soilt1, tsnav, dew, qvg, qsg, qcg, SMELT, SNOH, SNFLX, SNOM, SNOWFALLAC, ACSNOW, edir1, ec1, ett1, eeta, qfx, hfx, s, sublim, evapl, prcpl, fltot, runoff1, runoff2, soilice, soiliqw, infiltr, smf)
 This subroutine solves energy and moisture budgets. More...
real(kind_phys) function module_sf_ruclsm::qsn (TN, T)
 This function computes water vapor mixing ratio at saturation from the precomputed table and a given temperature. More...
subroutine module_sf_ruclsm::soil (debug_print, xlat, xlon, i, j, iland, isoil, delt, ktau, conflx, nzs, nddzs, nroot, PRCPMS, RAINF, PATM, QVATM, QCATM, GLW, GSW, GSWin, EMISS, RNET, QKMS, TKMS, PC, cst, drip, infwater, rho, vegfrac, lai, myj, QWRTZ, rhocs, dqm, qmin, ref, wilt, psis, bclh, ksat, sat, cn, zsmain, zshalf, DTDZS, DTDZS2, tbq, xlv, CP, rovcp, G0_P, cw, stbolt, TABS, KQWRTZ, KICE, KWT, soilmois, tso, smfrkeep, keepfr, dew, soilt, qvg, qsg, qcg, edir1, ec1, ett1, eeta, qfx, hfx, s, evapl, prcpl, fltot, runoff1, runoff2, mavail, soilice, soiliqw, infiltrp, smf)
 This subroutine calculates energy and moisture budget for vegetated surfaces without snow, heat diffusion and Richards eqns in soil. More...
subroutine module_sf_ruclsm::sice (debug_print, xlat, xlon, i, j, iland, isoil, delt, ktau, conflx, nzs, nddzs, nroot, PRCPMS, RAINF, PATM, QVATM, QCATM, GLW, GSW, EMISS, RNET, QKMS, TKMS, rho, myj, tice, rhosice, capice, thdifice, zsmain, zshalf, DTDZS, DTDZS2, tbq, xlv, CP, rovcp, cw, stbolt, tabs, tso, dew, soilt, qvg, qsg, qcg, eeta, qfx, hfx, s, evapl, prcpl, fltot)
 This subroutine is called for sea ice without accumulated snow on its surface. it solves heat diffusion inside ice and energy budget at the surface of ice. It computes skin temperature and temerature inside sea ice. More...
subroutine module_sf_ruclsm::snowsoil (debug_print, xlat, xlon, testptlat, testptlon, i, j, isoil, delt, ktau, conflx, nzs, nddzs, nroot, isncond_opt, isncovr_opt, meltfactor, rhonewsn, SNHEI_CRIT, ILAND, PRCPMS, RAINF, NEWSNOW, snhei, SNWE, SNOWFRAC, RHOSN, PATM, QVATM, QCATM, GLW, GSW, GSWin, EMISS, RNET, IVGTYP, QKMS, TKMS, PC, cst, drip, infwater, rho, vegfrac, alb, znt, lai, MYJ, QWRTZ, rhocs, dqm, qmin, ref, wilt, psis, bclh, ksat, sat, cn, zsmain, zshalf, DTDZS, DTDZS2, tbq, xlv, CP, rovcp, G0_P, cw, stbolt, TABS, KQWRTZ, KICE, KWT, ilnb, snweprint, snheiprint, rsm, soilmois, tso, smfrkeep, keepfr, dew, soilt, soilt1, tsnav, qvg, qsg, qcg, SMELT, SNOH, SNFLX, SNOM, edir1, ec1, ett1, eeta, qfx, hfx, s, sublim, prcpl, fltot, runoff1, runoff2, mavail, soilice, soiliqw, infiltrp)
 This subroutine is called for snow covered areas of land. It solves energy and moisture budgets on the surface of snow, and on the interface of snow and soil. It computes skin temperature, snow temperature, snow depth and snow melt. More...
subroutine module_sf_ruclsm::snowseaice (debug_print, xlat, xlon, i, j, isoil, delt, ktau, conflx, nzs, nddzs, isncond_opt, isncovr_opt, meltfactor, rhonewsn, SNHEI_CRIT, ILAND, PRCPMS, RAINF, NEWSNOW, snhei, SNWE, snowfrac, RHOSN, PATM, QVATM, QCATM, GLW, GSW, EMISS, RNET, QKMS, TKMS, RHO, myj, ALB, ZNT, tice, rhosice, capice, thdifice, zsmain, zshalf, DTDZS, DTDZS2, tbq, xlv, CP, rovcp, cw, stbolt, tabs, ilnb, snweprint, snheiprint, rsm, tso, dew, soilt, soilt1, tsnav, qvg, qsg, qcg, SMELT, SNOH, SNFLX, SNOM, eeta, qfx, hfx, s, sublim, prcpl, fltot)
 This subroutine is called for sea ice with accumulated snow on its surface. It solves energy budget on the snow interface with atmosphere and snow interface with ice. It calculates skin temperature, snow and ice temperatures, snow depth and snow melt. More...
subroutine module_sf_ruclsm::soiltemp (debug_print, xlat, xlon, i, j, iland, isoil, delt, ktau, conflx, nzs, nddzs, nroot, PRCPMS, RAINF, PATM, TABS, QVATM, QCATM, EMISS, RNET, QKMS, TKMS, PC, RHO, VEGFRAC, lai, THDIF, CAP, DRYCAN, WETCAN, TRANSUM, DEW, MAVAIL, soilres, alfa, DQM, QMIN, BCLH, ZSMAIN, ZSHALF, DTDZS, TBQ, XLV, CP, G0_P, CVW, STBOLT, TSO, SOILT, QVG, QSG, QCG, X)
 This subroutine solves energy budget equation and heat diffusion equation. More...
subroutine module_sf_ruclsm::snowtemp (debug_print, xlat, xlon, testptlat, testptlon, i, j, iland, isoil, delt, ktau, conflx, nzs, nddzs, nroot, isncond_opt, isncovr_opt, snwe, snwepr, snhei, newsnow, snowfrac, snhei_crit, beta, deltsn, snth, rhosn, rhonewsn, meltfactor, PRCPMS, RAINF, PATM, TABS, QVATM, QCATM, GLW, GSW, EMISS, RNET, QKMS, TKMS, PC, RHO, VEGFRAC, THDIF, CAP, DRYCAN, WETCAN, CST, TRANF, TRANSUM, DEW, MAVAIL, DQM, QMIN, PSIS, BCLH, ZSMAIN, ZSHALF, DTDZS, TBQ, XLVM, CP, rovcp, G0_P, CVW, STBOLT, SNWEPRINT, SNHEIPRINT, RSM, TSO, SOILT, SOILT1, TSNAV, QVG, QSG, QCG, SMELT, SNOH, SNFLX, S, ILNB, X)
 This subroutine solves energy bugdget equation and heat diffusion equation to obtain snow and soil temperatures. More...
 This subroutine solves moisture budget and computes soil moisture and surface and sub-surface runoffs. More...
subroutine module_sf_ruclsm::soilprop (debug_print, nzs, fwsat, lwsat, tav, keepfr, soilmois, soiliqw, soilice, soilmoism, soiliqwm, soilicem, QWRTZ, rhocs, dqm, qmin, psis, bclh, ksat, riw, xlmelt, CP, G0_P, cvw, ci, kqwrtz, kice, kwt, thdif, diffu, hydro, cap)
 This subroutine computes thermal diffusivity, and diffusional and hydraulic condeuctivities in soil. More...
subroutine module_sf_ruclsm::transf (debug_print, nzs, nroot, soiliqw, tabs, lai, gswin, dqm, qmin, ref, wilt, zshalf, pc, iland, tranf, transum)
 This subroutine solves the transpiration function (EQs. 18,19 in Smirnova et al.(1997) [180]) More...
subroutine module_sf_ruclsm::vilka (TN, D1, D2, PP, QS, TS, TT, NSTEP, ii, j, iland, isoil, xlat, xlon)
 This subroutine finds the solution of energy budget at the surface from the pre-computed table of saturated water vapor mixing ratio and estimated surface temperature. More...
subroutine module_sf_ruclsm::soilvegin (debug_print, mosaic_lu, mosaic_soil, soilfrac, nscat, shdmin, shdmax, NLCAT, IVGTYP, ISLTYP, iswater, MYJ, IFOREST, lufrac, vegfrac, EMISS, PC, MSNF, FACSNF, ZNT, LAI, RDLAI2D, QWRTZ, RHOCS, BCLH, DQM, KSAT, PSIS, QMIN, REF, WILT, I, J, errmsg, errflg)
 This subroutine computes effective land and soil parameters in the grid cell from the weighted contribution of soil and land categories represented in the grid cell. More...
subroutine, public module_sf_ruclsm::ruclsminit (debug_print, landfrac, fice, min_seaice, nzs, isltyp, ivgtyp, mavail, sh2o, smfr3d, tslb, smois, ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme, its, ite, jts, jte, kts, kte)
 This subroutine computes liquid and forezen soil moisture from the total soil moisture, and also computes soil moisture availability in the top soil layer. More...
subroutine module_sf_ruclsm::soilin (ISLTYP, DQM, REF, PSIS, QMIN, BCLH)
 This subroutine specifies 19 soiltyp classification according to STATSGO. More...
real(kind_phys) function, public module_sf_ruclsm::rslf (P, T)
 This function calculates the liquid saturation vapor mixing ratio as a function of temperature and pressure (from Thompson scheme). More...

Detailed Description

Argument Table

RUC LSM General Algorithm