Interoperable Physics Driver for NGGPS
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Interoperable Physics Driver for NGGPS


The development of the Interoperable Physics Driver (IPD) is being funded by the Next Generation Global Prediction System (NGGPS) program as a means to facilitate the research, development, and transition to operations of innovations in atmospheric physical parameterizations. A prototype of this driver has been developed by the NOAA Environmental Modeling Center for the Global Forecast System (GFS) operational physics and works 'out of the box' coupled to the Global Spectral Model (GSM) and the GFS physics suite. The main focus of this documentation is the implementation of the IPD within the GSM. It is important to keep in mind that the development of the IPD is ongoing, and decisions about its future are currently being made.

The IPD development is concurrent with the development of the Common Community Physics Package (CCPP). The CCPP is intended to be a collection of parameterizations for use in Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP). These parameterizations are necessary to simulate the effects of processes that are either sub-grid in scale (e.g., eddy structures in the planetary boundary layer), or are too complicated to be represented explicitly. Common categories of parameterizations include radiation, surface layer, planetary boundary layer and vertical mixing, deep and shallow cumulus, and microphysics. However, other categorizations are possible. More information about the physics that currently exist in the GSM, the prototype for the CCPP, and used with the IPD, please see the CCPP Documentation here: GFS Operational Physics Documentation

The IPD is still in a prototype phase at NCEP and, as such, is implemented in a way specific to the GFS physics. The figure below is an overview diagram of how the IPD is called in the GFS system.

Driver Implementation in GFS

Future Plans

Both the IPD and CCPP will undergo the necessary development to accommodate and the CCPP will be designed to accommodate schemes that span multiple categories, such as the Simplified Higher Order Closure parameterization (SHOC). The parameterizations can be grouped together into "physics suites" (defined here: Definition of a Physics Suite), which are sets of parameterizations known to work well together. Indeed, accurately representing the feedbacks and interactions between the physical processes represented by the parameterizations is essential.

The CCPP will be designed to be model–agnostic in the sense that parameterizations contained in the package receive inputs from the dynamic core through the IPD. A pre/post physics layer translates variables between those used in the dynamic core and those required by the Driver, and performs any necessary de- and re-staggering. Currently all physics is assumed to be columnar. The notion of a patch of columns is only intended for the possibility of improving numerical efficiency through vectorization or local shared memory parallelization.

A single IPD will be used to invoke any set of parameterizations or suite within the CCPP. Each suite is accompanied by a pre/post parameterization interface, which converts variables between those provided by the driver and those required by the parameterization, in case they differ. Through this mechanism, the CCPP and IPD provide physical tendencies back to the dynamic core, which is in turn responsible for updating the state variables. The IPD and CCPP can also provide variables for diagnostic output, or for use in other Earth System models.

Requirements for the IPD

The IPD is expected to interact with any set of physics and any dynamic core, thus several requirements are needed to satisfy this interaction. Because of its purpose as a Community tool to promote research with operational models and foster transition of research to operations, it is imperative that requirements also be placed on the physics parameterizations.

These requirements are stated explicitly here:

Interoperable Physics Driver and Common Community Physics Package (CCPP): Goals and Requirements

Definition of a Physics Suite

It is important that the IPD is able to support a physics suite as an identifiably distinguishable entity from an arbitrary group of physical parameterizations. The distinction between physical parameterization and physics suite is made as follows.

A physical parameterization is a code that represents one or more physical processes that force or close model dynamics. It is defined by the code implementation of the mathematical functions comprising the scheme, and not by a particular set of parameters or coefficients that could be set externally.

A physics suite is a set of non-redundant atmospheric physical parameterizations that have been designed or modified to work together to meet the forcing and closure requirements of a dynamical core used for a weather or climate prediction application. A set of physical parameterizations chosen to be identified as a suite results from the needs and judgements of a particular user, developer, or group of either.

In some cases, a suite may be identified as a benchmark or reference set of physical parameterizations, against which variations can be tested. Since a suite can be configured in different ways for different applications by modifying its tunable parameters, an accompanying set of tunable parameters should be specified when defining a reference implementation or configuration of a physics suite.

In the context of NGGPS, a Physics Review Committee will be established to determine which physical parameterizations should be accepted onto the Common Community Physics Package, and which physics suites should be identified as such.

An ensemble physics suite is a collection of physics suites as defined above, and may be implemented as part of multi-physics ensemble forecast system.

Currently, physics suites are only allowed to support columnar physics.

The IPD Prototype

The IPD-related code utilizes modern Fortran standards up to F2003 and should be compatible with current Fortran compiler implementations. Model data are encapsulated into several Derived Data Types (DDT) with Type Bound Procedures. Most of the model arguments are pointers to the actual arrays that are allocated and are by default managed externally to the driver. The DDTs serve as containers of the passed arguments and several DDTs exist to provide some structure and organization to the data. One goal and constraint of this development was to minimize changes to existing code.

The GFS currently calls multiple physics schemes as a part of its physics suite. In doing so, it passes many atmospheric variables between the dynamic core and the physics modules using an initialization procedure. This list of arguments had become unruly consisting of over a hundred variables. Through the use of the DDTs, the list was reduced to a more succinct set of required variables (on the order of 10) to be used by all of the physics modules in their interaction with the atmospheric model.

The structure of the DDTs are based on the following template consisting of data containers (data pointers) and methods to act on these containers.

   type model_data_in
       real :: vara
       real :: varb
   end type

   type model_data

     type (model_data_in) :: data_in
     type (model_data_out) :: data_out
     type (model_data_inout) :: data_inout

       procedure :: setin => set_model_in
       procedure :: setout => set_model_out
       procedure :: setinout => set_model_inout 

   end type

The current implementation of the driver uses the following set DDTs:

The methods that belonging to each of these DDTs vary, but consist of some combination of these four:

  • set
  • setphys
  • setrad
  • print

Memory Management

When the DDTs are created, the variables are initially assigned to null values. Then as the set methods are called, the parameters (including the values of the array sizes) are defined. These array-size values are then passed into the physics routines, where the arrays are allocated. Currently these arrays are created only in grrad.f, gbphys.f, and cs_conv.f.

As an example consider the variable for the u component of layer wind (ugrs). This variable is passed into gbphys() through the state input container statein%ugrs as a null pointer. Within gbphys() the array is allocated to have dimension(ix,levs), where ix and levs were defined during the set call. All other physics arrays are allocated in a similar manner.

Physics Driver Calling Sequence

A clickable call tree for GFS physics can be found here in the documentation for do_physics_one_step().

Initialize Phase

In the GSM, module gfs_physics_initialize_mod calls:

  • nuopc_phys_init (module nuopc_physics) to initialize parameters used in the radiation and other physics parameterizations.
    • Populate idat, used by radupdate, with values from idate (NCEP's absolute date and time of initial conditions).
    • Populate the model_parameters container (mdl) with the input arguments.
    • Call gfuncphys (module funcphys) to compute all physics function tables.
    • Call rad_initialize (module rad_initialize) to initialize fixed control variables for radiation processes.
    • Call set_soilveg (module set_soilveg) to initialize soil parameters.

Run Phase

The current run implementation of GSM code divides the physics calls into two stages; the first call to invoke the radiation physics (gloopr), and a second call to invoke the remaining physics (gloopb). The GSM makes calls to gloopr and gloopb in turn invoke the physics driver through use of containers and methods provided by nuopc_physics.

  • gloopr
    • Populate the DDT containers with the data to be sent to the radiation physics call of the IPD.
      • dyn_parm%setrad: set the dynamic_parameters
      • state_fldin%setrad: set the state_fields_in
      • sfc_prop%setrad: set the sfc_properties
      • diags%setrad: set the diagnostics
      • cld_prop%setrad: set the cloud_properties,
      • rad_tend%set: set the radiation_tendencies
      • intrfc_fld % setrad: set the interface_fields
    • Invoke the method nuopc_rad_run() from module nuopc_physics to advance the radiation physics a single step. The method calls grrad with pointers to the containers specifying the call's argument list.
gloopr calls to IPD
  • gloopb
    • Populate the DDT containers with the data to be sent to the non-radiation physics call of the IPD.
      • dyn_parm%setphys: set the dynamic_parameters
      • state_fldin%setphys: set the state_fields_in
      • diags%setphys: set the diagnostics
      • intrfc_fld%setphys: set the interface_fields
      • rad_tend%set: set the radiation_tendencies
      • sfc_propt%setphys: set the sfc_properties
      • cld_prop%setphys: set the cloud_properties
      • tbddata%set: set the tbd_ddt
    • Invoke the method nuopc_phys_run() from module nuopc_physics to advance the non-radiation physics a single step. The method calls gbphys with pointers to the containers specifying the call's argument list.
      • at this stage allocate workspace using the sizes specified in the set calls.
      • translate variables from container objects into local variables.
gloopb calls to IPD

Pre/Post Physics Variable Translation

In the current implementation of the IPD, the variables from the dynamic core (names, units, etc.) exactly match the variables needed by the GFS physics. Therefore, to connect the variables between the dynamical core and the physics it is only necessary that the subroutine arguments in the calls to gbphys() and grrad() to correctly coincide with the local input variables.

For other dynamic cores and physics packages, this will likely not be the case. The dynamic core may use variables with different units, completely different variable types (e.g. relative vs. specific humidity), different staggering, etc., and will therefore need to be translated into a form that can be used by the physics. Once the physics step is complete, the physics variables will need to be translated back into a form that can be used by the dynamic core.

Since the current implementation of the GFS system does not require any translation of the variables between the dynamical core and the GFS physics, there is of yet no agreed upon design for the implementation of the IPD for other dynamic cores or phyiscs suites. In principle, a translation layer may be needed between the dynamic core and IPD, between the physics and the IPD, or both.

By design, the translation layer(s) would be external to the Driver so that it may remain agnostic to the specific choice of dynamic core and physics suite. A separate implementation of the translation layer would be necessary for each unique pairing of a dynamical core and a physics suite.

Limitations of the current design

As a prototype designed to be used with the GFS physics suite, the current implementation of the IPD has a number of limitations that will need to be addressed as development progresses.

  • The IPD is specific to the GFS physics
    • There is no need for a translation layer, however, this will not be true when new physics suites are connected.
    • The current design only supports physics being called in a predetermined order.
    • The current design divides physics into two sets: radiation and non-radiation physics.
  • Memory management
    • It is ambiguous how users of different dynamic cores should allocate/deallocate memory – inside or outside of the IPD.
      • The current implementation has all memory allocations buried deep within the physics calls. This reduces the transparency and expandability of the code.
      • Letting the driver handle the memory will help standardize the design.