GMTB Workflow Documentation
Data Ingest Component

We are using HWRF's produtil package to ingest various datasets needed for our experiment.

Scripts and Configuration Files

The main script used to pull data is which is located in the parm directory.

The following configuration files are located in the ush directory. Data locations and naming conventions are specified in these files.

  • hwrf_input.conf
  • gfs_fcst_input.pull
  • gfs_refcst_input.pull
  • gfs_vx_input.pull

Input Tasks

Task Name Task File Purpose Configuration File Dataset
fcst_in_task input_fcst.ent Pull in SIGIO Initial Condition Files gfs_fcst_input.pull gfs_sanl, gfs_sfcanl
gfs_fcst_in_task Input_gfsfcst.ent Pull in GFS forecasts used for baseline gfs_refcst_input.pull gfs_gribA, gfs_gribB
vx_in_task input_vx.ent Pull in GDAS forecasts used for vx gfs_vx_input.pull gfs_pgrb_anl

Task Name Production Archive Tar File Production Filename Parallel Filename Output Directory
fcst_in_task com_gfs_prod_gfs.yyyymmddhh.anl.tar gfs.t00z.sanl, gfs.t00z.sfcanl gfnanl.gfs.yyyymmddhh, sfnanl.gfs.yyyymmddhh GMTB_HOME/chgres/input
gfs_fcst_in_task com2_gfs_prod_gfs.yyyymmddhh.pgrb2_0p25.tar gfs.t00z.pgrb2.0p25.fhhh pgrbqfhhh.gfs.yyyymmddhh.grib2 ROTDIR/yyyymmddhh
vx_in_task com2_gfs_prod_gdas.yyyymmddhh.tar gdas1.t00z.pgrbanl pgrbqanl.gdas.yyyymmddhh.grib2 GFS_ANL_OBS_DIR

Command to pull data:


      where GMTB_HOME        = /scratch4/BMC/gmtb/gmtb-tierIII
            ROTDIR           = GMTB_HOME/model                             
            GMTB_UTIL        = GMTB_HOME/util/gmtb_utils
            GFS_ANL_OBS_DIR  = /scratch3/BMC/dtc-hwrf/GMTB/vx_data/analyses/gfs_0p25/yyyymmddhh

             model = refcst, sasctrl, gftest