12. Glossary
- Model agnostic, vetted, collection of codes containing atmospheric physical parameterizations
and suites for use in NWP along with a framework that connects the physics to host models
- CCPP-Framework
- The infrastructure that connects physics schemes with a host model; also refers to a software
repository of the same name
- CCPP-Physics
- The pool of CCPP-compliant physics schemes; also refers to a software repository of the same name
- Dynamic CCPP build
- A CCPP build type in which the CCPP-Framework and CCPP-physics libraries are
dynamically linked to the executable and all CCPP-compliant schemes available in the library
can be invoked at runtime. This build type is available for both the SCM and the UFS Atmosphere
- “Fast” physics
- Physical parameterizations that require tighter coupling with the dynamical core than “slow”
physics (due to the approximated processes within the parameterization acting on a shorter
timescale) and that benefit from a smaller time step. The distinction is useful for greater
accuracy, numerical stability, or both. In the UFS Atmosphere, a saturation adjustment is
used in some suites and is called directly from the dynamical core for tighter coupling
- Group
- A set of physics schemes within a suite definition file (SDF) that are called together
without intervening computations from the host application
- Group cap
- Autogenerated interface between a group of physics schemes and the host model. They are used
only in the static CCPP build, and effectively replace the code from CCPP-Framework that
provides the flexibility of the dynamic CCPP build
- Host model/application
- An atmospheric model that allocates memory, provides metadata for the variables passed into
and out of the physics, and controls time-stepping
- Interstitial scheme
- A modularized piece of code to perform data preparation, diagnostics, or other “glue”
functions that allows primary schemes to work together as a suite. They can be categorized
as “scheme-specific” or “suite-level”. Scheme-specific interstitial schemes augment a
specific primary scheme (to provide additional functionality). Suite-level interstitial
schemes provide additional functionality on top of a class of primary schemes, connect
two or more schemes together, or provide code for conversions, initializing sums, or
applying tendencies, for example.
- Multi-suite static CCPP build
- A static CCPP build type in which a set of physics suites is specified
at compile time from which one can be chosen at runtime.
- The NOAA Environmental Modeling System - a software infrastructure that supports
NCEP/EMC’s forecast products. The coupling software is based on ESMF and the NUOPC layer.
- The National Unified Operational Prediction Capability is a consortium of Navy, NOAA,
and Air Force modelers and their research partners. It aims to advance the weather
modeling systems used by meteorologists, mission planners, and decision makers. NUOPC
partners are working toward a common model architecture - a standard way of building
models - in order to make it easier to collaboratively build modeling systems.
- Parameterization
- The representation, in a dynamic model, of physical effects in terms of admittedly
oversimplified parameters, rather than realistically requiring such effects to be
consequences of the dynamics of the system (AMS Glossary)
- Physics cap
- Autogenerated interface between an individual physics scheme and the host model. Used
only in the dynamic CCPP build
- Primary scheme
- A parameterization, such as PBL, microphysics, convection, and radiation, that fits the
traditionally-accepted definition, as opposed to an interstitial scheme
- Compiler flags used by NCEP for operational runs of the UFS Atmosphere and by EMC for
regression tests of the code
- Compiler flags used by EMC to guarantee reproducibility of the UFS Atmosphere code
- Scheme
- A CCPP-compliant parameterization (primary scheme) or auxiliary code (interstitial scheme)
- Suite Definition File (SDF) is an external file containing information about the
construction of a physics suite. It describes the schemes that are called, in which
order they are called, whether they are subcycled, and whether they are assembled
into groups to be called together
- Set
- A collection of physics schemes that do not share memory (e.g. fast and slow physics)
- “Slow” physics
- Physical parameterizations that can tolerate looser coupling with the dynamical core
than “fast” physics (due to the approximated processes within the parameterization
acting on a longer timescale) and that often use a longer time step. Such parameterizations
are typically grouped and calculated together (through a combination of process- and
time-splitting) in a section of an atmospheric model that is distinct from the dynamical
core in the code organization
- Standard_name
- Variable names based on CF conventions (http://cfconventions.org) that are uniquely
identified by the CCPP-compliant schemes and provided by a host model
- Static CCPP build
- A build type in which the CCPP-Framework and the CCPP-physics libraries
are statically linked to the executable and only the suites determined at compile time
can be invoked at runtime. This build type is only available for the UFS Atmosphere
- Subcycling
- Executing a physics scheme more frequently (with a shorter timestep) than the rest of
the model physics or dynamics
- Suite
- A collection of primary physics schemes and interstitial schemes that are known to work
well together
- Suite cap
- Autogenerated interface between an entire suite of physics schemes and the host model.
They are used only in the static CCPP build and consist of calls to autogenerated group
caps. They may be used to call an entire suite at once or to call a specific group within
a physics suite
- A Unified Forecast System (UFS) is a community-based, coupled comprehensive Earth
system modeling system. The UFS numerical applications span local to global domains
and predictive time scales from sub-hourly analyses to seasonal predictions. It is
designed to support the Weather Enterprise and to be the source system for NOAA’s
operational numerical weather prediction applications
- UFS Atmosphere
- The atmospheric model component of the UFS. Its fundamental parts are the dynamical
core and the physics
- VLab
- Virtual Laboratory - a service and information technology framework, that enables
NOAA employees and their partners to share ideas, collaborate, engage in software
development, and conduct applied research (https://www.nws.noaa.gov/mdl/vlab/)
- .xsd file extension
- XML schema definition