local_name | standard_name | long_name | units | type | dimensions | kind | intent |
im | horizontal_loop_extent | horizontal loop extent | count | integer | () | | in |
hvap | latent_heat_of_vaporization_of_water_at_0c | latent heat of evaporation/sublimation | J kg-1 | real | () | kind_phys | in |
cp | specific_heat_of_dry_air_at_constant_pressure | specific heat of dry air at constant pressure | J kg-1 K-1 | real | () | kind_phys | in |
hfus | latent_heat_of_fusion_of_water_at_0c | latent heat of fusion | J kg-1 | real | () | kind_phys | in |
jcal | joules_per_calorie_constant | joules per calorie constant | J cal-1 | real | () | kind_phys | in |
eps | ratio_of_dry_air_to_water_vapor_gas_constants | rd/rv | none | real | () | kind_phys | in |
epsm1 | ratio_of_dry_air_to_water_vapor_gas_constants_minus_one | (rd/rv) - 1 | none | real | () | kind_phys | in |
rvrdm1 | ratio_of_vapor_to_dry_air_gas_constants_minus_one | (rv/rd) - 1 (rv = ideal gas constant for water vapor) | none | real | () | kind_phys | in |
rd | gas_constant_of_dry_air | ideal gas constant for dry air | J kg-1 K-1 | real | () | kind_phys | in |
rhw0 | sea_water_reference_density | sea water reference density | kg m-3 | real | () | kind_phys | in |
pi | pi | ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter | none | real | () | kind_phys | in |
tgice | freezing_point_temperature_of_seawater | freezing point temperature of seawater | K | real | () | kind_phys | in |
sbc | stefan_boltzmann_constant | Stefan-Boltzmann constant | W m-2 K-4 | real | () | kind_phys | in |
ps | surface_air_pressure | surface pressure | Pa | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | in |
u1 | x_wind_at_surface_adjacent_layer | x component of surface layer wind | m s-1 | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | in |
v1 | y_wind_at_surface_adjacent_layer | y component of surface layer wind | m s-1 | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | in |
t1 | air_temperature_at_surface_adjacent_layer | surface layer mean temperature | K | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | in |
q1 | specific_humidity_at_surface_adjacent_layer | surface layer mean specific humidity | kg kg-1 | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | in |
tref | reference_sea_surface_temperature | reference/foundation temperature | K | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | in |
cm | surface_drag_coefficient_for_momentum_in_air_over_water | surface exchange coeff for momentum over water | none | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | in |
ch | surface_drag_coefficient_for_heat_and_moisture_in_air_over_water | surface exchange coeff heat surface exchange coeff heat & moisture over ocean moisture over water | none | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | in |
lseaspray | flag_for_sea_spray | flag for sea spray parameterization | flag | logical | () | | in |
fm | monin_obukhov_similarity_function_for_momentum_over_water | Monin-Obukhov similarity function for momentum over water | none | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | in |
fm10 | monin_obukhov_similarity_function_for_momentum_at_10m_over_water | Monin-Obukhov similarity parameter for momentum at 10m over water | none | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | in |
prsl1 | air_pressure_at_surface_adjacent_layer | surface layer mean pressure | Pa | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | in |
prslki | ratio_of_exner_function_between_midlayer_and_interface_at_lowest_model_layer | Exner function ratio bt midlayer and interface at 1st layer | ratio | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | in |
prsik1 | surface_dimensionless_exner_function | dimensionless Exner function at the ground surface | none | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | in |
prslk1 | dimensionless_exner_function_at_surface_adjacent_layer | dimensionless Exner function at the lowest model layer | none | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | in |
wet | flag_nonzero_wet_surface_fraction | flag indicating presence of some ocean or lake surface area fraction | flag | logical | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | | in |
use_lake_model | flag_for_using_lake_model | flag indicating lake points using a lake model | flag | integer | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | | in |
xlon | longitude | longitude | radian | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | in |
sinlat | sine_of_latitude | sine of latitude | none | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | in |
stress | surface_wind_stress_over_water | surface wind stress over water | m2 s-2 | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | in |
sfcemis | surface_longwave_emissivity_over_water | surface lw emissivity in fraction over water | frac | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | in |
dlwflx | surface_downwelling_longwave_flux_absorbed_by_ground_over_water | total sky surface downward longwave flux absorbed by the ground over water | W m-2 | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | in |
sfcnsw | surface_net_downwelling_shortwave_flux | total sky sfc net sw flx into ocean | W m-2 | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | in |
rain | nonnegative_lwe_thickness_of_precipitation_amount_on_dynamics_timestep_over_water | total precipitation amount in each time step over water | m | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | in |
timestep | timestep_for_dynamics | timestep interval | s | real | () | kind_phys | in |
kdt | index_of_timestep | current time step index | index | integer | () | | in |
solhr | forecast_utc_hour | time in hours after 00z at the current timestep | h | real | () | kind_phys | in |
xcosz | instantaneous_cosine_of_zenith_angle | cosine of solar zenith angle | none | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | in |
wind | wind_speed_at_lowest_model_layer | wind speed at lowest model level | m s-1 | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | in |
flag_iter | flag_for_iteration | flag for iteration | flag | logical | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | | in |
flag_guess | flag_for_guess_run | flag for guess run | flag | logical | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | | in |
nstf_name1 | control_for_nsstm | NSSTM flag: off/uncoupled/coupled=0/1/2 | flag | integer | () | | in |
nstf_name4 | lower_bound_for_depth_of_sea_temperature_for_nsstm | zsea1 | mm | integer | () | | in |
nstf_name5 | upper_bound_for_depth_of_sea_temperature_for_nsstm | zsea2 | mm | integer | () | | in |
lprnt | flag_print | flag for printing diagnostics to output | flag | logical | () | | in |
ipr | horizontal_index_of_printed_column | horizontal index of printed column | index | integer | () | | in |
thsfc_loc | flag_for_reference_pressure_theta | flag for reference pressure in theta calculation | flag | logical | () | | in |
tskin | surface_skin_temperature_for_nsst | ocean surface skin temperature | K | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
tsurf | surface_skin_temperature_after_iteration_over_water | surface skin temperature after iteration over water | K | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
xt | heat_content_in_diurnal_thermocline | heat content in diurnal thermocline layer | K m | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
xs | sea_water_salinity_in_diurnal_thermocline | salinity content in diurnal thermocline layer | ppt m | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
xu | x_current_in_diurnal_thermocline | u-current content in diurnal thermocline layer | m2 s-1 | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
xv | y_current_in_diurnal_thermocline | v-current content in diurnal thermocline layer | m2 s-1 | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
xz | diurnal_thermocline_layer_thickness | diurnal thermocline layer thickness | m | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
zm | ocean_mixed_layer_thickness | mixed layer thickness | m | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
xtts | derivative_of_heat_content_in_diurnal_thermocline_wrt_surface_skin_temperature | d(xt)/d(ts) | m | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
xzts | derivative_of_diurnal_thermocline_layer_thickness_wrt_surface_skin_temperature | d(xz)/d(ts) | m K-1 | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
dt_cool | molecular_sublayer_temperature_correction_in_sea_water | sub-layer cooling amount | K | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
z_c | molecular_sublayer_thickness_in_sea_water | sub-layer cooling thickness | m | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
c_0 | coefficient_c_0 | coefficient1 to calculate d(tz)/d(ts) | none | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
c_d | coefficient_c_d | coefficient2 to calculate d(tz)/d(ts) | none | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
w_0 | coefficient_w_0 | coefficient3 to calculate d(tz)/d(ts) | none | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
w_d | coefficient_w_d | coefficient4 to calculate d(tz)/d(ts) | none | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
d_conv | free_convection_layer_thickness_in_sea_water | thickness of free convection layer | m | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
ifd | control_for_diurnal_thermocline_calculation | index to start dtlm run or not | index | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
qrain | surface_sensible_heat_due_to_rainfall | sensible heat flux due to rainfall | W | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
qsurf | surface_specific_humidity_over_water | surface air saturation specific humidity over water | kg kg-1 | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
gflux | upward_heat_flux_in_soil_over_water | soil heat flux over water | W m-2 | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
cmm | surface_drag_wind_speed_for_momentum_in_air_over_water | momentum exchange coefficient over water | m s-1 | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
chh | surface_drag_mass_flux_for_heat_and_moisture_in_air_over_water | thermal exchange coefficient over water | kg m-2 s-1 | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
evap | kinematic_surface_upward_latent_heat_flux_over_water | kinematic surface upward latent heat flux over water | kg kg-1 m s-1 | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
hflx | kinematic_surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux_over_water | kinematic surface upward sensible heat flux over water | K m s-1 | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
ep | surface_upward_potential_latent_heat_flux_over_water | surface upward potential latent heat flux over water | W m-2 | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
errmsg | ccpp_error_message | error message for error handling in CCPP | none | character | () | len=* | out |
errflg | ccpp_error_code | error code for error handling in CCPP | 1 | integer | () | | out |