CCPP SciDoc for UFS-SRW v3.0.0  SRW v3.0.0
Common Community Physics Package Developed at DTC

◆ aer_update()

subroutine, public module_radiation_aerosols::aer_update ( integer, intent(in)  iyear,
integer, intent(in)  imon,
integer, intent(in)  me,
integer, intent(in)  iaermdl,
character(len=26), intent(in)  aeros_file,
integer, intent(out)  errflg,
character(len=*), intent(out)  errmsg 
iyear4-digit calender year
imonmonth of the year
meprint message control flag

General Algorithm

  1. Call trop_update() to update monthly tropospheric aerosol data.
  2. Call volc_update() to update yearly stratospheric volcanic aerosol data.