CCPP Scientific Documentation
Morrison-Gettelman MP aer_cloud Module

according to the models of Nenes & Seinfeld (2003) [134], Fountoukis and Nenes (2005) [53] and Barahona and Nenes (2008, 2009) [13] [14] . *** Code Developer: Donifan Barahona More...

Detailed Description

Collaboration diagram for Morrison-Gettelman MP aer_cloud Module:


subroutine, public aer_cloud::aer_cloud_init ()
 This subroutine calculates. More...
subroutine, public aer_cloud::aerosol_activate (tparc_in, pparc_in, sigwparc_in, wparc_ls, Aer_Props, npre_in, dpre_in, ccn_diagr8, Ndropr8, cdncr8, smaxliqr8, incr8, smaxicer8, nheticer8, INimmr8, dINimmr8, Ncdepr8, Ncdhfr8, sc_icer8, fdust_immr8, fdust_depr8, fdust_dhfr8, nlimr8, use_average_v, CCN_param, IN_param, fd_dust, fd_soot, pfrz_inc_r8, sigma_nuc, rhi_cell, nccn)
 This subroutine sets the variables needed for the activation subroutines and return the activated droplet and ice number concentration. More...
subroutine aer_cloud::aerconversion_base ()
 This subrotine sets basic properties of the aerosol size distributions when using GOCART aerosol Mass-number conversion based on Barahona at al.(2014) [15]. More...
subroutine, public aer_cloud::aerconversion (aer_mass, AerPr, kappa, SULFATE, ORG, BCARBON, DUST, SEASALT)
 This subroutine sets the properties of the aerosol distributions Mass-number conversion based on Barahona at al. GMD, 2014. [15]. More...
subroutine, public aer_cloud::aerconversion1 (aer_mass, AerPr)
 This subroutine sets the properties of the aerosol distributions. More...
subroutine, public aer_cloud::vertical_vel_variance (omeg, lc_turb, tm_gw, pm_gw,
 This subroutine calculates subgrid scale distribution of vertical velocity. More...
subroutine, public aer_cloud::getinsubset (typ, aerin, aerout)
 This subroutine extracts aerosol props with INactive = typ. More...
subroutine aer_cloud::copy_aer (a, b)
 This subroutine handles aer structure. More...
subroutine aer_cloud::copy_mode (a_out, a_in, mode_in, mode_out)
 This subroutine. More...
subroutine, public aer_cloud::init_aer (aerout)
 This subroutine initialize aerosol properties in MG sheme. More...
subroutine aer_cloud::arg_activ (wparc, sigw, nact, smax, nmodes, tp_par, dpg_par, kappa_par, sig_par, temp_par, pres_par)
 This subroutine finds the activated droplet number following Abdul-Razzak and Ghan (2000) [1] . More...
subroutine aer_cloud::ccn_at_super (super, ccn_at_s, nmodes, sig_par, sg_par, tp_par)
subroutine aer_cloud::pdfactiv (wparc, sigw, nact, smax, nmodes,
 This subroutine calculates the ccn activation fraction according to the nenes and seinfeld (2003) parameterization, with modification for non-contunuum effects as proposed by fountoukis and nenes (2005). this routine calculates for a pdf of updraft velocities. More...