CCPP Scientific Documentation
GFS Physics Time Update

This module contains GFS physics time vary subroutines including ozone, stratospheric water vapor, aerosol, IN&CCN and surface properties updates. More...

Detailed Description


module  gfs_phys_time_vary
module  ozne_def
 This module defines arrays in Ozone scheme.
module  ozinterp
 This module contains subroutines of reading and interpolating ozone coefficients.
module  h2o_def
 This module defines arrays in H2O scheme.
module  h2ointerp
 This module contains subroutines of reading and interpolating h2o coefficients.
module  aerclm_def
 This module defines aerosol arrays in MG microphysics.
module  aerinterp
 This module contain subroutines of reading and interpolating aerosol data for MG microphysics.
module  iccn_def
 This module defines IN and CCN arrays.
module  iccninterp
 This module contains subroutines of reading and interplating IN and CCN data.


subroutine sfccycle (lugb, len, lsoil, sig1t, deltsfc , iy, im, id, ih, fh , rla, rlo, slmask, orog, orog_uf, use_ufo, nst_anl, sihfcs, sicfcs, sitfcs , swdfcs, slcfcs , vmnfcs, vmxfcs, slpfcs, absfcs , tsffcs, snofcs, zorfcs, albfcs, tg3fcs , cnpfcs, smcfcs, stcfcs, slifcs, aisfcs , vegfcs, vetfcs, sotfcs, alffcs , cvfcs, cvbfcs, cvtfcs, me, nlunit , sz_nml, input_nml_file , ialb, isot, ivegsrc, tile_num_ch, i_index, j_index)
 This subroutine reads or interpolates surface climatology data in analysis and forecast mode. More...
subroutine gcycle (nblks, Model, Grid, Sfcprop, Cldprop)
 This subroutine repopulates specific time-varying surface properties for atmospheric forecast runs. More...
subroutine, public gfs_phys_time_vary::gfs_phys_time_vary_init (Data, Model, Interstitial, nthrds, errmsg, errflg)
subroutine, public gfs_phys_time_vary::gfs_phys_time_vary_run (Data, Model, nthrds, first_time_step, errmsg, errflg)