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GFS sfcsub Module

This module contains grib code for each parameter-used in subroutines sfccycle() and setrmsk(). More...

Detailed Description

Collaboration diagram for GFS sfcsub Module:


module  sfccyc_module


subroutine count (slimsk, sno, ijmax)
 This subroutine counts number of points for the four surface conditions. More...
subroutine monitr (lfld, fld, slimsk, sno, ijmax)
subroutine dayoyr (iyr, imo, idy, ldy)
 This subroutine figures out the day of the year given imo and idy. More...
subroutine hmskrd (lugb, imsk, jmsk, fnmskh, kpds5, slmskh, gausm, blnmsk, bltmsk, me)
 reads a high resolution mask field for use in grib interpolation More...
subroutine fixrdg (lugb, idim, jdim, fngrib, kpds5, gdata, gaus, blno, blto, me)
subroutine getarea (kgds, dlat, dlon, rslat, rnlat, wlon, elon, ijordr , me)
 This subroutine get area of the grib record. More...
subroutine subst (data, imax, jmax, dlon, dlat, ijordr)
subroutine la2ga (regin, imxin, jmxin, rinlon, rinlat, rlon, rlat, inttyp, gauout, len, lmask, rslmsk, slmask , outlat, outlon, me)
 This subroutine conducts interpolation from lat/lon to Gaussian grid to other lat/lon grid. More...
subroutine maxmin (f, imax, kmax)
subroutine filanl (tsfanl, tsfan2, wetanl, snoanl, zoranl, albanl, aisanl, tg3anl, cvanl, cvbanl, cvtanl, cnpanl, smcanl, stcanl, slianl, scvanl, veganl, vetanl, sotanl, alfanl, sihanl, sicanl, vmnanl, vmxanl, slpanl, absanl, tsfclm, tsfcl2, wetclm, snoclm, zorclm, albclm, aisclm, tg3clm, cvclm, cvbclm, cvtclm, cnpclm, smcclm, stcclm, sliclm, scvclm, vegclm, vetclm, sotclm, alfclm, sihclm, sicclm, vmnclm, vmxclm, slpclm, absclm, len, lsoil)
subroutine analy (lugb, iy, im, id, ih, fh, len, lsoil, slmask, fntsfa, fnweta, fnsnoa, fnzora, fnalba, fnaisa, fntg3a, fnscva, fnsmca, fnstca, fnacna, fnvega, fnveta, fnsota, fnvmna, fnvmxa, fnslpa, fnabsa, tsfanl, wetanl, snoanl, zoranl, albanl, aisanl, tg3anl, cvanl, cvbanl, cvtanl, smcanl, stcanl, slianl, scvanl, acnanl, veganl, vetanl, sotanl, alfanl, tsfan0, vmnanl, vmxanl, slpanl, absanl, kpdtsf, kpdwet, kpdsno, kpdsnd, kpdzor, kpdalb, kpdais, kpdtg3, kpdscv, kpdacn, kpdsmc, kpdstc, kpdveg, kprvet, kpdsot, kpdalf, kpdvmn, kpdvmx, kpdslp, kpdabs, irttsf, irtwet, irtsno, irtzor, irtalb, irtais, irttg3, irtscv, irtacn, irtsmc, irtstc, irtveg, irtvet, irtsot, irtalf , irtvmn, irtvmx, irtslp, irtabs , imsk, jmsk, slmskh, outlat, outlon , gaus, blno, blto, me, lanom)
subroutine filfcs (tsffcs, wetfcs, snofcs, zorfcs, albfcs, tg3fcs, cvfcs, cvbfcs, cvtfcs, cnpfcs, smcfcs, stcfcs, slifcs, aisfcs, vegfcs, vetfcs, sotfcs, alffcs, sihfcs, sicfcs, vmnfcs, vmxfcs, slpfcs, absfcs, tsfanl, wetanl, snoanl, zoranl, albanl, tg3anl, cvanl, cvbanl, cvtanl, cnpanl, smcanl, stcanl, slianl, aisanl, veganl, vetanl, sotanl, alfanl, sihanl, sicanl, vmnanl, vmxanl, slpanl, absanl, len, lsoil)
subroutine bktges (smcfcs, slianl, stcfcs, len, lsoil)
subroutine rof01 (aisfld, len, op, crit)
subroutine tsfcor (tsfc, orog, slmask, umask, len, rlapse)
subroutine snodpth (scvanl, slianl, tsfanl, snoclm, glacir, snwmax, snwmin, landice, len, snoanl, me)
 This subroutine uses surface temperature to get snow depth estimate. More...
subroutine merge (len, lsoil, iy, im, id, ih, fh, deltsfc, sihfcs, sicfcs, vmnfcs, vmxfcs, slpfcs, absfcs, tsffcs, wetfcs, snofcs, zorfcs, albfcs, aisfcs, cvfcs, cvbfcs, cvtfcs, cnpfcs, smcfcs, stcfcs, slifcs, vegfcs, vetfcs, sotfcs, alffcs, sihanl, sicanl, vmnanl, vmxanl, slpanl, absanl, tsfanl, tsfan2, wetanl, snoanl, zoranl, albanl, aisanl, cvanl, cvbanl, cvtanl, cnpanl, smcanl, stcanl, slianl, veganl, vetanl, sotanl, alfanl, ctsfl, calbl, caisl, csnol, csmcl, czorl, cstcl, cvegl, ctsfs, calbs, caiss, csnos, csmcs, czors, cstcs, cvegs, ccv, ccvb, ccvt, ccnp, cvetl, cvets, csotl, csots, calfl, calfs, csihl, csihs, csicl, csics, cvmnl, cvmns, cvmxl, cvmxs, cslpl, cslps, cabsl, cabss, irttsf, irtwet, irtsno, irtzor, irtalb, irtais, irttg3, irtscv, irtacn, irtsmc, irtstc, irtveg, irtvmn, irtvmx, irtslp, irtabs, irtvet, irtsot, irtalf, landice, me)
 This subroutine merges analysis and forecast. More...
subroutine newice (slianl, slifcs, tsfanl, tsffcs, len, lsoil, sihnew, sicnew, sihanl, sicanl, albanl, snoanl, zoranl, smcanl, stcanl, albsea, snosea, zorsea, smcsea, smcice, tsfmin, tsfice, albice, zorice, tgice, rla, rlo, me)
subroutine qcsnow (snoanl, slmask, aisanl, glacir, len, snoval, landice, me)
subroutine qcsice (ais, glacir, amxice, aicice, aicsea, sllnd, slmask, rla, rlo, len, me)
subroutine setlsi (slmask, aisfld, len, aicice, slifld)
subroutine scale (fld, len, scl)
subroutine qcmxmn (ttl, fld, slimsk, sno, iceflg, fldlmx, fldlmn, fldomx, fldomn, fldimx, fldimn, fldjmx, fldjmn, fldsmx, fldsmn, epsfld, rla, rlo, len, mode, percrit, lgchek, me)
subroutine setzro (fld, eps, len)
subroutine getscv (snofld, scvfld, len)
subroutine getstc (tsffld, tg3fld, slifld, len, lsoil, stcfld, tsfimx)
subroutine getsmc (wetfld, len, lsoil, smcfld, me)
 This subroutine calculates layer soil wetness. More...
subroutine usesgt (sig1t, slianl, tg3anl, len, lsoil, tsfanl, stcanl, tsfimx)
subroutine snosfc (snoanl, tsfanl, tsfsmx, len, me)
subroutine albocn (albclm, slmask, albomx, len)
subroutine qcmxice (glacir, amxice, len, me)
subroutine qcsli (slianl, slifcs, len, me)
subroutine qcbyfc (tsffcs, snofcs, qctsfs, qcsnos, qctsfi, len, lsoil, snoanl, aisanl, slianl, tsfanl, albanl, zoranl, smcanl, smcclm, tsfsmx, albomx, zoromx, me)
subroutine setrmsk (kpds5, slmask, igaul, jgaul, wlon, rnlat, data, imax, jmax, rlnout, rltout, lmask, rslmsk , gaus, blno, blto, kgds1, kpds4, lbms)
subroutine ga2la (gauin, imxin, jmxin, regout, imxout, jmxout, wlon, rnlat, rlnout, rltout, gaus, blno, blto)
 This subroutine interpolates from lat/lon grid to other lat/lon grid. More...
subroutine landtyp (vegtype, soiltype, slptype, slmask, len)
subroutine gaulat (gaul, k)
subroutine anomint (tsfan0, tsfclm, tsfcl0, tsfanl, len)
 The subroutine conducts time interpolation of anomalies, and add initial anomaly to date interpolated climatology. More...
subroutine clima (lugb, iy, im, id, ih, fh, len, lsoil, slmask, fntsfc, fnwetc, fnsnoc, fnzorc, fnalbc, fnaisc, fntg3c, fnscvc, fnsmcc, fnstcc, fnacnc, fnvegc, fnvetc, fnsotc, fnvmnc, fnvmxc, fnslpc, fnabsc, tsfclm, tsfcl2, wetclm, snoclm, zorclm, albclm, aisclm, tg3clm, cvclm, cvbclm, cvtclm, cnpclm, smcclm, stcclm, sliclm, scvclm, acnclm, vegclm, vetclm, sotclm, alfclm, vmnclm, vmxclm, slpclm, absclm, kpdtsf, kpdwet, kpdsno, kpdzor, kpdalb, kpdais, kpdtg3, kpdscv, kpdacn, kpdsmc, kpdstc, kpdveg, kpdvet, kpdsot, kpdalf, tsfcl0, kpdvmn, kpdvmx, kpdslp, kpdabs, deltsfc, lanom , imsk, jmsk, slmskh, outlat, outlon , gaus, blno, blto, me, lprnt, iprnt, fnalbc2, ialb, tile_num_ch, i_index, j_index)
subroutine fixrdc_tile (filename_raw, tile_num_ch, i_index, j_index, kpds, var, mon, npts, me)
subroutine netcdf_err (error)
subroutine fixrdc (lugb, fngrib, kpds5, kpds7, mon, slmask, gdata, len, iret , imsk, jmsk, slmskh, gaus, blno, blto , outlat, outlon, me)
 reads in grib climatology files and interpolate to the input grid. grib files should allow all the necessary parameters to be extracted from the description records. More...
subroutine fixrda (lugb, fngrib, kpds5, slmask, iy, im, id, ih, fh, gdata, len, iret , imsk, jmsk, slmskh, gaus, blno, blto , outlat, outlon, me)
subroutine snodpth2 (glacir, snwmax, snoanl, len, me)


integer sfccyc_module::kpdtsf
integer sfccyc_module::kpdwet
integer sfccyc_module::kpdsno
integer sfccyc_module::kpdzor
integer sfccyc_module::kpdais
integer sfccyc_module::kpdtg3
integer sfccyc_module::kpdplr
integer sfccyc_module::kpdgla
integer, dimension(4), parameter sfccyc_module::kpdalb_0 =(/212,215,213,216/)
integer, dimension(4), parameter sfccyc_module::kpdalb_1 =(/189,190,191,192/)
integer, dimension(2), parameter sfccyc_module::kpdalf =(/214,217/)
integer, parameter sfccyc_module::xdata =5000
integer, parameter sfccyc_module::ydata =2500
integer, parameter sfccyc_module::mdata =xdata*ydata
integer sfccyc_module::veg_type_landice
integer sfccyc_module::soil_type_landice