set_aercoef General Algorithm
- Reading climatological aerosols optical data from aeros_file, including:
- ending wave num for 61 aerosol spectral bands
- atmos scale height for 5 domains, 7 profs
- reference pressure for 5 domains, 7 profs
- rh independent ext coef for 61 bands, 6 species
- rh independent sca coef for 61 bands, 6 species
- rh independent ssa coef for 61 bands, 6 species
- rh independent asy coef for 61 bands, 6 species
- rh dependent ext coef for 61 bands, 8 rh lev, 4 species
- rh dependent sca coef for 61 bands, 8 rh lev, 4 species
- rh dependent ssa coef for 61 bands, 8 rh lev, 4 species
- rh dependent asy coef for 61 bands, 8 rh lev, 4 species
- stratospheric background aeros for 61 bands
- Convert pressure reference level (in mb) to sigma reference level assume an 1000mb reference surface pressure.
- Compute solar flux weights and interval indices for mapping spectral bands between SW radiation and aerosol data.
- Compute LW flux weights and interval indices for mapping spectral bands between lw radiation and aerosol data.
- Call optavg() to compute spectral band mean properties for each species.
References physparam::aeros_file, asyrhd, asyrhi, extrhd, extrhi, extstra, f_zero, haer, imxae, jmxae, lalwflg, laswflg, lmap_new, naerbnd, ncm1, ncm2, nlwbnd, nlwstr, nrhlev, nswbnd, nswlwbd, module_radsw_parameters::nswstr, nv_aod, optavg(), prsref, scarhd, scarhi, sigref, ssarhd, ssarhi, wvn550, wvn_lw1, wvn_lw2, wvn_sw1, and wvn_sw2.
Referenced by clim_aerinit().