private |
It contains the subroutines taugbn (where n goes from 1 to 16). taugbn calculates the optical depths and planck fractions per g-value and layer for band n.
laytrop | tropopause layer index (unitless) layer at which switch is made for key species |
pavel | layer pressures (mb) |
coldry | column amount for dry air (mol/cm^2) |
colamt | column amounts of h2o, co2, o3, n2o, ch4,o2, co (mol/cm^2) |
colbrd | column amount of broadening gases |
wx | cross-section amounts (mol/cm^2) |
tauaer | aerosol optical depth |
rfrate | reference ratios of binary species parameter (:,m,:)m=1-h2o/co2,2-h2o/o3,3-h2o/n2o,4-h2o/ch4, 5-n2o/co2,6-o3/co2 (:,:,n)n=1,2: the rates of ref press at the 2 sides of the layer |
fac00,fac01,fac10,fac11 | factors multiply the reference ks, i,j of 0/1 for lower/higher of the 2 appropriate temperatures and altitudes |
jp | index of lower reference pressure |
jt,jt1 | indices of lower reference temperatures for pressure levels jp and jp+1, respectively |
selffac | scale factor for water vapor self-continuum equals (water vapor density)/(atmospheric density at 296k and 1013 mb) |
selffrac | factor for temperature interpolation of reference water vapor self-continuum data |
indself | index of lower reference temperature for the self-continuum interpolation |
forfac | scale factor for w. v. foreign-continuum |
forfrac | factor for temperature interpolation of reference w.v. foreign-continuum data |
indfor | index of lower reference temperature for the foreign-continuum interpolation |
minorfrac | factor for minor gases |
scaleminor,scaleminorn2 | scale factors for minor gases |
indminor | index of lower reference temperature for minor gases |
nlay | total number of layers |
fracs | planck fractions |
tautot | total optical depth (gas+aerosols) |
subprograms called: taugb## (## = 01 -16)
References module_radlw_parameters::ngb, module_radlw_parameters::ngptlw, taugb01(), taugb02(), taugb03(), taugb04(), taugb05(), taugb06(), taugb07(), taugb08(), taugb09(), taugb10(), taugb11(), taugb12(), taugb13(), taugb14(), taugb15(), and taugb16().
Referenced by rrtmg_lw_run().