private |
cfrac | layer cloud fraction for physparam::iswcliq > 0 (prognostic cloud scheme) - - - |
cliqp | layer in-cloud liq water path ( g/m^2) |
reliq | mean eff radius for liq cloud (micron) |
cicep | layer in-cloud ice water path ( g/m^2) |
reice | mean eff radius for ice cloud (micron) |
cdat1 | layer rain drop water path ( g/m^2) |
cdat2 | effective radius for rain drop (micron) |
cdat3 | layer snow flake water path( g/m^2) |
cdat4 | mean eff radius for snow flake(micron) for physparam::iswcliq = 0 (diagnostic cloud scheme) - - - |
cliqp | not used |
cicep | not used |
reliq | not used |
reice | not used |
cdat1 | layer cloud optical depth |
cdat2 | layer cloud single scattering albedo |
cdat3 | layer cloud asymmetry factor |
cdat4 | optional use |
cf1 | effective total cloud cover at surface |
nlay | vertical layer number |
ipseed | permutation seed for generating random numbers (isubcsw>0) |
dz | layer thickness (km) |
delgth | layer cloud decorrelation length (km) |
taucw | cloud optical depth, w/o delta scaled |
ssacw | weighted cloud single scattering albedo (ssa = ssacw / taucw) |
asycw | weighted cloud asymmetry factor (asy = asycw / ssacw) |
cldfrc | cloud fraction of grid mean value |
cldfmc | cloud fraction for each sub-column |
References module_radsw_cldprtb::a0r, module_radsw_cldprtb::a0s, module_radsw_cldprtb::a1s, module_radsw_cldprtb::abari, module_radsw_cldprtb::asyice2, module_radsw_cldprtb::asyice3, module_radsw_cldprtb::asyliq1, module_radsw_cldprtb::asyliq2, module_radsw_cldprtb::b0r, module_radsw_cldprtb::b0s, module_radsw_cldprtb::b1s, module_radsw_cldprtb::bbari, module_radsw_cldprtb::c0r, module_radsw_cldprtb::c0s, module_radsw_cldprtb::cbari, module_radsw_cldprtb::dbari, module_radsw_cldprtb::ebari, module_radsw_cldprtb::extice2, module_radsw_cldprtb::extice3, module_radsw_cldprtb::extliq1, module_radsw_cldprtb::extliq2, f_one, f_zero, module_radsw_cldprtb::fbari, ftiny, idxebc, physparam::isubcsw, physparam::iswcice, physparam::iswcliq, mcica_subcol(), module_radsw_parameters::nbdsw, module_radsw_parameters::nbhgh, module_radsw_parameters::nblow, module_radsw_parameters::ngptsw, module_radsw_cldprtb::ssaice2, module_radsw_cldprtb::ssaice3, module_radsw_cldprtb::ssaliq1, and module_radsw_cldprtb::ssaliq2.
Referenced by rrtmg_sw_run().