subroutine | count (slimsk, sno, ijmax) |
| This subroutine counts number of points for the four surface conditions. More...
subroutine | monitr (lfld, fld, slimsk, sno, ijmax) |
subroutine | dayoyr (iyr, imo, idy, ldy) |
| This subroutine figures out the day of the year given imo and idy. More...
subroutine | hmskrd (lugb, imsk, jmsk, fnmskh, kpds5, slmskh, gausm, blnmsk, bltmsk, me) |
| reads a high resolution mask field for use in grib interpolation More...
subroutine | fixrdg (lugb, idim, jdim, fngrib, kpds5, gdata, gaus, blno, blto, me) |
subroutine | getarea (kgds, dlat, dlon, rslat, rnlat, wlon, elon, ijordr , me) |
| This subroutine get area of the grib record. More...
subroutine | subst (data, imax, jmax, dlon, dlat, ijordr) |
subroutine | la2ga (regin, imxin, jmxin, rinlon, rinlat, rlon, rlat, inttyp, gauout, len, lmask, rslmsk, slmask , outlat, outlon, me) |
| This subroutine conducts interpolation from lat/lon to Gaussian grid to other lat/lon grid. More...
subroutine | maxmin (f, imax, kmax) |
subroutine | filanl (tsfanl, tsfan2, wetanl, snoanl, zoranl, albanl, aisanl, tg3anl, cvanl, cvbanl, cvtanl, cnpanl, smcanl, stcanl, slianl, scvanl, veganl, vetanl, sotanl, alfanl, sihanl, sicanl, vmnanl, vmxanl, slpanl, absanl, tsfclm, tsfcl2, wetclm, snoclm, zorclm, albclm, aisclm, tg3clm, cvclm, cvbclm, cvtclm, cnpclm, smcclm, stcclm, sliclm, scvclm, vegclm, vetclm, sotclm, alfclm, sihclm, sicclm, vmnclm, vmxclm, slpclm, absclm, len, lsoil) |
subroutine | analy (lugb, iy, im, id, ih, fh, len, lsoil, slmask, fntsfa, fnweta, fnsnoa, fnzora, fnalba, fnaisa, fntg3a, fnscva, fnsmca, fnstca, fnacna, fnvega, fnveta, fnsota, fnvmna, fnvmxa, fnslpa, fnabsa, tsfanl, wetanl, snoanl, zoranl, albanl, aisanl, tg3anl, cvanl, cvbanl, cvtanl, smcanl, stcanl, slianl, scvanl, acnanl, veganl, vetanl, sotanl, alfanl, tsfan0, vmnanl, vmxanl, slpanl, absanl, kpdtsf, kpdwet, kpdsno, kpdsnd, kpdzor, kpdalb, kpdais, kpdtg3, kpdscv, kpdacn, kpdsmc, kpdstc, kpdveg, kprvet, kpdsot, kpdalf, kpdvmn, kpdvmx, kpdslp, kpdabs, irttsf, irtwet, irtsno, irtzor, irtalb, irtais, irttg3, irtscv, irtacn, irtsmc, irtstc, irtveg, irtvet, irtsot, irtalf , irtvmn, irtvmx, irtslp, irtabs , imsk, jmsk, slmskh, outlat, outlon , gaus, blno, blto, me, lanom) |
subroutine | filfcs (tsffcs, wetfcs, snofcs, zorfcs, albfcs, tg3fcs, cvfcs, cvbfcs, cvtfcs, cnpfcs, smcfcs, stcfcs, slifcs, aisfcs, vegfcs, vetfcs, sotfcs, alffcs, sihfcs, sicfcs, vmnfcs, vmxfcs, slpfcs, absfcs, tsfanl, wetanl, snoanl, zoranl, albanl, tg3anl, cvanl, cvbanl, cvtanl, cnpanl, smcanl, stcanl, slianl, aisanl, veganl, vetanl, sotanl, alfanl, sihanl, sicanl, vmnanl, vmxanl, slpanl, absanl, len, lsoil) |
subroutine | bktges (smcfcs, slianl, stcfcs, len, lsoil) |
subroutine | rof01 (aisfld, len, op, crit) |
subroutine | tsfcor (tsfc, orog, slmask, umask, len, rlapse) |
subroutine | snodpth (scvanl, slianl, tsfanl, snoclm, glacir, snwmax, snwmin, landice, len, snoanl, me) |
| This subroutine uses surface temperature to get snow depth estimate. More...
subroutine | merge (len, lsoil, iy, im, id, ih, fh, deltsfc, sihfcs, sicfcs, vmnfcs, vmxfcs, slpfcs, absfcs, tsffcs, wetfcs, snofcs, zorfcs, albfcs, aisfcs, cvfcs, cvbfcs, cvtfcs, cnpfcs, smcfcs, stcfcs, slifcs, vegfcs, vetfcs, sotfcs, alffcs, sihanl, sicanl, vmnanl, vmxanl, slpanl, absanl, tsfanl, tsfan2, wetanl, snoanl, zoranl, albanl, aisanl, cvanl, cvbanl, cvtanl, cnpanl, smcanl, stcanl, slianl, veganl, vetanl, sotanl, alfanl, ctsfl, calbl, caisl, csnol, csmcl, czorl, cstcl, cvegl, ctsfs, calbs, caiss, csnos, csmcs, czors, cstcs, cvegs, ccv, ccvb, ccvt, ccnp, cvetl, cvets, csotl, csots, calfl, calfs, csihl, csihs, csicl, csics, cvmnl, cvmns, cvmxl, cvmxs, cslpl, cslps, cabsl, cabss, irttsf, irtwet, irtsno, irtzor, irtalb, irtais, irttg3, irtscv, irtacn, irtsmc, irtstc, irtveg, irtvmn, irtvmx, irtslp, irtabs, irtvet, irtsot, irtalf, landice, me) |
| This subroutine merges analysis and forecast. More...
subroutine | newice (slianl, slifcs, tsfanl, tsffcs, len, lsoil, sihnew, sicnew, sihanl, sicanl, albanl, snoanl, zoranl, smcanl, stcanl, albsea, snosea, zorsea, smcsea, smcice, tsfmin, tsfice, albice, zorice, tgice, rla, rlo, me) |
subroutine | qcsnow (snoanl, slmask, aisanl, glacir, len, snoval, landice, me) |
subroutine | qcsice (ais, glacir, amxice, aicice, aicsea, sllnd, slmask, rla, rlo, len, me) |
subroutine | setlsi (slmask, aisfld, len, aicice, slifld) |
subroutine | scale (fld, len, scl) |
subroutine | qcmxmn (ttl, fld, slimsk, sno, iceflg, fldlmx, fldlmn, fldomx, fldomn, fldimx, fldimn, fldjmx, fldjmn, fldsmx, fldsmn, epsfld, rla, rlo, len, mode, percrit, lgchek, me) |
subroutine | setzro (fld, eps, len) |
subroutine | getscv (snofld, scvfld, len) |
subroutine | getstc (tsffld, tg3fld, slifld, len, lsoil, stcfld, tsfimx) |
subroutine | getsmc (wetfld, len, lsoil, smcfld, me) |
| This subroutine calculates layer soil wetness. More...
subroutine | usesgt (sig1t, slianl, tg3anl, len, lsoil, tsfanl, stcanl, tsfimx) |
subroutine | snosfc (snoanl, tsfanl, tsfsmx, len, me) |
subroutine | albocn (albclm, slmask, albomx, len) |
subroutine | qcmxice (glacir, amxice, len, me) |
subroutine | qcsli (slianl, slifcs, len, me) |
subroutine | qcbyfc (tsffcs, snofcs, qctsfs, qcsnos, qctsfi, len, lsoil, snoanl, aisanl, slianl, tsfanl, albanl, zoranl, smcanl, smcclm, tsfsmx, albomx, zoromx, me) |
subroutine | setrmsk (kpds5, slmask, igaul, jgaul, wlon, rnlat, data, imax, jmax, rlnout, rltout, lmask, rslmsk , gaus, blno, blto, kgds1, kpds4, lbms) |
subroutine | ga2la (gauin, imxin, jmxin, regout, imxout, jmxout, wlon, rnlat, rlnout, rltout, gaus, blno, blto) |
| This subroutine interpolates from lat/lon grid to other lat/lon grid. More...
subroutine | landtyp (vegtype, soiltype, slptype, slmask, len) |
subroutine | gaulat (gaul, k) |
subroutine | anomint (tsfan0, tsfclm, tsfcl0, tsfanl, len) |
| The subroutine conducts time interpolation of anomalies, and add initial anomaly to date interpolated climatology. More...
subroutine | clima (lugb, iy, im, id, ih, fh, len, lsoil, slmask, fntsfc, fnwetc, fnsnoc, fnzorc, fnalbc, fnaisc, fntg3c, fnscvc, fnsmcc, fnstcc, fnacnc, fnvegc, fnvetc, fnsotc, fnvmnc, fnvmxc, fnslpc, fnabsc, tsfclm, tsfcl2, wetclm, snoclm, zorclm, albclm, aisclm, tg3clm, cvclm, cvbclm, cvtclm, cnpclm, smcclm, stcclm, sliclm, scvclm, acnclm, vegclm, vetclm, sotclm, alfclm, vmnclm, vmxclm, slpclm, absclm, kpdtsf, kpdwet, kpdsno, kpdzor, kpdalb, kpdais, kpdtg3, kpdscv, kpdacn, kpdsmc, kpdstc, kpdveg, kpdvet, kpdsot, kpdalf, tsfcl0, kpdvmn, kpdvmx, kpdslp, kpdabs, deltsfc, lanom , imsk, jmsk, slmskh, outlat, outlon , gaus, blno, blto, me, lprnt, iprnt, fnalbc2, ialb, tile_num_ch, i_index, j_index) |
subroutine | fixrdc_tile (filename_raw, tile_num_ch, i_index, j_index, kpds, var, mon, npts, me) |
subroutine | netcdf_err (error) |
subroutine | fixrdc (lugb, fngrib, kpds5, kpds7, mon, slmask, gdata, len, iret , imsk, jmsk, slmskh, gaus, blno, blto , outlat, outlon, me) |
| reads in grib climatology files and interpolate to the input grid. grib files should allow all the necessary parameters to be extracted from the description records. More...
subroutine | fixrda (lugb, fngrib, kpds5, slmask, iy, im, id, ih, fh, gdata, len, iret , imsk, jmsk, slmskh, gaus, blno, blto , outlat, outlon, me) |
subroutine | snodpth2 (glacir, snwmax, snoanl, len, me) |