CCPP Scientific Documentation
elemental subroutine, public funcphys::stmaxg ( real(krealfp), intent(in)  tg,
real(krealfp), intent(in)  the,
real(krealfp), intent(in)  pk,
real(krealfp), intent(out)  tma,
real(krealfp), intent(out)  qma 
[in]tgreal, guess parcel temperature in Kelvin
[in]thereal, equivalent potential temperature in Kelvin
[in]pkreal, pressure over 1e5 Pa to the kappa power
[out]tmareal, parcel temperature in Kelvin
[out]qmareal, parcel specific humidity in kg/kg

References physcons::con_cp, physcons::con_cpor, physcons::con_dldt, physcons::con_eps, physcons::con_hvap, physcons::con_rocp, physcons::con_rv, physcons::con_ttp, physcons::con_xpona, physcons::con_xponb, and psatb.

Referenced by gtma(), and stmax().