local_name | standard_name | long_name | units | type | dimensions | kind | intent | optional |
ix | horizontal_dimension | horizontal dimension | count | integer | () | | in | False |
im | horizontal_loop_extent | horizontal loop extent | count | integer | () | | in | False |
levs | vertical_dimension | vertical layer dimension | count | integer | () | | in | False |
flag_init | flag_for_first_time_step | flag signaling first time step for time integration loop | flag | logical | () | | in | False |
flag_restart | flag_for_restart | flag for restart (warmstart) or coldstart | flag | logical | () | | in | False |
lssav | flag_diagnostics | logical flag for storing diagnostics | flag | logical | () | | in | False |
ldiag3d | flag_diagnostics_3D | flag for 3d diagnostic fields | flag | logical | () | | in | False |
lsidea | flag_idealized_physics | flag for idealized physics | flag | logical | () | | in | False |
delt | time_step_for_physics | time step for physics | s | real | () | kind_phys | in | False |
dtf | time_step_for_dynamics | dynamics timestep | s | real | () | kind_phys | in | False |
dx | cell_size | size of the grid cell | m | real | (horizontal_dimension) | kind_phys | in | False |
zorl | surface_roughness_length | surface roughness length in cm | cm | real | (horizontal_dimension) | kind_phys | in | False |
phii | geopotential_at_interface | geopotential at model layer interfaces | m2 s-2 | real | (horizontal_dimension, vertical_dimension_plus_one) | kind_phys | in | False |
U | x_wind | x component of layer wind | m s-1 | real | (horizontal_dimension, vertical_dimension) | kind_phys | in | False |
V | y_wind | y component of layer wind | m s-1 | real | (horizontal_dimension, vertical_dimension) | kind_phys | in | False |
omega | omega | layer mean vertical velocity | Pa s-1 | real | (horizontal_dimension, vertical_dimension) | kind_phys | in | False |
T3D | air_temperature | layer mean air temperature | K | real | (horizontal_dimension, vertical_dimension) | kind_phys | in | False |
qgrs_water_vapor | water_vapor_specific_humidity | water vapor specific humidity | kg kg-1 | real | (horizontal_dimension, vertical_dimension) | kind_phys | in | False |
qgrs_liquid_cloud | cloud_condensed_water_mixing_ratio | moist (dry+vapor, no condensates) mixing ratio of cloud water (condensate) | kg kg-1 | real | (horizontal_dimension, vertical_dimension) | kind_phys | in | False |
qgrs_ice_cloud | ice_water_mixing_ratio | moist (dry+vapor, no condensates) mixing ratio of ice water | kg kg-1 | real | (horizontal_dimension, vertical_dimension) | kind_phys | in | False |
qgrs_cloud_droplet_num_conc | cloud_droplet_number_concentration | number concentration of cloud droplets (liquid) | kg-1 | real | (horizontal_dimension, vertical_dimension) | kind_phys | in | False |
qgrs_cloud_ice_num_conc | ice_number_concentration | number concentration of ice | kg-1 | real | (horizontal_dimension, vertical_dimension) | kind_phys | in | False |
qgrs_ozone | ozone_mixing_ratio | ozone mixing ratio | kg kg-1 | real | (horizontal_dimension, vertical_dimension) | kind_phys | in | False |
qgrs_water_aer_num_conc | water_friendly_aerosol_number_concentration | number concentration of water-friendly aerosols | kg-1 | real | (horizontal_dimension, vertical_dimension) | kind_phys | in | False |
qgrs_ice_aer_num_conc | ice_friendly_aerosol_number_concentration | number concentration of ice-friendly aerosols | kg-1 | real | (horizontal_dimension, vertical_dimension) | kind_phys | in | False |
prsl | air_pressure | mean layer pressure | Pa | real | (horizontal_dimension, vertical_dimension) | kind_phys | in | False |
exner | dimensionless_exner_function_at_model_layers | Exner function at layers | none | real | (horizontal_dimension, vertical_dimension) | kind_phys | in | False |
slmsk | sea_land_ice_mask_real | landmask: sea/land/ice=0/1/2 | flag | real | (horizontal_dimension) | kind_phys | in | False |
tsurf | surface_skin_temperature | surface temperature | K | real | (horizontal_dimension) | kind_phys | in | False |
qsfc | surface_specific_humidity | surface air saturation specific humidity | kg kg-1 | real | (horizontal_dimension) | kind_phys | in | False |
ps | surface_air_pressure | surface pressure | Pa | real | (horizontal_dimension) | kind_phys | in | False |
ust | surface_friction_velocity | boundary layer parameter | m s-1 | real | (horizontal_dimension) | kind_phys | in | False |
ch | surface_drag_wind_speed_for_momentum_in_air | momentum exchange coefficient | m s-1 | real | (horizontal_dimension) | kind_phys | out | False |
hflx | kinematic_surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux | kinematic surface upward sensible heat flux | K m s-1 | real | (horizontal_dimension) | kind_phys | in | False |
qflx | kinematic_surface_upward_latent_heat_flux | kinematic surface upward latent heat flux | kg kg-1 m s-1 | real | (horizontal_dimension) | kind_phys | in | False |
wspd | wind_speed_at_lowest_model_layer | wind speed at lowest model level | m s-1 | real | (horizontal_dimension) | kind_phys | in | False |
rb | bulk_richardson_number_at_lowest_model_level | bulk Richardson number at the surface | none | real | (horizontal_dimension) | kind_phys | in | False |
dtsfc1 | instantaneous_surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux | surface upward sensible heat flux valid for current call | W m-2 | real | (horizontal_dimension) | kind_phys | out | False |
dqsfc1 | instantaneous_surface_upward_latent_heat_flux | surface upward latent heat flux valid for current call | W m-2 | real | (horizontal_dimension) | kind_phys | out | False |
dtsfci_diag | instantaneous_surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux_for_diag | instantaneous sfc sensible heat flux multiplied by timestep | W m-2 | real | (horizontal_dimension) | kind_phys | out | False |
dqsfci_diag | instantaneous_surface_upward_latent_heat_flux_for_diag | instantaneous sfc latent heat flux multiplied by timestep | W m-2 | real | (horizontal_dimension) | kind_phys | out | False |
dtsfc_diag | cumulative_surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux_for_diag_multiplied_by_timestep | cumulative sfc sensible heat flux multiplied by timestep | W m-2 s | real | (horizontal_dimension) | kind_phys | out | False |
dqsfc_diag | cumulative_surface_upward_latent_heat_flux_for_diag_multiplied_by_timestep | cumulative sfc latent heat flux multiplied by timestep | W m-2 s | real | (horizontal_dimension) | kind_phys | out | False |
recmol | reciprocal_of_obukhov_length | one over obukhov length | m-1 | real | (horizontal_dimension) | kind_phys | in | False |
qke | tke_at_mass_points | 2 x tke at mass points | m2 s-2 | real | (horizontal_dimension, vertical_dimension) | kind_phys | inout | False |
qke_adv | turbulent_kinetic_energy | turbulent kinetic energy | J | real | (horizontal_dimension, vertical_dimension) | kind_phys | inout | False |
tsq | t_prime_squared | temperature fluctuation squared | K2 | real | (horizontal_dimension, vertical_dimension) | kind_phys | out | False |
qsq | q_prime_squared | water vapor fluctuation squared | kg2 kg-2 | real | (horizontal_dimension, vertical_dimension) | kind_phys | out | False |
cov | t_prime_q_prime | covariance of temperature and moisture | K kg kg-1 | real | (horizontal_dimension, vertical_dimension) | kind_phys | out | False |
el_pbl | mixing_length | mixing length in meters | m | real | (horizontal_dimension, vertical_dimension) | kind_phys | inout | False |
Sh3D | stability_function_for_heat | stability function for heat | none | real | (horizontal_dimension, vertical_dimension) | kind_phys | inout | False |
exch_h | atmosphere_heat_diffusivity_for_mynnpbl | diffusivity for heat for MYNN PBL (defined for all mass levels) | m2 s-1 | real | (horizontal_dimension, vertical_dimension) | kind_phys | out | False |
exch_m | atmosphere_momentum_diffusivity_for_mynnpbl | diffusivity for momentum for MYNN PBL (defined for all mass levels) | m2 s-1 | real | (horizontal_dimension, vertical_dimension) | kind_phys | out | False |
PBLH | atmosphere_boundary_layer_thickness | PBL thickness | m | real | (horizontal_dimension) | kind_phys | inout | False |
kpbl | vertical_index_at_top_of_atmosphere_boundary_layer | PBL top model level index | index | integer | (horizontal_dimension) | | inout | False |
QC_BL | subgrid_cloud_mixing_ratio_pbl | subgrid cloud cloud mixing ratio from PBL scheme | kg kg-1 | real | (horizontal_dimension, vertical_dimension) | kind_phys | inout | False |
CLDFRA_BL | subgrid_cloud_fraction_pbl | subgrid cloud fraction from PBL scheme | frac | real | (horizontal_dimension, vertical_dimension) | kind_phys | inout | False |
edmf_a | emdf_updraft_area | updraft area from mass flux scheme | frac | real | (horizontal_dimension, vertical_dimension) | kind_phys | inout | False |
edmf_w | emdf_updraft_vertical_velocity | updraft vertical velocity from mass flux scheme | m s-1 | real | (horizontal_dimension, vertical_dimension) | kind_phys | inout | False |
edmf_qt | emdf_updraft_total_water | updraft total water from mass flux scheme | kg kg-1 | real | (horizontal_dimension, vertical_dimension) | kind_phys | inout | False |
edmf_thl | emdf_updraft_theta_l | updraft theta-l from mass flux scheme | K | real | (horizontal_dimension, vertical_dimension) | kind_phys | inout | False |
edmf_ent | emdf_updraft_entrainment_rate | updraft entrainment rate from mass flux scheme | s-1 | real | (horizontal_dimension, vertical_dimension) | kind_phys | inout | False |
edmf_qc | emdf_updraft_cloud_water | updraft cloud water from mass flux scheme | kg kg-1 | real | (horizontal_dimension, vertical_dimension) | kind_phys | inout | False |
nupdraft | number_of_plumes | number of plumes per grid column | count | integer | (horizontal_dimension) | | inout | False |
maxMF | maximum_mass_flux | maximum mass flux within a column | m s-1 | real | (horizontal_dimension) | kind_phys | out | False |
ktop_shallow | k_level_of_highest_reaching_plume | k-level of highest reaching plume | count | integer | (horizontal_dimension) | | inout | False |
RTHRATEN | tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_longwave_heating_on_radiation_time_step | total sky longwave heating rate | K s-1 | real | (horizontal_dimension, adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation) | kind_phys | in | False |
dudt | tendency_of_x_wind_due_to_model_physics | updated tendency of the x wind | m s-2 | real | (horizontal_dimension, vertical_dimension) | kind_phys | inout | False |
dvdt | tendency_of_y_wind_due_to_model_physics | updated tendency of the y wind | m s-2 | real | (horizontal_dimension, vertical_dimension) | kind_phys | inout | False |
dtdt | tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_model_physics | updated tendency of the temperature | K s-1 | real | (horizontal_dimension, vertical_dimension) | kind_phys | inout | False |
dqdt_water_vapor | tendency_of_water_vapor_specific_humidity_due_to_model_physics | water vapor specific humidity tendency due to model physics | kg kg-1 s-1 | real | (horizontal_dimension, vertical_dimension) | kind_phys | inout | False |
dqdt_liquid_cloud | tendency_of_liquid_cloud_water_mixing_ratio_due_to_model_physics | cloud condensed water mixing ratio tendency due to model physics | kg kg-1 s-1 | real | (horizontal_dimension, vertical_dimension) | kind_phys | inout | False |
dqdt_ice_cloud | tendency_of_ice_cloud_water_mixing_ratio_due_to_model_physics | cloud condensed water mixing ratio tendency due to model physics | kg kg-1 s-1 | real | (horizontal_dimension, vertical_dimension) | kind_phys | inout | False |
dqdt_ozone | tendency_of_ozone_mixing_ratio_due_to_model_physics | ozone mixing ratio tendency due to model physics | kg kg-1 s-1 | real | (horizontal_dimension, vertical_dimension) | kind_phys | inout | False |
dqdt_cloud_droplet_num_conc | tendency_of_cloud_droplet_number_concentration_due_to_model_physics | number conc. of cloud droplets (liquid) tendency due to model physics | kg-1 s-1 | real | (horizontal_dimension, vertical_dimension) | kind_phys | inout | False |
dqdt_ice_num_conc | tendency_of_ice_number_concentration_due_to_model_physics | number conc. of ice tendency due to model physics | kg-1 s-1 | real | (horizontal_dimension, vertical_dimension) | kind_phys | inout | False |
dqdt_water_aer_num_conc | tendency_of_water_friendly_aerosol_number_concentration_due_to_model_physics | number conc. of water-friendly aerosols tendency due to model physics | kg-1 s-1 | real | (horizontal_dimension, vertical_dimension) | kind_phys | inout | False |
dqdt_ice_aer_num_conc | tendency_of_ice_friendly_aerosol_number_concentration_due_to_model_physics | number conc. of ice-friendly aerosols tendency due to model physics | kg-1 s-1 | real | (horizontal_dimension, vertical_dimension) | kind_phys | inout | False |
dt3dt | cumulative_change_in_temperature_due_to_PBL | cumulative change in temperature due to PBL | K | real | (horizontal_dimension, vertical_dimension) | kind_phys | inout | False |
du3dt_PBL | cumulative_change_in_x_wind_due_to_PBL | cumulative change in x wind due to PBL | m s-1 | real | (horizontal_dimension, vertical_dimension) | kind_phys | inout | False |
du3dt_OGWD | cumulative_change_in_x_wind_due_to_orographic_gravity_wave_drag | cumulative change in x wind due to orographic gravity wave drag | m s-1 | real | (horizontal_dimension, vertical_dimension) | kind_phys | inout | False |
dv3dt_PBL | cumulative_change_in_y_wind_due_to_PBL | cumulative change in y wind due to PBL | m s-1 | real | (horizontal_dimension, vertical_dimension) | kind_phys | inout | False |
dv3dt_OGWD | cumulative_change_in_y_wind_due_to_orographic_gravity_wave_drag | cumulative change in y wind due to orographic gravity wave drag | m s-1 | real | (horizontal_dimension, vertical_dimension) | kind_phys | inout | False |
htrsw | tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_shortwave_heating_on_radiation_timestep | total sky sw heating rate | K s-1 | real | (horizontal_dimension, vertical_dimension) | kind_phys | in | False |
htrlw | tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_longwave_heating_on_radiation_timestep | total sky lw heating rate | K s-1 | real | (horizontal_dimension, vertical_dimension) | kind_phys | in | False |
xmu | zenith_angle_temporal_adjustment_factor_for_shortwave_fluxes | zenith angle temporal adjustment factor for shortwave | none | real | (horizontal_dimension) | kind_phys | in | False |
grav_settling | grav_settling | flag to activate gravitational setting of fog | flag | integer | () | | in | False |
bl_mynn_tkebudget | tke_budget | flag for activating TKE budget | flag | integer | () | | in | False |
bl_mynn_tkeadvect | tke_advect | flag for activating TKE advect | flag | logical | () | | in | False |
bl_mynn_cloudpdf | cloudpdf | flag to determine which cloud PDF to use | flag | integer | () | | in | False |
bl_mynn_mixlength | mixing_length_flag | flag to determine which mixing length form to use | flag | integer | () | | in | False |
bl_mynn_edmf | edmf_flag | flag to activate the mass-flux scheme | flag | integer | () | | in | False |
bl_mynn_edmf_mom | edmf_momentum_transport_flag | flag to activate the transport of momentum | flag | integer | () | | in | False |
bl_mynn_edmf_tke | edmf_tke_transport_flag | flag to activate the transport of TKE | flag | integer | () | | in | False |
bl_mynn_edmf_part | edmf_partition_flag | flag to partitioning of the MF and ED areas | flag | integer | () | | in | False |
bl_mynn_cloudmix | cloud_specie_mix_flag | flag to activate mixing of cloud species | flag | integer | () | | in | False |
bl_mynn_mixqt | mix_total_water_flag | flag to mix total water or individual species | flag | integer | () | | in | False |
icloud_bl | couple_sgs_clouds_to_radiation_flag | flag for coupling sgs clouds to radiation | flag | integer | () | | in | False |
do_mynnsfclay | do_mynnsfclay | flag to activate MYNN surface layer | flag | logical | () | | in | False |
imp_physics | flag_for_microphysics_scheme | choice of microphysics scheme | flag | integer | () | | in | False |
imp_physics_gfdl | flag_for_gfdl_microphysics_scheme | choice of GFDL microphysics scheme | flag | integer | () | | in | False |
imp_physics_thompson | flag_for_thompson_microphysics_scheme | choice of Thompson microphysics scheme | flag | integer | () | | in | False |
imp_physics_wsm6 | flag_for_wsm6_microphysics_scheme | choice of WSM6 microphysics scheme | flag | integer | () | | in | False |
ltaerosol | flag_for_aerosol_physics | flag for aerosol physics | flag | logical | () | | in | False |
lprnt | flag_print | control flag for diagnostic print out | flag | logical | () | | in | False |
errmsg | ccpp_error_message | error message for error handling in CCPP | none | character | () | len=* | out | False |
errflg | ccpp_error_flag | error flag for error handling in CCPP | flag | integer | () | | out | False |