CCPP Scientific Documentation
GFS Physics Time Update

This module contains GFS physics time vary subroutines including ozone, stratospheric water vapor, aerosol, IN&CCN and surface properties updates. More...

Detailed Description


module  gfs_phys_time_vary
module  ozne_def
 This module defines arrays in Ozone scheme.
module  ozinterp
 This module contains subroutines of reading and interpolating ozone coefficients.
module  h2o_def
 This module defines arrays in H2O scheme.
module  h2ointerp
 This module contains subroutines of reading and interpolating h2o coefficients.
module  aerinterp
 This module contain subroutines of reading and interpolating aerosol data for MG microphysics.
module  iccn_def
 This module defines IN and CCN arrays.
module  iccninterp
 This module contains subroutines of reading and interplating IN and CCN data.


subroutine sfccycle (lugb, len, lsoil, sig1t, deltsfc , iy, im, id, ih, fh , rla, rlo, slmask, orog, orog_uf, use_ufo, nst_anl, sihfcs, sicfcs, sitfcs , swdfcs, slcfcs , vmnfcs, vmxfcs, slpfcs, absfcs , tsffcs, snofcs, zorfcs, albfcs, tg3fcs , cnpfcs, smcfcs, stcfcs, slifcs, aisfcs , vegfcs, vetfcs, sotfcs, alffcs , cvfcs, cvbfcs, cvtfcs, me, nlunit , sz_nml, input_nml_file , lake, min_lakeice, min_seaice , ialb, isot, ivegsrc, tile_num_ch, i_index, j_index)
 This subroutine reads or interpolates surface climatology data in analysis and forecast mode. More...
subroutine gcycle (nblks, Model, Grid, Sfcprop, Cldprop)
 This subroutine repopulates specific time-varying surface properties for atmospheric forecast runs. More...
subroutine, public gfs_phys_time_vary::gfs_phys_time_vary_init (Data, Model, Interstitial, nthrds, errmsg, errflg)
subroutine, public gfs_phys_time_vary::gfs_phys_time_vary_run (Data, Model, nthrds, first_time_step, errmsg, errflg)