CCPP Scientific Documentation
subroutine, public rrtmg_sw::rswinit ( integer, intent(in)  me)
meprint control for parallel process

rswinit General Algorithm

  1. Check cloud flags for consistency.
  2. Setup constant factors for heating rate the 1.0e-2 is to convert pressure from mb to \(N/m^2\) .
  3. Define exponential lookup tables for transmittance.

References bpade, physcons::con_cp, physcons::con_g, exp_tbl, heatfac, physparam::icldflg, physparam::iovrsw, physparam::isubcsw, physparam::iswcliq, physparam::iswmode, physparam::iswrate, physparam::iswrgas, module_radsw_parameters::ntbmx, and vtagsw.

Referenced by gfs_rrtmg_setup::radinit().