local_name | standard_name | long_name | units | type | dimensions | kind | intent | optional |
Model | GFS_control_type_instance | Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS model control parameters | DDT | GFS_control_type | () | | in | False |
Grid | GFS_grid_type_instance | Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS grid and interpolation related data | DDT | GFS_grid_type | () | | in | False |
Sfcprop | GFS_sfcprop_type_instance | Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS surface fields | DDT | GFS_sfcprop_type | () | | in | False |
Statein | GFS_statein_type_instance | Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS prognostic state data in from dycore | DDT | GFS_statein_type | () | | in | False |
Tbd | GFS_tbd_type_instance | Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS data not yet assigned to a defined container | DDT | GFS_tbd_type | () | | in | False |
Cldprop | GFS_cldprop_type_instance | Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS cloud fields needed by radiation from physics | DDT | GFS_cldprop_type | () | | in | False |
Coupling | GFS_coupling_type_instance | Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS fields needed for coupling | DDT | GFS_coupling_type | () | | in | False |
Radtend | GFS_radtend_type_instance | Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS radiation tendencies | DDT | GFS_radtend_type | () | | inout | False |
lm | number_of_vertical_layers_for_radiation_calculations | number of vertical layers for radiation calculation | count | integer | () | | in | False |
im | horizontal_loop_extent | horizontal loop extent | count | integer | () | | in | False |
lmk | adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation | number of vertical layers for radiation | count | integer | () | | in | False |
lmp | adjusted_vertical_level_dimension_for_radiation | number of vertical levels for radiation | count | integer | () | | in | False |
kd | vertical_index_difference_between_inout_and_local | vertical index difference between in/out and local | index | integer | () | | out | False |
kt | vertical_index_difference_between_layer_and_upper_bound | vertical index difference between layer and upper bound | index | integer | () | | out | False |
kb | vertical_index_difference_between_layer_and_lower_bound | vertical index difference between layer and lower bound | index | integer | () | | out | False |
raddt | time_step_for_radiation | radiation time step | s | real | () | kind_phys | out | False |
delp | layer_pressure_thickness_for_radiation | layer pressure thickness on radiation levels | hPa | real | (horizontal_dimension, adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation) | kind_phys | out | False |
dz | layer_thickness_for_radiation | layer thickness on radiation levels | km | real | (horizontal_dimension, adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation) | kind_phys | out | False |
plvl | air_pressure_at_interface_for_radiation_in_hPa | air pressure at vertical interface for radiation calculation | hPa | real | (horizontal_dimension, adjusted_vertical_level_dimension_for_radiation) | kind_phys | out | False |
plyr | air_pressure_at_layer_for_radiation_in_hPa | air pressure at vertical layer for radiation calculation | hPa | real | (horizontal_dimension, adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation) | kind_phys | out | False |
tlvl | air_temperature_at_interface_for_radiation | air temperature at vertical interface for radiation calculation | K | real | (horizontal_dimension, adjusted_vertical_level_dimension_for_radiation) | kind_phys | out | False |
tlyr | air_temperature_at_layer_for_radiation | air temperature at vertical layer for radiation calculation | K | real | (horizontal_dimension, adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation) | kind_phys | out | False |
tsfg | surface_ground_temperature_for_radiation | surface ground temperature for radiation | K | real | (horizontal_dimension) | kind_phys | out | False |
tsfa | surface_air_temperature_for_radiation | lowest model layer air temperature for radiation | K | real | (horizontal_dimension) | kind_phys | out | False |
qlyr | water_vapor_specific_humidity_at_layer_for_radiation | water vapor specific humidity at vertical layer for radiation calculation | kg kg-1 | real | (horizontal_dimension, adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation) | kind_phys | out | False |
olyr | ozone_concentration_at_layer_for_radiation | ozone concentration | kg kg-1 | real | (horizontal_dimension, adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation) | kind_phys | out | False |
imfdeepcnv | flag_for_mass_flux_deep_convection_scheme | flag for mass-flux deep convection scheme | flag | integer | () | | in | False |
imfdeepcnv_gf | flag_for_gf_deep_convection_scheme | flag for Grell-Freitas deep convection scheme | flag | integer | () | | in | False |
gasvmr_co2 | volume_mixing_ratio_co2 | CO2 volume mixing ratio | kg kg-1 | real | (horizontal_dimension, adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation) | kind_phys | out | False |
gasvmr_n2o | volume_mixing_ratio_n2o | N2O volume mixing ratio | kg kg-1 | real | (horizontal_dimension, adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation) | kind_phys | out | False |
gasvmr_ch4 | volume_mixing_ratio_ch4 | CH4 volume mixing ratio | kg kg-1 | real | (horizontal_dimension, adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation) | kind_phys | out | False |
gasvmr_o2 | volume_mixing_ratio_o2 | O2 volume mixing ratio | kg kg-1 | real | (horizontal_dimension, adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation) | kind_phys | out | False |
gasvmr_co | volume_mixing_ratio_co | CO volume mixing ratio | kg kg-1 | real | (horizontal_dimension, adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation) | kind_phys | out | False |
gasvmr_cfc11 | volume_mixing_ratio_cfc11 | CFC11 volume mixing ratio | kg kg-1 | real | (horizontal_dimension, adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation) | kind_phys | out | False |
gasvmr_cfc12 | volume_mixing_ratio_cfc12 | CFC12 volume mixing ratio | kg kg-1 | real | (horizontal_dimension, adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation) | kind_phys | out | False |
gasvmr_cfc22 | volume_mixing_ratio_cfc22 | CFC22 volume mixing ratio | kg kg-1 | real | (horizontal_dimension, adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation) | kind_phys | out | False |
gasvmr_ccl4 | volume_mixing_ratio_ccl4 | CCL4 volume mixing ratio | kg kg-1 | real | (horizontal_dimension, adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation) | kind_phys | out | False |
gasvmr_cfc113 | volume_mixing_ratio_cfc113 | CFC113 volume mixing ratio | kg kg-1 | real | (horizontal_dimension, adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation) | kind_phys | out | False |
faersw1 | aerosol_optical_depth_for_shortwave_bands_01_16 | aerosol optical depth for shortwave bands 01-16 | none | real | (horizontal_dimension, adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation, number_of_aerosol_bands_for_shortwave_radiation) | kind_phys | out | False |
faersw2 | aerosol_single_scattering_albedo_for_shortwave_bands_01_16 | aerosol single scattering albedo for shortwave bands 01-16 | frac | real | (horizontal_dimension, adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation, number_of_aerosol_bands_for_shortwave_radiation) | kind_phys | out | False |
faersw3 | aerosol_asymmetry_parameter_for_shortwave_bands_01_16 | aerosol asymmetry parameter for shortwave bands 01-16 | none | real | (horizontal_dimension, adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation, number_of_aerosol_bands_for_shortwave_radiation) | kind_phys | out | False |
faerlw1 | aerosol_optical_depth_for_longwave_bands_01_16 | aerosol optical depth for longwave bands 01-16 | none | real | (horizontal_dimension, adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation, number_of_aerosol_bands_for_longwave_radiation) | kind_phys | out | False |
faerlw2 | aerosol_single_scattering_albedo_for_longwave_bands_01_16 | aerosol single scattering albedo for longwave bands 01-16 | frac | real | (horizontal_dimension, adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation, number_of_aerosol_bands_for_longwave_radiation) | kind_phys | out | False |
faerlw3 | aerosol_asymmetry_parameter_for_longwave_bands_01_16 | aerosol asymmetry parameter for longwave bands 01-16 | none | real | (horizontal_dimension, adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation, number_of_aerosol_bands_for_longwave_radiation) | kind_phys | out | False |
aerodp | atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_ambient_aerosol_particles | vertical integrated optical depth for various aerosol species | none | real | (horizontal_dimension, number_of_species_for_aerosol_optical_depth) | kind_phys | out | False |
clouds1 | total_cloud_fraction | layer total cloud fraction | frac | real | (horizontal_dimension, vertical_dimension) | kind_phys | inout | False |
clouds2 | cloud_liquid_water_path | layer cloud liquid water path | g m-2 | real | (horizontal_dimension, vertical_dimension) | kind_phys | inout | False |
clouds3 | mean_effective_radius_for_liquid_cloud | mean effective radius for liquid cloud | micron | real | (horizontal_dimension, vertical_dimension) | kind_phys | inout | False |
clouds4 | cloud_ice_water_path | layer cloud ice water path | g m-2 | real | (horizontal_dimension, vertical_dimension) | kind_phys | inout | False |
clouds5 | mean_effective_radius_for_ice_cloud | mean effective radius for ice cloud | micron | real | (horizontal_dimension, vertical_dimension) | kind_phys | inout | False |
clouds6 | cloud_rain_water_path | cloud rain water path | g m-2 | real | (horizontal_dimension, vertical_dimension) | kind_phys | out | False |
clouds7 | mean_effective_radius_for_rain_drop | mean effective radius for rain drop | micron | real | (horizontal_dimension, vertical_dimension) | kind_phys | out | False |
clouds8 | cloud_snow_water_path | cloud snow water path | g m-2 | real | (horizontal_dimension, vertical_dimension) | kind_phys | out | False |
clouds9 | mean_effective_radius_for_snow_flake | mean effective radius for snow flake | micron | real | (horizontal_dimension, vertical_dimension) | kind_phys | out | False |
cldsa | cloud_area_fraction_for_radiation | fraction of clouds for low, middle,high, total and BL | frac | real | (horizontal_dimension, 5) | kind_phys | out | False |
cldfra | instantaneous_3d_cloud_fraction | instantaneous 3D cloud fraction for all MPs | frac | real | (horizontal_dimension, vertical_dimension) | kind_phys | out | False |
mtopa | model_layer_number_at_cloud_top | vertical indices for low, middle and high cloud tops | index | integer | (horizontal_dimension, 3) | | out | False |
mbota | model_layer_number_at_cloud_base | vertical indices for low, middle and high cloud bases | index | integer | (horizontal_dimension, 3) | | out | False |
de_lgth | cloud_decorrelation_length | cloud decorrelation length | km | real | (horizontal_dimension) | kind_phys | out | False |
alb1d | surface_albedo_perturbation | surface albedo perturbation | frac | real | (horizontal_dimension) | kind_phys | out | False |
errmsg | ccpp_error_message | error message for error handling in CCPP | none | character | () | len=* | out | False |
errflg | ccpp_error_flag | error flag for error handling in CCPP | flag | integer | () | | out | False |