CCPP Scientific Documentation
subroutine module_radiation_aerosols::aer_property_gocart ( )
prsi(IMAX,NLP1), pressure at interface in mb
prsl(IMAX,NLAY), layer mean pressure(not used)
prslk(IMAX,NLAY), exner function= \((p/p0)^{rocp}\) (not used)
tvly(IMAX,NLAY), layer virtual temperature (not used)
rhlay(IMAX,NLAY), layer mean relative humidity
dz(IMAX,NLAY), layer thickness in m
hz(IMAX,NLP1), level high in m
tracer(IMAX,NLAY,NTRAC), aer tracer concentrations
aerfld(IMAX,NLAY,NTRCAER), aer tracer concentrations
alon,alat(IMAX), longitude and latitude of given points in degree
slmsk(IMAX), sea/land mask (sea:0,land:1,sea-ice:2)
laersw,laerlwlogical flag for sw/lw aerosol calculations
IMAXhorizontal dimension of arrays
NLAY,NLP1vertical dimensions of arrays
NSPCnum of species for optional aod output fields
aerosw(IMAX,NLAY,NBDSW,NF_AESW), aeros opt properties for sw
(:,:,:,1): optical depth
(:,:,:,2): single scattering albedo
(:,:,:,3): asymmetry parameter
aerolw(IMAX,NLAY,NBDLW,NF_AELW), aeros opt properties for lw
(:,:,:,1): optical depth
(:,:,:,2): single scattering albedo
(:,:,:,3): asymmetry parameter
aerodp(IMAX,NSPC+1), vertically integrated aer-opt-depth

General Algorithm

References aeropt(), physcons::con_rd, f_one, f_zero, kcm, module_radlw_parameters::nbdlw, module_radsw_parameters::nbdsw, nlwbnd, nspc, nswbnd, nswlwbd, and nv_aod.

Referenced by setaer().

Here is the call graph for this function: