CCPP Scientific Documentation
Chikira-Sugiyama Scale-Aware Convection Scheme with Arakawa-Wu Extension


The Chikira-Sugiyama cumulus scheme (Chikira and Sugiyama (2010) [34]) with prognostic closure and Arakawa-Wu Scale-Aware extension [8] is an offshoot of the prognostic Arakawa-Schubert scheme. It is characterized by a spectral representation of cloud types according to updraft velocity at cloud base, a level at which the mass flux is determined by a convective kinetic energy closure. The lateral entrainment rate vertically varies depending on the buoyancy and vertical velocity of the updraft air parcel following Gregory (2001) [70] . The entrainment rate tends to be large near cloud base because of the small updraft velocity near that level. Deep convection tends to be suppressed when convective available potential energy is small because of upward reduction of in-cloud moist static energy. Dry environment air significantly reduces in-cloud humidity mainly because of the large entrainment rate in the lower troposphere, which leads to suppression of deep convection, consistent with observations and previous of cloud-resolving models.

Intraphysics Communication

Argument Table

General Algorithm

CSAW cs_cumlus General Algorithm