CCPP SciDoc  v6.0.0
Common Community Physics Package Developed at DTC
NSSL MP Module

This module contains the front end to NSSL microphysics scheme. More...

Collaboration diagram for NSSL MP Module:


 NSSL 2-moment microphysics modules
 This module provides a 2-moment bulk microphysics scheme described by Mansell, Zeigler, and Bruning (2010, JAS)
subroutine, public mp_nssl::mp_nssl_init (ncol, nlev, errflg, errmsg, threads, restart, mpirank, mpiroot, con_g, con_rd, con_cp, con_rv, con_t0c, con_cliq, con_csol, con_eps, imp_physics, imp_physics_nssl, nssl_cccn, nssl_alphah, nssl_alphahl, nssl_ccn_on, nssl_hail_on, nssl_invertccn)
 This subroutine is a wrapper around the nssl_2mom_init(). More...
subroutine, public mp_nssl::mp_nssl_run (ncol, nlev, con_g, con_rd, mpirank, spechum, cccn, cccna, qc, qr, qi, qs, qh, qhl, ccw, crw, cci, csw, chw, chl, vh, vhl, tgrs, prslk, prsl, phii, omega, dtp, prcp, rain, graupel, ice, snow, sr, refl_10cm, do_radar_ref, first_time_step, restart, re_cloud, re_ice, re_snow, re_rain, nleffr, nieffr, nseffr, nreffr, imp_physics, convert_dry_rho, imp_physics_nssl, nssl_ccn_on, nssl_hail_on, nssl_invertccn, ntccn, ntccna, errflg, errmsg)

Detailed Description