private |
[in] | ice | ice (ice = 1) |
[in] | vegtyp | vegetation physiology type |
[in] | ist | surface type: 1->soil; 2->lake |
[in] | nsnow | maximum no. of snow layers |
[in] | nsoil | number of soil layers |
[in] | isnow | actual no. of snow layers |
[in] | dt | time step [sec] |
[in] | qsnow | snowfall on the ground (mm/s) |
[in] | rhoair | density air (kg/m3) |
[in] | eair | vapor pressure air (pa) |
[in] | sfcprs | pressure (pa) |
[in] | prslkix | in exner function |
[in] | prsik1x | in exner function |
[in] | prslk1x | in exner function |
[in] | pblhx | pbl height |
[in] | qair | specific humidity (kg/kg) |
[in] | sfctmp | air temperature (k) |
[in] | thair | potential temperature (k) |
[in] | lwdn | downward longwave radiation (w/m2) |
[in] | uu | wind speed in e-w dir (m/s) |
[in] | vv | wind speed in n-s dir (m/s) |
[in] | solad | incoming direct solar rad. (w/m2) |
[in] | solai | incoming diffuse solar rad. (w/m2) |
[in] | cosz | cosine solar zenith angle (0-1) |
[in] | elai | lai adjusted for burying by snow |
[in] | esai | lai adjusted for burying by snow |
[in] | fwet | fraction of canopy that is wet [-] |
[in] | fveg | greeness vegetation fraction (-) |
[in] | shdfac | green vegetation fraction [0.0-1.0] |
[in] | lat | latitude (radians) |
[in] | canliq | canopy-intercepted liquid water (mm) |
[in] | canice | canopy-intercepted ice mass (mm) |
[in] | foln | foliage nitrogen (%) |
[in] | co2air | atmospheric co2 concentration (pa) |
[in] | o2air | atmospheric o2 concentration (pa) |
[in] | igs | growing season index (0=off, 1=on) |
[in] | zref | reference height (m) |
[in] | tbot | bottom condition for soil temp. (k) |
[in] | zsnso | layer-bottom depth from snow surf [m] |
[in] | zsoil | layer-bottom depth from soil surf [m] |
[in] | dzsnso | depth of snow & soil layer-bottom [m] |
[in] | pahv | precipitation advected heat - vegetation net (w/m2) |
[in] | pahg | precipitation advected heat - under canopy net (w/m2) |
[in] | pahb | precipitation advected heat - bare ground net (w/m2) |
[in] | dx | horisontal resolution |
[in] | dz8w | thickness of lowest layer |
[in] | q2 | mixing ratio (kg/kg) |
[out] | z0wrf | combined z0 sent to coupled model |
[out] | z0hwrf | combined z0h sent to coupled model |
[out] | imelt | phase change index [1-melt; 2-freeze] |
[out] | snicev | partial volume ice [m3/m3] |
[out] | snliqv | partial volume liq. water [m3/m3] |
[out] | epore | effective porosity [m3/m3] |
[out] | fsno | snow cover fraction (-) |
[out] | qmelt | snowmelt [mm/s] |
[out] | ponding | pounding at ground [mm] |
[out] | sav | solar rad. absorbed by veg. (w/m2) |
[out] | sag | solar rad. absorbed by ground (w/m2) |
[out] | fsa | tot. absorbed solar radiation (w/m2) |
[out] | fsr | tot. reflected solar radiation (w/m2) |
[out] | taux | wind stress: e-w (n/m2) |
[out] | tauy | wind stress: n-s (n/m2) |
[out] | fira | total net lw. rad (w/m2) [+ to atm] |
[out] | fsh | total sensible heat (w/m2) [+ to atm] |
[out] | fcev | canopy evaporation (w/m2) [+ to atm] |
[out] | fgev | ground evaporation (w/m2) [+ to atm] |
[out] | fctr | transpiration (w/m2) [+ to atm] |
[out] | trad | radiative temperature (k) |
[out] | t2m | 2 m height air temperature (k) |
[out] | psn | total photosyn. (umolco2/m2/s) [+] |
[out] | apar | total photosyn. active energy (w/m2) |
[out] | ssoil | ground heat flux (w/m2) [+ to soil] |
[out] | btrani | soil water transpiration factor (0-1) |
[out] | btran | soil water transpiration factor (0-1) |
[out] | latheav | latent heat vap./sublimation (j/kg) |
[out] | latheag | latent heat vap./sublimation (j/kg) |
[out] | ts | surface temperature (k) |
[out] | frozen_ground | used to define latent heat pathway |
[out] | frozen_canopy | used to define latent heat pathway |
[in,out] | tv | vegetation temperature (k) |
[in,out] | tg | ground temperature (k) |
[in,out] | stc | snow/soil temperature [k] |
[in,out] | snowh | snow height [m] |
[in,out] | sneqv | snow mass (mm) |
[in,out] | sneqvo | snow mass at last time step (mm) |
[in,out] | sh2o | liquid soil moisture [m3/m3] |
[in,out] | smc | soil moisture (ice + liq.) [m3/m3] |
[in,out] | snice | snow ice mass (kg/m2) |
[in,out] | snliq | snow liq mass (kg/m2) |
[in,out] | eah | canopy air vapor pressure (pa) |
[in,out] | tah | canopy air temperature (k) |
[in,out] | albold | snow albedo at last time step(class type) |
[in,out] | cm | momentum drag coefficient |
[in,out] | ch | sensible heat exchange coefficient |
[in,out] | ustarx | friction velocity |
Definition at line 1670 of file module_sf_noahmplsm.F90.
References bare_flux(), phasechange(), radiation(), thermalz0(), thermoprop(), tsnosoi(), and vege_flux().
Referenced by noahmp_sflx(), samfdeepcnv::samfdeepcnv_run(), and samfshalcnv::samfshalcnv_run().