CCPP SciDoc v7.0.0  v7.0.0
Common Community Physics Package Developed at DTC
No Matches

◆ noahmp_options()

subroutine __module_sf_noahmplsm_f90__::noahmp_options ( integer, intent(in) idveg,
integer, intent(in) iopt_crs,
integer, intent(in) iopt_btr,
integer, intent(in) iopt_run,
integer, intent(in) iopt_sfc,
integer, intent(in) iopt_frz,
integer, intent(in) iopt_inf,
integer, intent(in) iopt_rad,
integer, intent(in) iopt_alb,
integer, intent(in) iopt_snf,
integer, intent(in) iopt_tbot,
integer, intent(in) iopt_stc,
integer, intent(in) iopt_rsf,
integer, intent(in) iopt_soil,
integer, intent(in) iopt_pedo,
integer, intent(in) iopt_crop,
integer, intent(in) iopt_trs,
integer, intent(in) iopt_diag,
integer, intent(in) iopt_z0m )
[in]idvegdynamic vegetation (1 -> off ; 2 -> on) with opt_crs = 1
[in]iopt_crscanopy stomatal resistance (1-> ball-berry; 2->jarvis)
[in]iopt_btrsoil moisture factor for stomatal resistance (1-> noah; 2-> clm; 3-> ssib)
[in]iopt_runrunoff and groundwater (1->simgm; 2->simtop; 3->schaake96; 4->bats)
[in]iopt_sfcsurface layer drag coeff (ch & cm) (1->m-o; 2->chen97)
[in]iopt_frzsupercooled liquid water (1-> ny06; 2->koren99)
[in]iopt_inffrozen soil permeability (1-> ny06; 2->koren99)
[in]iopt_radradiation transfer (1->gap=f(3d,cosz); 2->gap=0; 3->gap=1-fveg)
[in]iopt_albsnow surface albedo (1->bats; 2->class)
[in]iopt_snfrainfall & snowfall (1-jordan91; 2->bats; 3->noah)
[in]iopt_tbotlower boundary of soil temperature (1->zero-flux; 2->noah)
[in]iopt_stcsnow/soil temperature time scheme (only layer 1) 1 -> semi-implicit; 2 -> full implicit (original noah)
[in]iopt_rsfsurface resistance (1->sakaguchi/zeng; 2->seller; 3->mod sellers; 4->1+snow)
[in]iopt_soilsoil parameters set-up option
[in]iopt_pedopedo-transfer function (1->saxton and rawls)
[in]iopt_cropcrop model option (0->none; 1->liu et al.)
[in]iopt_trsthermal roughness scheme option (1->z0h=z0; 2->rb reversed)
[in]iopt_diagsurface 2m t/q diagnostic approach
[in]iopt_z0mmomentum roughness length option

Definition at line 10430 of file module_sf_noahmplsm.F90.

Referenced by noahmpdrv_run().

Here is the caller graph for this function: