CCPP SciDoc v7.0.0  v7.0.0
Common Community Physics Package Developed at DTC
No Matches

◆ groundalb()

subroutine __module_sf_noahmplsm_f90__::groundalb ( type (noahmp_parameters), intent(in) parameters,
integer, intent(in) nsoil,
integer, intent(in) nband,
integer, intent(in) ice,
integer, intent(in) ist,
real (kind=kind_phys), intent(in) fsno,
real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(1:nsoil), intent(in) smc,
real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(1: 2), intent(in) albsnd,
real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(1: 2), intent(in) albsni,
real (kind=kind_phys), intent(in) cosz,
real (kind=kind_phys), intent(in) tg,
integer, intent(in) iloc,
integer, intent(in) jloc,
real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(1: 2), intent(out) albgrd,
real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(1: 2), intent(out) albgri )
[in]ilocgrid index
[in]jlocgrid index
[in]nsoilnumber of soil layers
[in]nbandnumber of solar radiation waveband classes
[in]icevalue of ist for land ice
[in]istsurface type
[in]fsnofraction of surface covered with snow (-)
[in]tgground temperature (k)
[in]coszcosine solar zenith angle (0-1)
[in]smcvolumetric soil water content (m3/m3)
[in]albsnddirect beam snow albedo (vis, nir)
[in]albsnidiffuse snow albedo (vis, nir)
[out]albgrdground albedo (direct beam: vis, nir)
[out]albgriground albedo (diffuse: vis, nir)

Definition at line 3372 of file module_sf_noahmplsm.F90.

Referenced by albedo().

Here is the caller graph for this function: