private |
[in] | vegtyp | vegetation type |
[in] | ist | surface type |
[in] | ice | ice (ice = 1) |
[in] | nsoil | number of soil layers |
[in] | dt | time step [s] |
[in] | qsnow | snowfall (mm/s) |
[in] | sneqvo | snow mass at last time step(mm) |
[in] | sneqv | snow mass (mm) |
[in] | snowh | snow height (mm) |
[in] | cosz | cosine solar zenith angle (0-1) |
[in] | tg | ground temperature (k) |
[in] | tv | vegetation temperature (k) |
[in] | elai | lai, one-sided, adjusted for burying by snow |
[in] | esai | sai, one-sided, adjusted for burying by snow |
[in] | fwet | fraction of canopy that is wet |
[in] | smc | volumetric soil water [m3/m3] |
[in] | solad | incoming direct solar radiation (w/m2) |
[in] | solai | incoming diffuse solar radiation (w/m2) |
[in] | fsno | snow cover fraction (-) |
[in] | fveg | green vegetation fraction [0.0-1.0] |
[in,out] | albold | snow albedo at last time step (class type) |
[in,out] | tauss | non-dimensional snow age. |
[out] | fsun | sunlit fraction of canopy (-) |
[out] | laisun | sunlit leaf area (-) |
[out] | laisha | shaded leaf area (-) |
[out] | parsun | average absorbed par for sunlit leaves (w/m2) |
[out] | parsha | average absorbed par for shaded leaves (w/m2) |
[out] | sav | solar radiation absorbed by vegetation (w/m2) |
[out] | sag | solar radiation absorbed by ground (w/m2) |
[out] | fsa | total absorbed solar radiation (w/m2) |
[out] | fsr | total reflected solar radiation (w/m2) |
[out] | fsrv | veg. reflected solar radiation (w/m2) |
[out] | fsrg | ground reflected solar radiation (w/m2) |
[out] | albsnd | snow albedo (direct) |
[out] | albsni | snow albedo (diffuse) |
Definition at line 2759 of file module_sf_noahmplsm.F90.
References albedo(), and surrad().
Referenced by energy().