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Grell-Freitas Shallow Convection Module

This module contains Grell-Freitas shallow convection scheme.GF shallow convection as described in Grell and Freitas (2014) [72]. input variables are: More...

Collaboration diagram for Grell-Freitas Shallow Convection Module:


subroutine cu_gf_sh::cu_gf_sh_run (us, vs, zo, t, q, z1, tn, qo, po, psur, dhdt, kpbl, rho, hfx, qfx, xland, ichoice, tcrit, dtime, zuo, xmb_out, kbcon, ktop, k22, ierr, ierrc, outt, outq, outqc, outu, outv, cnvwt, pre, cupclw, itf, ktf, its, ite, kts, kte, ipr, tropics)

Detailed Description

usx wind updated by physics
vsy wind updated by physics
zoheight at model levels
t,tntemperature without and with forcing at model levels
q,qomixing ratio without and with forcing at model levels
popressure at model levels (mb)
psursurface pressure (mb)
z1surface height
dhdtforcing for boundary layer equilibrium
hfx,qfxin w/m2 (positive, if upward from sfc)
kpbllevel of boundaty layer height
rhomoist air density
xlandland mask (1. for land)
ichoicewhich closure to choose
1: old g
2: zws
3: dhdt
0: average
tcritparameter for water/ice conversion (258)
dtimephysics time step
zuonormalized mass flux profile
xmb_outbase mass flux
kbconconvective cloud base
ktopcloud top
k22level of updraft originating air
ierrerror flag
ierrcerror description
outttemperature tendency (k/s)
outqmixing ratio tendency (kg/kg/s)
outqccloud water/ice tendency (kg/kg/s)
outux wind tendency
outvy wind tendency
preprecip rate (mm/s)
cupclwincloud mixing ratio of cloudwater/ice (for radiation) this needs heavy tuning factors, since cloud fraction is not included (kg/kg)
cnvwtrequired for gfs physics
itf,ktf,its,ite,kts,kteare dimensions
iprhorizontal index of printed column

Grell-Freitas Shallow Convection General Algorithm