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GFDL Cloud MP modules
Collaboration diagram for GFDL Cloud MP modules:


subroutine, public gfdl_cloud_microphys_mod::gfdl_cloud_microphys_mod_driver (iis, iie, jjs, jje, kks, kke, ktop, kbot, qv, ql, qr, qi, qs, qg, qa, qn, qv_dt, ql_dt, qr_dt, qi_dt, qs_dt, qg_dt, qa_dt, pt_dt, pt, w, uin, vin, udt, vdt, dz, delp, area, dt_in, land, rain, snow, ice, graupel, hydrostatic, phys_hydrostatic, p, lradar, refl_10cm, reset, pfils, pflls)
 This subroutine is the driver of the GFDL cloud microphysics.
subroutine gfdl_cloud_microphys_mod::mpdrv (hydrostatic, uin, vin, w, delp, pt, qv, ql, qr, qi, qs, qg, qa, qn, dz, is, ie, js, je, ks, ke, ktop, kbot, j, dt_in, ntimes, rain, snow, graupel, ice, m2_rain, m2_sol, cond, area1, land, u_dt, v_dt, pt_dt, qv_dt, ql_dt, qr_dt, qi_dt, qs_dt, qg_dt, qa_dt, w_var, vt_r, vt_s, vt_g, vt_i, qn2)
 GFDL cloud microphysics, major program, and is based on Lin et al.(1983) [119] and Rutledge and Hobbs (1984) [172].
subroutine gfdl_cloud_microphys_mod::sedi_heat (ktop, kbot, dm, m1, dz, tz, qv, ql, qr, qi, qs, qg, cw)
 This subroutine calculates sedimentation of heat.
subroutine gfdl_cloud_microphys_mod::warm_rain (dt, ktop, kbot, dp, dz, tz, qv, ql, qr, qi, qs, qg, den, denfac, ccn, c_praut, rh_rain, vtr, r1, m1_rain, w1, h_var)
 This subroutine includes warm rain cloud microphysics.
subroutine gfdl_cloud_microphys_mod::revap_racc (ktop, kbot, dt, tz, qv, ql, qr, qi, qs, qg, den, denfac, rh_rain, h_var)
 This subroutine calculates evaporation of rain and accretion of rain.
subroutine gfdl_cloud_microphys_mod::linear_prof (km, q, dm, z_var, h_var)
 Definition of vertical subgrid variability used for cloud ice and cloud water autoconversion.
subroutine gfdl_cloud_microphys_mod::icloud (ktop, kbot, tzk, p1, qvk, qlk, qrk, qik, qsk, qgk, dp1, den, denfac, vts, vtg, vtr, qak, rh_adj, rh_rain, dts, h_var)
 This subroutine includes cloud ice microphysics processes.
subroutine gfdl_cloud_microphys_mod::subgrid_z_proc (ktop, kbot, p1, den, denfac, dts, rh_adj, tz, qv, ql, qr, qi, qs, qg, qa, h_var, rh_rain)
 This subroutine calculates temperature sentive high vertical resolution processes.
subroutine gfdl_cloud_microphys_mod::revap_rac1 (hydrostatic, is, ie, dt, tz, qv, ql, qr, qi, qs, qg, den, hvar)
 This subroutine calculates rain evaporation.
subroutine gfdl_cloud_microphys_mod::terminal_fall (dtm, ktop, kbot, tz, qv, ql, qr, qg, qs, qi, dz, dp, den, vtg, vts, vti, r1, g1, s1, i1, m1_sol, w1)
 The subroutine 'terminal_fall' computes terminal fall speed.
subroutine gfdl_cloud_microphys_mod::check_column (ktop, kbot, q, no_fall)
 The subroutine 'check_column' checks if the water species is large enough to fall.
subroutine gfdl_cloud_microphys_mod::implicit_fall (dt, ktop, kbot, ze, vt, dp, q, precip, m1)
 The subroutine computes the time-implicit monotonic fall scheme.
subroutine gfdl_cloud_microphys_mod::lagrangian_fall_ppm (ktop, kbot, zs, ze, zt, dp, q, precip, m1, mono)
 Lagrangian scheme.
subroutine gfdl_cloud_microphys_mod::cs_profile (a4, del, km, do_mono)
subroutine gfdl_cloud_microphys_mod::cs_limiters (km, a4)
 This subroutine perform positive definite constraint.
subroutine gfdl_cloud_microphys_mod::fall_speed (ktop, kbot, den, qs, qi, qg, ql, tk, vts, vti, vtg)
 The subroutine calculates vertical fall speed of snow/ice/graupel.
subroutine gfdl_cloud_microphys_mod::setupm
 The subroutine sets up gfdl cloud microphysics parameters.
subroutine, public gfdl_cloud_microphys_mod::gfdl_cloud_microphys_mod_init (me, master, nlunit, input_nml_file, logunit, fn_nml, errmsg, errflg)
 The subroutine 'gfdl_cloud_microphys_init' initializes the GFDL cloud microphysics.
subroutine, public gfdl_cloud_microphys_mod::gfdl_cloud_microphys_mod_end ()
 The subroutine 'gfdl_cloud_microphys_init' terminates the GFDL cloud microphysics.
subroutine gfdl_cloud_microphys_mod::setup_con
 The subroutine 'setup_con' sets up constants and calls 'qsmith_init'.
subroutine gfdl_cloud_microphys_mod::qsmith_init
 The subroutine 'qsmith_init' initializes lookup tables for saturation water vapor pressure for the following utility routines that are designed to return qs consistent with the assumptions in FV3.
real function gfdl_cloud_microphys_mod::wqs1 (ta, den)
 The function 'wqs1' returns the saturation vapor pressure over pure liquid water for a given temperature and air density.
subroutine gfdl_cloud_microphys_mod::esw_table1d (ta, es, n)
 The subroutine 'esw_table1d' computes the saturated water vapor pressure for table ii.
subroutine gfdl_cloud_microphys_mod::es2_table1d (ta, es, n)
 The subroutine 'es3_table1d' computes the saturated water vapor pressure for table iii.
subroutine gfdl_cloud_microphys_mod::es3_table1d (ta, es, n)
 The subroutine 'es3_table1d' computes the saturated water vapor pressure for table iv.
subroutine gfdl_cloud_microphys_mod::qs_tablew (n)
 saturation water vapor pressure table ii
subroutine gfdl_cloud_microphys_mod::qs_table2 (n)
 saturation water vapor pressure table iii
subroutine gfdl_cloud_microphys_mod::qs_table3 (n)
 saturation water vapor pressure table iv
real function gfdl_cloud_microphys_mod::qs_blend (t, p, q)
 The function 'qs_blend' computes the saturated specific humidity with a blend of water and ice depending on the temperature.
subroutine gfdl_cloud_microphys_mod::qs_table (n)
 saturation water vapor pressure table i
subroutine gfdl_cloud_microphys_mod::qsmith (im, km, ks, t, p, q, qs, dqdt)
 The function 'qsmith' computes the saturated specific humidity with a blend of water and ice depending on the temperature in 3D.
subroutine gfdl_cloud_microphys_mod::neg_adj (ktop, kbot, pt, dp, qv, ql, qr, qi, qs, qg)
 The subroutine 'neg_adj' fixes negative water species.
subroutine gfdl_cloud_microphys_mod::interpolate_z (is, ie, js, je, km, zl, hgt, a3, a2)
 quick local sum algorithm
subroutine, public gfdl_cloud_microphys_mod::cloud_diagnosis (is, ie, ks, ke, den, delp, lsm, qmw, qmi, qmr, qms, qmg, t, rew, rei, rer, res, reg)
 The subroutine 'cloud_diagnosis' diagnoses the radius of cloud species.
subroutine gfdl_cloud_microphys_mod::refl10cm_gfdl (qv1d, qr1d, qs1d, qg1d, t1d, p1d, dbz, kts, kte, ii, jj, melti)
 This subroutine calculates radar reflectivity.

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