This module contains climatological atmospheric aerosol schemes for radiation computations.
- Version
- NCEP-Radiation_aerosols v5.2 Jan 2013
This module has three externally callable subroutines:
- aer_init() – initialization; called at the start of run to set up module parameters
- aer_update() – updating aerosol data; called within the time loop to check and update data sets
- setaer() – mapping aeros profile, compute aeros opticals
- OPAC climatological aerosols: Hou et al. 2002 [95]; Hess et al. 1998 [86]
- GOCART interactive aerosols: Chin et al., 2000 [37] Colarco et al., 2010 - jgr, v115, D14207[41]
- MERRA2 aerosol reanalysis: Randles et al., 2017 - jclim, v30, 6823-6850[168] Buchard et al., 2017 - jclim, v30, 6851-6871[27]
- Stratospheric volcanical aerosols: Sato et al. 1993 [176]
The initialization program is to set up necessary parameters and working arrays.
- Parameters
NLAY | number of model vertical layers (not used) |
me | print message control flag |
General Algorithm