local_name | standard_name | long_name | units | type | dimensions | kind | intent |
plyr | air_pressure_at_layer_for_radiation_in_hpa | air pressure layer | hPa | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent, ccpp_constant_one:adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation) | kind_phys | in |
plvl | air_pressure_at_interface_for_radiation_in_hpa | air pressure level | hPa | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent, ccpp_constant_one:adjusted_vertical_level_dimension_for_radiation) | kind_phys | in |
tlyr | air_temperature_at_layer_for_radiation | air temperature layer | K | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent, ccpp_constant_one:adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation) | kind_phys | in |
tlvl | air_temperature_at_interface_for_radiation | air temperature level | K | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent, ccpp_constant_one:adjusted_vertical_level_dimension_for_radiation) | kind_phys | in |
qlyr | water_vapor_specific_humidity_at_layer_for_radiation | specific humidity layer | kg kg-1 | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent, ccpp_constant_one:adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation) | kind_phys | in |
olyr | ozone_concentration_at_layer_for_radiation | ozone concentration layer | kg kg-1 | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent, ccpp_constant_one:adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation) | kind_phys | in |
gasvmr_co2 | volume_mixing_ratio_of_co2 | volume mixing ratio co2 | m3 m-3 | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent, ccpp_constant_one:adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation) | kind_phys | in |
gasvmr_n2o | volume_mixing_ratio_of_n2o | volume mixing ratio no2 | m3 m-3 | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent, ccpp_constant_one:adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation) | kind_phys | in |
gasvmr_ch4 | volume_mixing_ratio_of_ch4 | volume mixing ratio ch4 | m3 m-3 | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent, ccpp_constant_one:adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation) | kind_phys | in |
gasvmr_o2 | volume_mixing_ratio_of_o2 | volume mixing ratio o2 | m3 m-3 | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent, ccpp_constant_one:adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation) | kind_phys | in |
gasvmr_co | volume_mixing_ratio_of_co | volume mixing ratio co | m3 m-3 | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent, ccpp_constant_one:adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation) | kind_phys | in |
gasvmr_cfc11 | volume_mixing_ratio_of_cfc11 | volume mixing ratio cfc11 | m3 m-3 | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent, ccpp_constant_one:adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation) | kind_phys | in |
gasvmr_cfc12 | volume_mixing_ratio_of_cfc12 | volume mixing ratio cfc12 | m3 m-3 | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent, ccpp_constant_one:adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation) | kind_phys | in |
gasvmr_cfc22 | volume_mixing_ratio_of_cfc22 | volume mixing ratio cfc22 | m3 m-3 | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent, ccpp_constant_one:adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation) | kind_phys | in |
gasvmr_ccl4 | volume_mixing_ratio_of_ccl4 | volume mixing ratio ccl4 | m3 m-3 | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent, ccpp_constant_one:adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation) | kind_phys | in |
icseed | random_number_seed_for_mcica_longwave | seed for random number generation for longwave radiation | none | integer | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | | in |
aeraod | aerosol_optical_depth_for_longwave_bands_01_16 | aerosol optical depth for longwave bands 01-16 | none | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent, ccpp_constant_one:adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation, ccpp_constant_one:number_of_aerosol_bands_for_longwave_radiation) | kind_phys | in |
aerssa | aerosol_single_scattering_albedo_for_longwave_bands_01_16 | aerosol single scattering albedo for longwave bands 01-16 | frac | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent, ccpp_constant_one:adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation, ccpp_constant_one:number_of_aerosol_bands_for_longwave_radiation) | kind_phys | in |
sfemis | surface_longwave_emissivity | surface emissivity | frac | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | in |
sfgtmp | surface_ground_temperature_for_radiation | surface ground temperature for radiation | K | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | in |
dzlyr | layer_thickness_for_radiation | layer thickness | km | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent, ccpp_constant_one:adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation) | kind_phys | in |
delpin | layer_pressure_thickness_for_radiation | layer pressure thickness | hPa | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent, ccpp_constant_one:adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation) | kind_phys | in |
de_lgth | cloud_decorrelation_length | cloud decorrelation length | km | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | in |
alpha | cloud_overlap_decorrelation_parameter | cloud overlap decorrelation parameter | frac | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent, ccpp_constant_one:adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation) | kind_phys | in |
npts | horizontal_loop_extent | horizontal dimension | count | integer | () | | in |
nlay | adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation | number of vertical layers for radiation | count | integer | () | | in |
nlp1 | adjusted_vertical_level_dimension_for_radiation | number of vertical levels for radiation | count | integer | () | | in |
lprnt | flag_print | flag to print | flag | logical | () | | in |
cld_cf | total_cloud_fraction | total cloud fraction | frac | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent, ccpp_constant_one:adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation) | kind_phys | in |
lslwr | flag_for_calling_longwave_radiation | flag to calculate LW irradiances | flag | logical | () | | in |
top_at_1 | flag_for_vertical_ordering_in_radiation | flag for vertical ordering in radiation | flag | logical | () | | in |
iovr | flag_for_cloud_overlap_method_for_radiation | flag for cloud overlap method | flag | integer | () | | in |
iovr_exp | flag_for_exponential_cloud_overlap_method | choice of exponential cloud overlap method | flag | integer | () | | in |
iovr_exprand | flag_for_exponential_random_cloud_overlap_method | choice of exponential-random cloud overlap method | flag | integer | () | | in |
iovr_max | flag_for_maximum_cloud_overlap_method | choice of maximum cloud overlap method | flag | integer | () | | in |
iovr_rand | flag_for_random_cloud_overlap_method | choice of random cloud overlap method | flag | integer | () | | in |
iovr_maxrand | flag_for_maximum_random_cloud_overlap_method | choice of maximum-random cloud overlap method | flag | integer | () | | in |
iovr_dcorr | flag_for_decorrelation_length_cloud_overlap_method | choice of decorrelation-length cloud overlap method | flag | integer | () | | in |
inc_minor_gas | flag_to_include_minor_gases_in_rrtmg | flag to include minor trace gases in rrtmg | flag | logical | () | | in |
ilwcliq | flag_for_optical_property_for_liquid_clouds_for_longwave_radiation | lw optical property for liquid clouds | flag | integer | () | | in |
ilwcice | flag_for_optical_property_for_ice_clouds_for_longwave_radiation | lw optical property for ice clouds | flag | integer | () | | in |
isubclw | flag_for_lw_clouds_sub_grid_approximation | flag for lw clouds sub-grid approximation | flag | integer | () | | in |
hlwc | tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_longwave_heating_on_radiation_time_step_and_radiation_levels | longwave total sky heating rate | K s-1 | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent, ccpp_constant_one:adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation) | kind_phys | inout |
topflx | lw_fluxes_top_atmosphere | longwave total sky fluxes at the top of the atm | W m-2 | topflw_type | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | topflw_type | inout |
sfcflx | surface_lw_fluxes_assuming_total_and_clear_sky_on_radiation_timestep | longwave total sky fluxes at the Earth surface | W m-2 | sfcflw_type | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | sfcflw_type | inout |
cldtau | cloud_optical_depth_layers_at_10mu_band | approx 10mu band layer cloud optical depth | none | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent, ccpp_constant_one:adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation) | kind_phys | inout |
hlw0 | tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_longwave_heating_assuming_clear_sky_on_radiation_time_step_and_radiation_levels | longwave clear sky heating rate | K s-1 | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent, ccpp_constant_one:adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation) | kind_phys | inout |
cld_lwp | cloud_liquid_water_path | cloud liquid water path | g m-2 | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent, ccpp_constant_one:adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation) | kind_phys | in |
cld_ref_liq | mean_effective_radius_for_liquid_cloud | mean effective radius for liquid cloud | um | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent, ccpp_constant_one:adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation) | kind_phys | in |
cld_iwp | cloud_ice_water_path | cloud ice water path | g m-2 | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent, ccpp_constant_one:adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation) | kind_phys | in |
cld_ref_ice | mean_effective_radius_for_ice_cloud | mean effective radius for ice cloud | um | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent, ccpp_constant_one:adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation) | kind_phys | in |
cld_rwp | cloud_rain_water_path | cloud ice water path | g m-2 | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent, ccpp_constant_one:adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation) | kind_phys | in |
cld_ref_rain | mean_effective_radius_for_rain_drop | mean effective radius for rain drop | um | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent, ccpp_constant_one:adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation) | kind_phys | in |
cld_swp | cloud_snow_water_path | cloud snow water path | g m-2 | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent, ccpp_constant_one:adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation) | kind_phys | in |
cld_ref_snow | mean_effective_radius_for_snow_flake | mean effective radius for snow flake | um | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent, ccpp_constant_one:adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation) | kind_phys | in |
errmsg | ccpp_error_message | error message for error handling in CCPP | none | character | () | len=* | out |
errflg | ccpp_error_code | error code for error handling in CCPP | 1 | integer | () | | out |