private |
ssolar | incoming solar flux at top |
cosz | cosine solar zenith angle |
sntz | secant solar zenith angle |
albbm | surface albedo for direct beam radiation |
albdf | surface albedo for diffused radiation |
sfluxzen | spectral distribution of incoming solar flux |
cldfmc | layer cloud fraction for g-point |
cf1 | >0: cloudy sky, otherwise: clear sky |
cf0 | =1-cf1 |
taug | spectral optical depth for gases |
taur | optical depth for rayleigh scattering |
tauae | aerosols optical depth |
ssaae | aerosols single scattering albedo |
asyae | aerosols asymmetry factor |
taucw | weighted cloud optical depth |
ssacw | weighted cloud single scat albedo |
asycw | weighted cloud asymmetry factor |
nlay,nlp1 | number of layers/levels |
fxupc | tot sky upward flux |
fxdnc | tot sky downward flux |
fxup0 | clr sky upward flux |
fxdn0 | clr sky downward flux |
ftoauc | tot sky toa upwd flux |
ftoau0 | clr sky toa upwd flux |
ftoadc | toa downward (incoming) solar flux |
fsfcuc | tot sky sfc upwd flux |
fsfcu0 | clr sky sfc upwd flux |
fsfcdc | tot sky sfc dnwd flux |
fsfcd0 | clr sky sfc dnwd flux |
sfbmc | tot sky sfc dnwd beam flux (nir/uv+vis) |
sfdfc | tot sky sfc dnwd diff flux (nir/uv+vis) |
sfbm0 | clr sky sfc dnwd beam flux (nir/uv+vis) |
sfdf0 | clr sky sfc dnwd diff flux (nir/uv+vis) |
suvbfc | tot sky sfc dnwd uv-b flux |
suvbf0 | clr sky sfc dnwd uv-b flux |
Definition at line 3229 of file radsw_main.F90.
References vrtqdr().
Referenced by rrtmg_sw_run().