This file contains the CCPP-compliant SATMEDMF scheme (updated version) which computes subgrid vertical turbulence mixing using scale-aware TKE-based moist eddy-diffusion mass-flux (TKE-EDMF) parameterization (by Jongil Han). More...
Functions/Subroutines | |
subroutine | satmedmfvdifq::satmedmfvdifq_init (satmedmf, isatmedmf, isatmedmf_vdifq, errmsg, errflg) |
subroutine | satmedmfvdifq::satmedmfvdifq_run (im, km, ntrac, ntcw, ntrw, ntiw, ntke, grav, rd, cp, rv, hvap, hfus, fv, eps, epsm1, dv, du, tdt, rtg, u1, v1, t1, q1, usfco, vsfco, icplocn2atm, swh, hlw, xmu, garea, zvfun, sigmaf, psk, rbsoil, zorl, u10m, v10m, fm, fh, tsea, heat, evap, stress, spd1, kpbl, prsi, del, prsl, prslk, phii, phil, delt, dspheat, dusfc, dvsfc, dtsfc, dqsfc, hpbl, dkt, dku, kinver, xkzm_m, xkzm_h, xkzm_s, dspfac, bl_upfr, bl_dnfr, rlmx, elmx, sfc_rlm, tc_pbl, ntqv, dtend, dtidx, index_of_temperature, index_of_x_wind, index_of_y_wind, index_of_process_pbl, gen_tend, ldiag3d, errmsg, errflg) |
subroutine | tridi_mod::tridi1 (l, n, cl, cm, cu, r1, au, a1) |
Routine to solve the tridiagonal system to calculate temperature and moisture at t + \Delta t ; part of two-part process to calculate time tendencies due to vertical diffusion. | |
subroutine | tridi_mod::tridi2 (l, n, cl, cm, cu, r1, r2, au, a1, a2) |
This subroutine .. | |
subroutine | tridi_mod::tridin (l, n, nt, cl, cm, cu, r1, r2, au, a1, a2) |
Routine to solve the tridiagonal system to calculate u- and v-momentum at t + \Delta t ; part of two-part process to calculate time tendencies due to vertical diffusion. | |
subroutine | tridi_mod::tridit (l, n, nt, cl, cm, cu, rt, au, at) |
This subroutine solves tridiagonal problem for TKE. | |
subroutine | mfpbltq_mod::mfpbltq (im, ix, km, kmpbl, ntcw, ntrac1, delt, |
This subroutine computes mass flux and updraft parcel properties for thermals driven by surface heating. | |
subroutine | mfscuq_mod::mfscuq (im, ix, km, kmscu, ntcw, ntrac1, delt, |
This subroutine computes mass flux and downdraft parcel properties for stratocumulus-top-driven turbulence. | |
This subroutine contains all of the logic for the scale-aware TKE-based moist eddy-diffusion mass-flux (TKE-EDMF, updated version) scheme. For local turbulence mixing, a TKE closure model is used. Updated version of satmedmfvdif.f (May 2019) to have better low level inversion, to reduce the cold bias in lower troposphere, and to reduce the negative wind speed bias in upper troposphere
Incorporate the LES-based changes for TC simulation (Chen et al.,2022 [36]) with additional improvements on MF working with Cu schemes Xiaomin Chen, 5/2/2022
local_name | standard_name | long_name | units | type | dimensions | kind | intent |
satmedmf | flag_for_scale_aware_tke_moist_edmf_pbl | flag for scale-aware TKE moist EDMF PBL scheme | flag | logical | () | in | |
isatmedmf | choice_of_scale_aware_tke_moist_edmf_pbl | choice of scale-aware TKE moist EDMF PBL scheme | none | integer | () | in | |
isatmedmf_vdifq | choice_of_updated_scale_aware_tke_moist_edmf_pbl | choice of updated scale-aware TKE moist EDMF PBL scheme | none | integer | () | in | |
errmsg | ccpp_error_message | error message for error handling in CCPP | none | character | () | len=* | out |
errflg | ccpp_error_code | error code for error handling in CCPP | 1 | integer | () | out |