subroutine mynnsfc_wrapper::mynnsfc_wrapper_run | ( | integer, intent(in) | im, |
integer, intent(in) | levs, | ||
integer, intent(in) | itimestep, | ||
integer, intent(in) | iter, | ||
logical, dimension(:), intent(in) | flag_iter, | ||
logical, intent(in) | flag_init, | ||
logical, intent(in) | flag_restart, | ||
integer, intent(in) | lsm, | ||
integer, intent(in) | lsm_ruc, | ||
real(kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(in) | sigmaf, | ||
integer, dimension(:), intent(in) | vegtype, | ||
real(kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(in) | shdmax, | ||
integer, intent(in) | ivegsrc, | ||
real(kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(in) | z0pert, | ||
real(kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(in) | ztpert, | ||
logical, intent(in) | redrag, | ||
integer, intent(in) | sfc_z0_type, | ||
integer, intent(in) | isftcflx, | ||
integer, intent(in) | iz0tlnd, | ||
logical, intent(in) | sfclay_compute_flux, | ||
logical, intent(in) | sfclay_compute_diag, | ||
real(kind_phys), intent(in) | delt, | ||
real(kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(in) | dx, | ||
real(kind_phys), dimension(:,:), intent(in) | u, | ||
real(kind_phys), dimension(:,:), intent(in) | v, | ||
real(kind_phys), dimension(:,:), intent(in) | t3d, | ||
real(kind_phys), dimension(:,:), intent(in) | qvsh, | ||
real(kind_phys), dimension(:,:), intent(in) | qc, | ||
real(kind_phys), dimension(:,:), intent(in) | prsl, | ||
real(kind_phys), dimension(:,:), intent(in) | phii, | ||
real(kind_phys), dimension(:,:), intent(in) | exner, | ||
real(kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(in) | ps, | ||
real(kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(in) | pblh, | ||
real(kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(in) | slmsk, | ||
logical, dimension(:), intent(in) | wet, | ||
logical, dimension(:), intent(in) | dry, | ||
logical, dimension(:), intent(in) | icy, | ||
real(kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(in) | tskin_wat, | ||
real(kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(in) | tskin_lnd, | ||
real(kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(in) | tskin_ice, | ||
real(kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(in) | tsurf_wat, | ||
real(kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(in) | tsurf_lnd, | ||
real(kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(in) | tsurf_ice, | ||
real(kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(inout) | qsfc_wat, | ||
real(kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(inout) | qsfc_lnd, | ||
real(kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(inout) | qsfc_ice, | ||
real(kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(in) | snowh_lnd, | ||
real(kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(in) | snowh_ice, | ||
real(kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(inout) | znt_wat, | ||
real(kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(inout) | znt_lnd, | ||
real(kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(inout) | znt_ice, | ||
real(kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(inout) | ust_wat, | ||
real(kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(inout) | ust_lnd, | ||
real(kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(inout) | ust_ice, | ||
real(kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(inout) | cm_wat, | ||
real(kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(inout) | cm_lnd, | ||
real(kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(inout) | cm_ice, | ||
real(kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(inout) | ch_wat, | ||
real(kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(inout) | ch_lnd, | ||
real(kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(inout) | ch_ice, | ||
real(kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(inout) | rb_wat, | ||
real(kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(inout) | rb_lnd, | ||
real(kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(inout) | rb_ice, | ||
real(kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(inout) | stress_wat, | ||
real(kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(inout) | stress_lnd, | ||
real(kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(inout) | stress_ice, | ||
real(kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(inout) | fm_wat, | ||
real(kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(inout) | fm_lnd, | ||
real(kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(inout) | fm_ice, | ||
real(kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(inout) | fh_wat, | ||
real(kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(inout) | fh_lnd, | ||
real(kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(inout) | fh_ice, | ||
real(kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(inout) | fm10_wat, | ||
real(kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(inout) | fm10_lnd, | ||
real(kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(inout) | fm10_ice, | ||
real(kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(inout) | fh2_wat, | ||
real(kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(inout) | fh2_lnd, | ||
real(kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(inout) | fh2_ice, | ||
real(kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(inout) | hflx_wat, | ||
real(kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(inout) | hflx_lnd, | ||
real(kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(inout) | hflx_ice, | ||
real(kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(inout) | qflx_wat, | ||
real(kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(inout) | qflx_lnd, | ||
real(kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(inout) | qflx_ice, | ||
real(kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(inout) | qsfc, | ||
real(kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(in), optional | qsfc_lnd_ruc, | ||
real(kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(in), optional | qsfc_ice_ruc, | ||
real(kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(inout), optional | ustm, | ||
real(kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(inout), optional | zol, | ||
real(kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(inout), optional | mol, | ||
real(kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(inout) | rmol, | ||
real(kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(inout) | wspd, | ||
real(kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(inout) | ch, | ||
real(kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(inout) | hflx, | ||
real(kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(inout) | qflx, | ||
real(kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(inout), optional | lh, | ||
real(kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(inout) | flhc, | ||
real(kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(inout) | flqc, | ||
real(kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(inout) | u10, | ||
real(kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(inout) | v10, | ||
real(kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(inout) | th2, | ||
real(kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(inout) | t2, | ||
real(kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(inout) | q2, | ||
real(kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(inout), optional | wstar, | ||
real(kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(inout), optional | chs2, | ||
real(kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(inout), optional | cqs2, | ||
real(kind_phys), dimension(:,:), intent(in), optional | spp_wts_sfc, | ||
integer, intent(in) | spp_sfc, | ||
logical, intent(in) | lprnt, | ||
character(len=*), intent(out) | errmsg, | ||
integer, intent(out) | errflg ) |
local_name | standard_name | long_name | units | type | dimensions | kind | intent |
im | horizontal_loop_extent | horizontal loop extent | count | integer | () | in | |
levs | vertical_layer_dimension | vertical layer dimension | count | integer | () | in | |
itimestep | index_of_timestep | current number of time steps | index | integer | () | in | |
iter | ccpp_loop_counter | loop counter for subcycling loops in CCPP | index | integer | () | in | |
flag_iter | flag_for_iteration | flag for iteration | flag | logical | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | in | |
flag_init | flag_for_first_timestep | flag signaling first time step for time integration loop | flag | logical | () | in | |
flag_restart | flag_for_restart | flag for restart (warmstart) or coldstart | flag | logical | () | in | |
lsm | control_for_land_surface_scheme | flag for land surface model | flag | integer | () | in | |
lsm_ruc | identifier_for_ruc_land_surface_scheme | flag for RUC land surface model | flag | integer | () | in | |
sigmaf | bounded_vegetation_area_fraction | areal fractional cover of green vegetation bounded on the bottom | frac | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | in |
vegtype | vegetation_type_classification | vegetation type at each grid cell | index | integer | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | in | |
shdmax | max_vegetation_area_fraction | max fractnl cover of green veg | frac | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | in |
ivegsrc | control_for_vegetation_dataset | land use dataset choice | index | integer | () | in | |
z0pert | perturbation_of_momentum_roughness_length | perturbation of momentum roughness length | frac | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | in |
ztpert | perturbation_of_heat_to_momentum_roughness_length_ratio | perturbation of heat to momentum roughness length ratio | frac | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | in |
redrag | flag_for_limited_surface_roughness_length_over_ocean | flag for reduced drag coefficient over sea | flag | logical | () | in | |
sfc_z0_type | flag_for_surface_roughness_option_over_water | surface roughness options over water | flag | integer | () | in | |
isftcflx | control_for_thermal_roughness_lengths_over_water | flag for thermal roughness lengths over water in mynnsfclay | 1 | integer | () | in | |
iz0tlnd | control_for_thermal_roughness_lengths_over_land | flag for thermal roughness lengths over land in mynnsfclay | 1 | integer | () | in | |
sfclay_compute_flux | do_compute_surface_scalar_fluxes | flag for computing surface scalar fluxes in mynnsfclay | flag | logical | () | in | |
sfclay_compute_diag | do_compute_surface_diagnostics | flag for computing surface diagnostics in mynnsfclay | flag | logical | () | in | |
delt | timestep_for_physics | time step for physics | s | real | () | kind_phys | in |
dx | characteristic_grid_lengthscale | size of the grid cell | m | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | in |
u | x_wind | x component of layer wind | m s-1 | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent, ccpp_constant_one:vertical_layer_dimension) | kind_phys | in |
v | y_wind | y component of layer wind | m s-1 | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent, ccpp_constant_one:vertical_layer_dimension) | kind_phys | in |
t3d | air_temperature | layer mean air temperature | K | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent, ccpp_constant_one:vertical_layer_dimension) | kind_phys | in |
qvsh | specific_humidity | water vapor specific humidity | kg kg-1 | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent, ccpp_constant_one:vertical_layer_dimension) | kind_phys | in |
qc | cloud_liquid_water_mixing_ratio | ratio of mass of cloud water to mass of dry air plus vapor (without condensates) | kg kg-1 | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent, ccpp_constant_one:vertical_layer_dimension) | kind_phys | in |
prsl | air_pressure | mean layer pressure | Pa | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent, ccpp_constant_one:vertical_layer_dimension) | kind_phys | in |
phii | geopotential_at_interface | geopotential at model layer interfaces | m2 s-2 | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent, ccpp_constant_one:vertical_interface_dimension) | kind_phys | in |
exner | dimensionless_exner_function | Exner function at layers | none | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent, ccpp_constant_one:vertical_layer_dimension) | kind_phys | in |
ps | surface_air_pressure | surface pressure | Pa | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | in |
PBLH | atmosphere_boundary_layer_thickness | PBL thickness | m | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | in |
slmsk | area_type | landmask: sea/land/ice=0/1/2 | flag | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | in |
wet | flag_nonzero_wet_surface_fraction | flag indicating presence of some ocean or lake surface area fraction | flag | logical | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | in | |
dry | flag_nonzero_land_surface_fraction | flag indicating presence of some land surface area fraction | flag | logical | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | in | |
icy | flag_nonzero_sea_ice_surface_fraction | flag indicating presence of some sea ice surface area fraction | flag | logical | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | in | |
tskin_wat | surface_skin_temperature_over_water | surface skin temperature over water | K | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | in |
tskin_lnd | surface_skin_temperature_over_land | surface skin temperature over land | K | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | in |
tskin_ice | surface_skin_temperature_over_ice | surface skin temperature over ice | K | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | in |
tsurf_wat | surface_skin_temperature_after_iteration_over_water | surface skin temperature after iteration over water | K | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | in |
tsurf_lnd | surface_skin_temperature_after_iteration_over_land | surface skin temperature after iteration over land | K | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | in |
tsurf_ice | surface_skin_temperature_after_iteration_over_ice | surface skin temperature after iteration over ice | K | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | in |
qsfc_wat | surface_specific_humidity_over_water | surface air saturation specific humidity over water | kg kg-1 | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
qsfc_lnd | surface_specific_humidity_over_land | surface air saturation specific humidity over land | kg kg-1 | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
qsfc_ice | surface_specific_humidity_over_ice | surface air saturation specific humidity over ice | kg kg-1 | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
snowh_lnd | surface_snow_thickness_water_equivalent_over_land | water equivalent snow depth over land | mm | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | in |
snowh_ice | surface_snow_thickness_water_equivalent_over_ice | water equivalent snow depth over ice | mm | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | in |
znt_wat | surface_roughness_length_over_water | surface roughness length over water (temporary use as interstitial) | cm | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
znt_lnd | surface_roughness_length_over_land | surface roughness length over land (temporary use as interstitial) | cm | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
znt_ice | surface_roughness_length_over_ice | surface roughness length over ice (temporary use as interstitial) | cm | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
ust_wat | surface_friction_velocity_over_water | surface friction velocity over water | m s-1 | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
ust_lnd | surface_friction_velocity_over_land | surface friction velocity over land | m s-1 | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
ust_ice | surface_friction_velocity_over_ice | surface friction velocity over ice | m s-1 | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
cm_wat | surface_drag_coefficient_for_momentum_in_air_over_water | surface exchange coeff for momentum over water | none | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
cm_lnd | surface_drag_coefficient_for_momentum_in_air_over_land | surface exchange coeff for momentum over land | none | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
cm_ice | surface_drag_coefficient_for_momentum_in_air_over_ice | surface exchange coeff for momentum over ice | none | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
ch_wat | surface_drag_coefficient_for_heat_and_moisture_in_air_over_water | surface exchange coeff heat surface exchange coeff heat & moisture over ocean moisture over water | none | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
ch_lnd | surface_drag_coefficient_for_heat_and_moisture_in_air_over_land | surface exchange coeff heat & moisture over land | none | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
ch_ice | surface_drag_coefficient_for_heat_and_moisture_in_air_over_ice | surface exchange coeff heat & moisture over ice | none | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
rb_wat | bulk_richardson_number_at_lowest_model_level_over_water | bulk Richardson number at the surface over water | none | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
rb_lnd | bulk_richardson_number_at_lowest_model_level_over_land | bulk Richardson number at the surface over land | none | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
rb_ice | bulk_richardson_number_at_lowest_model_level_over_ice | bulk Richardson number at the surface over ice | none | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
stress_wat | surface_wind_stress_over_water | surface wind stress over water | m2 s-2 | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
stress_lnd | surface_wind_stress_over_land | surface wind stress over land | m2 s-2 | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
stress_ice | surface_wind_stress_over_ice | surface wind stress over ice | m2 s-2 | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
fm_wat | monin_obukhov_similarity_function_for_momentum_over_water | Monin-Obukhov similarity function for momentum over water | none | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
fm_lnd | monin_obukhov_similarity_function_for_momentum_over_land | Monin-Obukhov similarity function for momentum over land | none | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
fm_ice | monin_obukhov_similarity_function_for_momentum_over_ice | Monin-Obukhov similarity function for momentum over ice | none | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
fh_wat | monin_obukhov_similarity_function_for_heat_over_water | Monin-Obukhov similarity function for heat over water | none | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
fh_lnd | monin_obukhov_similarity_function_for_heat_over_land | Monin-Obukhov similarity function for heat over land | none | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
fh_ice | monin_obukhov_similarity_function_for_heat_over_ice | Monin-Obukhov similarity function for heat over ice | none | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
fm10_wat | monin_obukhov_similarity_function_for_momentum_at_10m_over_water | Monin-Obukhov similarity parameter for momentum at 10m over water | none | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
fm10_lnd | monin_obukhov_similarity_function_for_momentum_at_10m_over_land | Monin-Obukhov similarity parameter for momentum at 10m over land | none | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
fm10_ice | monin_obukhov_similarity_function_for_momentum_at_10m_over_ice | Monin-Obukhov similarity parameter for momentum at 10m over ice | none | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
fh2_wat | monin_obukhov_similarity_function_for_heat_at_2m_over_water | Monin-Obukhov similarity parameter for heat at 2m over water | none | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
fh2_lnd | monin_obukhov_similarity_function_for_heat_at_2m_over_land | Monin-Obukhov similarity parameter for heat at 2m over land | none | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
fh2_ice | monin_obukhov_similarity_function_for_heat_at_2m_over_ice | Monin-Obukhov similarity parameter for heat at 2m over ice | none | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
hflx_wat | kinematic_surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux_over_water | kinematic surface upward sensible heat flux over water | K m s-1 | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
hflx_lnd | kinematic_surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux_over_land | kinematic surface upward sensible heat flux over land | K m s-1 | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
hflx_ice | kinematic_surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux_over_ice | kinematic surface upward sensible heat flux over ice | K m s-1 | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
qflx_wat | kinematic_surface_upward_latent_heat_flux_over_water | kinematic surface upward latent heat flux over water | kg kg-1 m s-1 | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
qflx_lnd | kinematic_surface_upward_latent_heat_flux_over_land | kinematic surface upward latent heat flux over land | kg kg-1 m s-1 | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
qflx_ice | kinematic_surface_upward_latent_heat_flux_over_ice | kinematic surface upward latent heat flux over ice | kg kg-1 m s-1 | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
qsfc | surface_specific_humidity | surface air saturation specific humidity | kg kg-1 | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
qsfc_lnd_ruc | water_vapor_mixing_ratio_at_surface_over_land | water vapor mixing ratio at surface over land | kg kg-1 | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | in |
qsfc_ice_ruc | water_vapor_mixing_ratio_at_surface_over_ice | water vapor mixing ratio at surface over ice | kg kg-1 | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | in |
ustm | surface_friction_velocity_for_momentum | friction velocity isolated for momentum only | m s-1 | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
zol | ratio_of_height_to_monin_obukhov_length | monin obukhov surface stability parameter | none | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
mol | surface_temperature_scale | temperature flux divided by ustar (temperature scale) | K | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
rmol | reciprocal_of_obukhov_length | one over obukhov length | m-1 | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
wspd | wind_speed_at_lowest_model_layer | wind speed at lowest model level | m s-1 | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
ch | surface_drag_wind_speed_for_momentum_in_air | momentum exchange coefficient | m s-1 | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
hflx | surface_upward_temperature_flux | kinematic surface upward sensible heat flux | K m s-1 | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
qflx | surface_upward_specific_humidity_flux | kinematic surface upward latent heat flux | kg kg-1 m s-1 | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
lh | surface_upward_latent_heat_flux | latent heating at the surface (pos = up) | W m-2 | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
flhc | surface_exchange_coefficient_for_heat | surface exchange coefficient for heat | W m-2 K-1 | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
flqc | surface_exchange_coefficient_for_moisture | surface exchange coefficient for moisture | kg m-2 s-1 | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
u10 | x_wind_at_10m | 10 meter u wind speed | m s-1 | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
v10 | y_wind_at_10m | 10 meter v wind speed | m s-1 | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
th2 | air_potential_temperature_at_2m | 2 meter potential temperature | K | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
t2 | air_temperature_at_2m | 2 meter temperature | K | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
q2 | specific_humidity_at_2m | 2 meter specific humidity | kg kg-1 | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
wstar | enhancement_to_wind_speed_at_surface_adjacent_layer_due_to_convection | surface wind enhancement due to convection | m s-1 | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
chs2 | surface_exchange_coefficient_for_heat_at_2m | exchange coefficient for heat at 2 meters | m s-1 | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
cqs2 | surface_exchange_coefficient_for_moisture_at_2m | exchange coefficient for moisture at 2 meters | m s-1 | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
spp_wts_sfc | spp_weights_for_surface_layer_scheme | spp weights for surface layer scheme | 1 | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent, ccpp_constant_one:vertical_layer_dimension) | kind_phys | in |
spp_sfc | control_for_surface_layer_spp_perturbations | control for surface layer spp perturbations | count | integer | () | in | |
lprnt | flag_print | control flag for diagnostic print out | flag | logical | () | in | |
errmsg | ccpp_error_message | error message for error handling in CCPP | none | character | () | len=* | out |
errflg | ccpp_error_code | error code for error handling in CCPP | 1 | integer | () | out |
Definition at line 55 of file mynnsfc_wrapper.F90.
References module_sf_mynn::sfclay_mynn().