local_name | standard_name | long_name | units | type | dimensions | kind | intent |
im | horizontal_loop_extent | horizontal loop extents | count | integer | () | | in |
levr | adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation | adjusted number of vertical layers for radiation | count | integer | () | | in |
levs | vertical_layer_dimension | number of vertical levels | count | integer | () | | in |
ltp | extra_top_layer | extra top layers | count | integer | () | | in |
nday | daytime_points_dimension | daytime points dimension | count | integer | () | | in |
lm | vertical_dimension_for_radiation | number of vertical layers for radiation calculation | count | integer | () | | in |
kd | vertical_index_difference_between_inout_and_local | vertical index difference between in/out and local | index | integer | () | | in |
lsswr | flag_for_calling_shortwave_radiation | logical flags for sw radiation calls | flag | logical | () | | in |
swhtr | flag_for_output_of_tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_shortwave_heating_on_radiation_timestep_assuming_clear_sky | flag to output sw heating rate (Radtend%swhc) | flag | logical | () | | in |
sfcalb1 | surface_albedo_due_to_near_ir_direct | surface albedo due to near IR direct beam | frac | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | in |
sfcalb2 | surface_albedo_due_to_near_ir_diffused | surface albedo due to near IR diffused beam | frac | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | in |
sfcalb3 | surface_albedo_due_to_uv_and_vis_direct | surface albedo due to UV+VIS direct beam | frac | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | in |
sfcalb4 | surface_albedo_due_to_uv_and_vis_diffused | surface albedo due to UV+VIS diffused beam | frac | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | in |
htswc | tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_shortwave_heating_on_radiation_time_step_and_radiation_levels | total sky heating rate due to shortwave radiation | K s-1 | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent, ccpp_constant_one:adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation) | kind_phys | in |
htsw0 | tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_shortwave_heating_assuming_clear_sky_on_radiation_time_step_and_radiation_levels | clear sky heating rates due to shortwave radiation | K s-1 | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent, ccpp_constant_one:adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation) | kind_phys | in |
nirbmdi | surface_downwelling_direct_nir_shortwave_flux_on_radiation_timestep | sfc nir beam sw downward flux | W m-2 | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
nirdfdi | surface_downwelling_diffuse_nir_shortwave_flux_on_radiation_timestep | sfc nir diff sw downward flux | W m-2 | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
visbmdi | surface_downwelling_direct_uv_and_vis_shortwave_flux_on_radiation_timestep | sfc uv+vis beam sw downward flux | W m-2 | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
visdfdi | surface_downwelling_diffuse_uv_and_vis_shortwave_flux_on_radiation_timestep | sfc uv+vis diff sw downward flux | W m-2 | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
nirbmui | surface_upwelling_direct_nir_shortwave_flux_on_radiation_timestep | sfc nir beam sw upward flux | W m-2 | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
nirdfui | surface_upwelling_diffuse_nir_shortwave_flux_on_radiation_timestep | sfc nir diff sw upward flux | W m-2 | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
visbmui | surface_upwelling_direct_uv_and_vis_shortwave_flux_on_radiation_timestep | sfc uv+vis beam sw upward flux | W m-2 | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
visdfui | surface_upwelling_diffuse_uv_and_vis_shortwave_flux_on_radiation_timestep | sfc uv+vis diff sw upward flux | W m-2 | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
sfcdsw | surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_on_radiation_timestep | total sky sfc downward sw flux | W m-2 | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
sfcnsw | surface_net_downwelling_shortwave_flux_on_radiation_timestep | total sky sfc netsw flx into ground | W m-2 | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | kind_phys | inout |
htrsw | tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_shortwave_heating_on_radiation_timestep | total sky sw heating rate | K s-1 | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent, ccpp_constant_one:vertical_layer_dimension) | kind_phys | inout |
swhc | tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_shortwave_heating_assuming_clear_sky_on_radiation_timestep | clear sky sw heating rates | K s-1 | real | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent, ccpp_constant_one:vertical_layer_dimension) | kind_phys | inout |
scmpsw | components_of_surface_downward_shortwave_fluxes | derived type for special components of surface downward shortwave fluxes | W m-2 | cmpfsw_type | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | cmpfsw_type | inout |
sfcfsw | surface_sw_fluxes_assuming_total_and_clear_sky_on_radiation_timestep | sw radiation fluxes at sfc | W m-2 | sfcfsw_type | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | sfcfsw_type | inout |
topfsw | sw_fluxes_top_atmosphere | sw radiation fluxes at toa | W m-2 | topfsw_type | (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent) | topfsw_type | inout |
errmsg | ccpp_error_message | error message for error handling in CCPP | none | character | () | len=* | out |
errflg | ccpp_error_code | error code for error handling in CCPP | 1 | integer | () | | out |