CCPP SciDoc v7.0.0  v7.0.0
Common Community Physics Package Developed at DTC
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5!!!!! ========================================================== !!!!!
6!!!!! module "module_iounitdef description !!!!!
7!!!!! ========================================================== !!!!!
8! !
9! this module defines fortran unit numbers for input/output data !
10! files for the ncep gfs model. !
11! !
12! name type description unit no. !
13! --------------------------------------------------------------- !
14! NISIGI - input, sigma file 1 11 !
15! NISIGI2 - input, sigma file 2 12 !
16! NISFCI - input, surface initial data 14 !
17! !
18! NIMTNVR - input, montain variance file 24 !
19! NIDTBTH - input, equivalent potential temperature file 27 !
20! NICO2TR - input, co2 transm table for gfdl-lw only 15 !
21! NICO2CN - input, monthly/yearly 2-d co2 data (shared) 102 !
22! NIO3PRD - input, ozone production climatology 28 !
23! NIO3LOS - input, ozone destruction climatology 29 !
24! NIO3CLM - input, ozone climatology distribution 48 !
25! NINAMSF - input, namelist for surface file 35 !
26! NISFCYC - input, surface cycle files 101 !
27! NIRADSF - input, radiation surface data files (shared) 102 !
28! NICLTUN - input, cloud tuning table 43 !
29! NIMICPH - input, micro physics data file 1 !
30! NIAERCM - input, aerosols climatology (shared) 102 !
31! !
32! NOSIGR1 - output, first time level sigma restart file 51 !
33! NOSIGR2 - output, second time level sigma restart file 52 !
34! NOSFCR - output, surface restart file 53 !
35! NOSIGF - output, sigma file for post process 61 !
36! NOSFCF - output, surface file for post process 62 !
37! NOFLXF - output, flux file for post process 63 !
38! NOD3DF - output, 3-d file for post process 64 !
39! NOAERF - output, 2-d file for post process 65 !
40!hchuang code change [+1L]
41! NOG3DF - output, 3-d file for GFS-GOCART specific 69 !
42! NOLOGF - output, log file 99 !
43! !
44! NIOFRAD - in/out, temperary radiation data file (shared) 16 !
45! !
46!!!!! ========================================================== !!!!!
47!!!!! end descriptions !!!!!
48!!!!! ========================================================== !!!!!
56 implicit none
58 public
60! --- ... input units
62 integer, parameter :: nisigi = 11
63 integer, parameter :: nisigi2 = 12
64 integer, parameter :: nisfci = 14
65 integer, parameter :: nico2tr = 15
66 integer, parameter :: nico2cn = 112 ! CCE (Cray) forbids 100-102 20211112 JM
67 integer, parameter :: nimtnvr = 24
68 integer, parameter :: nidtbth = 27
69 integer, parameter :: nio3prd = 28
70 integer, parameter :: nio3los = 29
71 integer, parameter :: ninamsf = 35
72 integer, parameter :: nicltun = 43
73 integer, parameter :: nio3clm = 48
74 integer, parameter :: nimicph = 1
75 integer, parameter :: nisfcyc = 111 ! CCE (Cray) forbids 100-102 20210701 JM
76 integer, parameter :: niaercm = 112 ! CCE (Cray) forbids 100-102 20210701 JM
77 integer, parameter :: niradsf = 112 ! CCE (Cray) forbids 100-102 20210701 JM
79! --- ... output units
81 integer, parameter :: nosigr1 = 51
82 integer, parameter :: nosigr2 = 52
83 integer, parameter :: nosfcr = 53
84 integer, parameter :: nosigf = 61
85 integer, parameter :: nosfcf = 62
86 integer, parameter :: noflxf = 63
87 integer, parameter :: nod3df = 64
88 integer, parameter :: noaerf = 65 ! for g2d_fld
89!hchuang code change [+1L]
90 integer, parameter :: nog3df = 69
91 integer, parameter :: nologf = 99
93! --- ... in/out units
95 integer, parameter :: niofrad = 16
99 end module module_iounitdef !
this module defines fortran unit numbers for input/output data files for the ncep gfs model.
Definition iounitdef.f:53