CCPP SciDoc v7.0.0  v7.0.0
Common Community Physics Package Developed at DTC
No Matches
11! history:
12! 20210305: X.Li, reduce z_w_max from 30 m to 20 m
14 use machine, only : kind_phys
15 !
16 ! air constants and coefficients from the atmospehric model
17 use physcons, only: &
18 eps => con_eps & !< con_rd/con_rv (nd)
19 ,cp_a => con_cp &
20 ,epsm1 => con_epsm1 &
21 ,hvap => con_hvap &
22 ,sigma_r => con_sbc &
23 ,grav => con_g &
24 ,omega => con_omega &
25 ,rvrdm1 => con_fvirt &
26 ,rd => con_rd &
27 ,rocp => con_rocp &
28 ,pi => con_pi
30 implicit none
32 private
34 public :: sigma_r
35 public :: zero, one, half
36 public :: niter_conv, niter_z_w, niter_sfs
37 public :: z_w_max, z_w_min, z_w_ini, z_c_max, z_c_ini, eps_z_w, eps_conv, eps_sfs
38 public :: ri_c, ri_g, omg_m, omg_sh, tc_w, visw, cp_w, t0k, ustar_a_min, delz, exp_const
39 public :: rad2deg, const_rot, tw_max, sst_max, solar_time_6am, tau_min, wd_max
41 real(kind_phys), parameter :: zero = 0.0_kind_phys, one = 1.0_kind_phys, half = 0.5_kind_phys
42 !
43 ! note: take timestep from here later
44 integer :: &
45 niter_conv = 5, &
46 niter_z_w = 5, &
47 niter_sfs = 5
48 !
49 ! general constants
50 real (kind=kind_phys), parameter :: &
51 sec_in_day = 86400. &
52 ,sec_in_hour = 3600. &
53 ,solar_time_6am = 21600.0 &
54 ,const_rot = 0.000073 &
55 ,ri_c = 0.65 &
56 ,ri_g = 0.25 &
57 ,eps_z_w = 0.01 &
58 ,eps_conv = 0.01 &
59 ,eps_sfs = 0.01 &
60 ,z_w_max = 20.0 &
61 ,z_w_min = 0.2 &
62 ,z_w_ini = 0.2 &
63 ,z_c_max = 0.01 &
64 ,z_c_ini = 0.001 &
65 ,ustar_a_min = 0.031 &
66 ,tau_min = 0.005 &
67 ,exp_const = 9.5 &
68 ,delz = 0.1 &
69 ,von = 0.4 &
70 ,t0k = 273.16 &
71 ,gray = 0.97 &
72 ,sst_max = 308.16 &
73 ,tw_max = 5.0 &
74 ,wd_max = 2.0 &
75 ,omg_m = 1.0 &
76 ,omg_rot = 1.0 &
77 ,omg_sh = 1.0 &
78 ,visw = 1.e-6 &
79 ,novalue = 0 &
80 ,smallnumber = 1.e-6 &
81 ,timestep_oc = sec_in_day/8. &
82 ,radian = 2.*pi/180. &
83 ,rad2deg = 180./pi &
84 ,cp_w = 4000. &
85 ,rho0_w = 1022.0 &
86 ,vis_w = 1.e-6 &
87 ,tc_w = 0.6 &
88 ,capa_w = 3950.0 &
89 ,thref = 1.0e-3
93!!$ ,lvapor=2.453e6 & ! latent heat of vaporization note: make it function of t ????? note the same as hvap
94!!$ ,alpha=1 ! thermal expansion coefficient
95!!$ ,beta ! saline contraction coefficient
96!!$ ,cp=1 !=1 specific heat of sea water
97!!$ ,g=1 ! acceleration due to gravity
98!!$ ,kw=1 ! thermal conductivity of water
99!!$ ,nu=1 !kinematic wiscosity
100!!$ ,rho_w=1 !water density
101!!$ ,rho_a=1 !air density
102!!$ ,l_vapr=2.453e6
103!!$ ,novalue=--1.0e+10
105!!$c factors
106!!$ beta=1.2 !given as 1.25 in fairall et al.(1996)
107!!$ von=0.4 ! von karman's "constant"
108!!$c fdg=1.00 ! fairall's lkb rr to von karman adjustment
109!!$ fdg=1.00 !based on results from flux workshop august 1995
110!!$ tok=273.16 ! celsius to kelvin
111!!$ twopi=3.14159*2.
113!!$c air constants and coefficients
114!!$ rgas=287.1 !j/kg/k gas const. dry air
115!!$ xlv=(2.501-0.00237*ts)*1e+6 !j/kg latent heat of vaporization at ts
116!!$ cpa=1004.67 !j/kg/k specific heat of dry air (businger 1982)
117!!$ cpv=cpa*(1+0.84*q) !moist air - currently not used (businger 1982)
118!!$ rhoa=p*100./(rgas*(t+tok)*(1.+.61*q)) !kg/m3 moist air density ( " )
119!!$ visa=1.326e-5*(1+6.542e-3*t+8.301e-6*t*t-4.84e-9*t*t*t) !m2/s
120!!$ !kinematic viscosity of dry air - andreas (1989) crrel rep. 89-11
122!!$c cool skin constants
123!!$ al=2.1e-5*(ts+3.2)**0.79 !water thermal expansion coefft.
124!!$ be=0.026 !salinity expansion coefft.
125!!$ cpw=4000. !j/kg/k specific heat water
126!!$ rhow=1022. !kg/m3 density water
127!!$ visw=1.e-6 !m2/s kinematic viscosity water
128!!$ tcw=0.6 !w/m/k thermal conductivity water
129!!$ bigc=16.*grav*cpw*(rhow*visw)**3/(tcw*tcw*rhoa*rhoa)
130!!$ wetc=0.622*xlv*qs/(rgas*(ts+tok)**2) !correction for dq;slope of sat. vap.
133!!$! functions
136!!$ real, parameter :: timestep=86400. !integration time step, second
138!!$ real, parameter :: grav =9.81 !gravity, kg/m/s^2
139!!$ real, parameter :: capa =3950.0 !heat capacity of sea water
140!!$ real, parameter :: rhoref = 1024.438 !sea water reference density, kg/m^3
141!!$ real , parameter :: hslab=50.0 !slab ocean depth
142!!$ real , parameter :: bad=-1.0e+10
143!!$ real , parameter :: tmin=2.68e+02
144!!$ real , parameter :: tmax=3.11e+02
146!!$ real, parameter :: grav =9.81 !gravity, kg/m/s^2
147!!$ real, parameter :: capa =3950.0 !heat capacity of sea water
148!!$ real, parameter :: rhoref = 1024.438 !sea water reference density, kg/m^3
149!!$ real, parameter :: tmin=2.68e+02 !normal minimal temp
150!!$ real, parameter :: tmax=3.11e+02 !normal max temp
151!!$ real, parameter :: smin=1.0 !normal minimal salt
152!!$ real, parameter :: smax=50. !normal maximum salt
153!!$ real, parameter :: visct=1.e-5 !viscocity for temperature diffusion
154!!$ real, parameter :: viscs=1.e-5 !viscocity for salt diffusion
157end module module_nst_parameters
This module contains constants and parameters used in GFS near surface sea temperature scheme.