CCPP SciDoc v7.0.0  v7.0.0
Common Community Physics Package Developed at DTC
No Matches

◆ frictionvelocity()

subroutine clm_lake::frictionvelocity ( integer, dimension(1), intent(in) pgridcell,
real(kind_lake), dimension(1), intent(in) forc_hgt,
real(kind_lake), dimension(1), intent(in) forc_hgt_u,
real(kind_lake), dimension(1), intent(in) forc_hgt_t,
real(kind_lake), dimension(1), intent(in) forc_hgt_q,
integer, intent(in) lbp,
integer, intent(in) ubp,
integer, intent(in) fn,
integer, dimension(fn), intent(in) filterp,
real(kind_lake), dimension(lbp:ubp), intent(in) displa,
real(kind_lake), dimension(lbp:ubp), intent(in) z0m,
real(kind_lake), dimension(lbp:ubp), intent(in) z0h,
real(kind_lake), dimension(lbp:ubp), intent(in) z0q,
real(kind_lake), dimension(lbp:ubp), intent(in) obu,
integer, intent(in) iter,
real(kind_lake), dimension(lbp:ubp), intent(in) ur,
real(kind_lake), dimension(lbp:ubp), intent(in) um,
real(kind_lake), dimension(lbp:ubp), intent(out) ustar,
real(kind_lake), dimension(lbp:ubp), intent(out) temp1,
real(kind_lake), dimension(lbp:ubp), intent(out) temp2,
real(kind_lake), dimension(lbp:ubp), intent(out) temp12m,
real(kind_lake), dimension(lbp:ubp), intent(out) temp22m,
real(kind_lake), dimension(1), intent(out) u10,
real(kind_lake), dimension(1), intent(out) fv,
real(kind_lake), dimension(lbp:ubp), intent(inout) fm )
[in]pgridcellpft's gridcell index
[in]forc_hgtatmospheric reference height (m)
[in]forc_hgt_uobservational height of wind [m]
[in]forc_hgt_tobservational height of temperature [m]
[in]forc_hgt_qobservational height of humidity [m]
[in]ubppft array bounds
[in]fnnumber of filtered pft elements
[in]filterppft filter
[in]displadisplacement height (m)
[in]z0mroughness length over vegetation, momentum [m]
[in]z0hroughness length over vegetation, sensible heat [m]
[in]z0qroughness length over vegetation, latent heat [m]
[in]obumonin-obukhov length (m)
[in]iteriteration number
[in]urwind speed at reference height [m/s]
[in]umwind speed including the stablity effect [m/s]
[out]ustarfriction velocity [m/s]
[out]temp1relation for potential temperature profile
[out]temp12mrelation for potential temperature profile applied at 2-m
[out]temp2relation for specific humidity profile
[out]temp22mrelation for specific humidity profile applied at 2-m
[out]u1010-m wind (m/s) (for dust model)
[out]fvfriction velocity (m/s) (for dust model)
[in,out]fmneeded for DGVM only to diagnose 10m wind

Definition at line 4823 of file clm_lake.f90.