CCPP SciDoc v7.0.0  v7.0.0
Common Community Physics Package Developed at DTC
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◆ shallaketemperature()

subroutine clm_lake::shallaketemperature ( real(kind_lake), dimension(1), intent(in) t_grnd,
real(kind_lake), dimension(1), intent(inout) h2osno,
real(kind_lake), dimension(1), intent(in) sabg,
real(kind_lake), dimension(1,-nlevsnow + 1:nlevsoil), intent(in) dz,
real(kind_lake), dimension(1,nlevlake), intent(in) dz_lake,
real(kind_lake), dimension(1,-nlevsnow+1:nlevsoil), intent(in) z,
real(kind_lake), dimension(1,-nlevsnow+0:nlevsoil), intent(in) zi,
real(kind_lake), dimension(1,nlevlake), intent(in) z_lake,
real(kind_lake), dimension(1), intent(in) ws,
real(kind_lake), dimension(1), intent(in) ks,
integer, dimension(1), intent(in) snl,
real(kind_lake), dimension(1), intent(inout) eflx_gnet,
real(kind_lake), dimension(1), intent(in) lakedepth,
real(kind_lake), dimension(1,nlevlake), intent(inout) lake_icefrac,
real(kind_lake), dimension(1), intent(inout) snowdp,
real(kind_lake), dimension(1), intent(out) eflx_sh_grnd,
real(kind_lake), dimension(1), intent(out) eflx_sh_tot,
real(kind_lake), dimension(1), intent(out) eflx_soil_grnd,
real(kind_lake), dimension(1,nlevlake), intent(inout) t_lake,
real(kind_lake), dimension(1,-nlevsnow+1:nlevsoil), intent(inout) t_soisno,
real(kind_lake), dimension(1,-nlevsnow+1:nlevsoil), intent(inout) h2osoi_liq,
real(kind_lake), dimension(1,-nlevsnow+1:nlevsoil), intent(inout) h2osoi_ice,
real(kind_lake), dimension(1), intent(out) savedtke1,
real(kind_lake), dimension(1,nlevsoil), intent(in) watsat,
real(kind_lake), dimension(1,nlevsoil), intent(in) tksatu,
real(kind_lake), dimension(1,nlevsoil), intent(in) tkmg,
real(kind_lake), dimension(1,nlevsoil), intent(in) tkdry,
real(kind_lake), dimension(1,nlevsoil), intent(in) csol,
real(kind_lake), intent(in) dtime,
real(kind_lake), dimension(1,-nlevsnow+1:nlevsoil), intent(out) frac_iceold,
real(kind_lake), dimension(1), intent(out) qflx_snomelt,
integer, dimension(1,-nlevsnow+1:nlevsoil), intent(out) imelt,
character(*), intent(inout) errmsg,
integer, intent(inout) errflg,
real(kind_lake), intent(in) xlat_d,
real(kind_lake), intent(in) xlon_d )
[in]xlat_dlatitude (degrees)
[in]xlon_dlongitude (degrees)
[in]watsatvolumetric soil water at saturation (porosity)
[in]tksatuthermal conductivity, saturated soil [W/m-K]
[in]tkmgthermal conductivity, soil minerals [W/m-K]
[in]tkdrythermal conductivity, dry soil (W/m/Kelvin)
[in]csolheat capacity, soil solids (J/m**3/Kelvin)
[in]t_grndground temperature (Kelvin)
[in,out]h2osnosnow water (mm H2O)
[in]sabgsolar radiation absorbed by ground (W/m**2)
[in]dzlayer thickness for snow & soil (m)
[in]dz_lakelayer thickness for lake (m)
[in]zlayer depth for snow & soil (m)
[in]ziinterface level below a "z" level (m) the other z and dz variables
[in]z_lakelayer depth for lake (m)
[in]wssurface friction velocity (m/s)
[in]kscoefficient passed to ShalLakeTemperature for calculation of decay of eddy diffusivity with depth
[in]snlnegative of number of snow layers
[in,out]eflx_gnetnet heat flux into ground (W/m**2) at the surface interface
[in]lakedepthcolumn lake depth (m)
[in,out]snowdpsnow height (m)
[out]eflx_sh_grndsensible heat flux from ground (W/m**2) [+ to atm]
[out]eflx_sh_tottotal sensible heat flux (W/m**2) [+ to atm]
[out]eflx_soil_grndheat flux into snow / lake (W/m**2) [+ = into soil] Here this includes the whole lake radiation absorbed.
[in,out]t_lakelake temperature (Kelvin)
[in,out]t_soisnosoil (or snow) temperature (Kelvin)
[in,out]h2osoi_liqliquid water (kg/m2) [for snow & soil layers]
[in,out]h2osoi_iceice lens (kg/m2) [for snow & soil layers]
[in,out]lake_icefracmass fraction of lake layer that is frozen
[out]savedtke1top level thermal conductivity (W/mK)
[out]frac_iceoldfraction of ice relative to the tot water
[out]qflx_snomeltsnow melt (mm H2O /s)
[out]imeltflag for melting (=1), freezing (=2), Not=0 (new)

Definition at line 1598 of file clm_lake.f90.