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CCPP SciDoc v7.0.0  v7.0.0
Common Community Physics Package Developed at DTC
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◆ rrtmgp_lw_main_init()

subroutine, public rrtmgp_lw_main::rrtmgp_lw_main_init ( character(len=128), intent(in) rrtmgp_root_dir,
character(len=128), intent(in) rrtmgp_lw_file_gas,
character(len=128), intent(in) rrtmgp_lw_file_clouds,
character(len=*), dimension(:), intent(in), optional active_gases_array,
logical, intent(in) dogp_cldoptics_pade,
logical, intent(in) dogp_cldoptics_lut,
logical, intent(in) dogp_sgs_pbl,
logical, intent(in) dogp_sgs_cnv,
integer, intent(inout) nrghice,
type(mpi_comm), intent(in) mpicomm,
integer, intent(in) mpirank,
integer, intent(in) mpiroot,
integer, intent(in) nlay,
integer, intent(in) rrtmgp_phys_blksz,
character(len=*), intent(out) errmsg,
integer, intent(out) errflg )

Argument Table

[in] rrtmgp_lw_file_gas RRTMGP file containing coefficients used to compute

[in]rrtmgp_lw_file_gasgaseous optical properties
[in]active_gases_arrayList of active gases from namelist as array)
[in]dogp_sgs_cnvFlag to include sgs convective clouds
[in,out]nrghiceNumber of ice-roughness categories
[in]mpicommMPI communicator
[out]errmsgCCPP error message
[out]errflgCCPP error code
rrtmgp_root_dirRTE-RRTMGP root directory
rrtmgp_lw_file_cloudsRRTMGP file containing coefficients used to compute
dogp_cldoptics_padeUse RRTMGP cloud-optics: PADE approximation?
dogp_cldoptics_lutUse RRTMGP cloud-optics: LUTs?
dogp_sgs_pblFlag to include sgs PBL clouds
mpirankCurrent MPI rank
mpirootMaster MPI rank
rrtmgp_phys_blkszNumber of horizontal points to process at once.

Definition at line 32 of file rrtmgp_lw_main.F90.