WRFv3.4.1 ARW PS:


The WRFv3.4.1 ARW PS: configuration is based on the ARW High-Resolution Window (HIRESW) forecast system physics suite run operationally at the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) physics suite and was evaluated by the Developmental Testbed Center (DTC) during the fall of 2012. These runs were cold start cases initialized every 36 hours and run out to 48 hours for one full year. A 15-km North American/5-km contiguous United States CONUS 2-way nested (feedback=1) domain was employed for this test. The domains were positioned to minimize effects of lateral boundary condition propagation as well as covering the CONUS region in order to capture complex terrain, plains and coastal regions.

*All results presented here have been rerun with the PB2NC bug fix*