DET | Community Input

To truly act as a bridge between research and operations, it will also be important to define a process for adding promising new developments from the research community as options to the appropriate component of this ensemble system, including a mechanism that allows the community to provide input. Hence, the DTC engaged the WRF ensemble modeling working group (EMWG), which includes representatives with ensemble expertise from both the research and operational communities, and will provide valuable guidance and advices on the development and operation of DET.

In addition, the DTC plans to host a technical workshop (or meeting) on mesoscale probabilistic prediction. This workshop will provide a forum for the community to discuss what testing the DET should undertake that would provide the most useful information to the research and operational components of the NWP community.

First DET Workshop:
18-20 August 2010
Location: NCAR's Foothills Lab, Boulder
EMWG was in attendance and provide feedback to DET at the end of the workshop